
Who's ready for some underwater lovecraftian capekino?

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Just to be 100% clear here, capeshit autists have been spamming this word for literal years because the director of Aquaman posted a couplet written by Lovecraft about the ocean on twitter.

Why is her suit so plastic looking? Why does it have hexagons like a snake?

It seems like Wan might have dropped the Horror angle in the movie since it was originally announced

please stop

There never was a horror angle.

>James Wan
>Jason Momoa
>Amber Heard

kek, shit incoming

>its a thinly veiled Succubus episodethread

>James Wan
kek whatever

Oh shit, he knows, shut it down

not anymore.

Is there any concept art yet?

there never was moron. he said the ocean can be a scary place yes and there may be some of that

is she going to succubus momoa too?

posting superior

he likes qt black waifus, so probably no

Wan said it's going to be a high seas adventure movie. I'm hyped.

She makes me feel weird!

There was some concept art shown at some con a few months ago, sounded cool. Probably get a teaser at Comic Con.

>The mockups that Wan showed were arresting. They included drawings of an elaborate dogfight pitting warriors riding sharks and octopus-like creatures. There were also deep sea dragons, glittering palaces, and an image of Aquaman, trident in hand, riding a hammerhead shark.

Lovecraft sucks anyway

"and then everyone was so terrified that they started puking, I hope the reader is feeling terrified too, let me describe more people being scared just incase"

yeah i guess they changed it to be more a straightforward superhero movie. too bad

to be replaced with fish-out-of-water humor, I bet.

this looks more regal but unless I'm mistaken the Aquaman movie is going to be telling a story before she's queen.

I like them both.

He's not a fish out of water, he travels to land a lot, his father is human. The whole movie is about getting him to come home to Atlantis to claim his throne since he's an outcast halfbreed.

Good to see this place is as fucking humorless and devoid of happiness as everyone says it is.

Cool, go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of then. Faggot.
Don't you dare fucking respond to me ever again.


its after justice league you dolt. not a prequel

Unironically the hottest actress ever.

nah, James Wan is a decent director. I wouldnt call him a moron

amber pls ruin my life ;_;

tell us more moron.

>amber heard

definition of beautiful on the outside and hideous on the inside.

you mean cringekino?

if that's what you think lovecraft is you are a retard

It's sad he'll ignore all that prudent advice.


She's probably fucking Mamoa on the set while Elon Cuck pays for it all.

>implying Momoa isn't perfectly adequate for capeshit

He cannot act, so may be you right.
After all he already done the maximal possible damage by his "acting".

>Watch out so you won´t get Johnny Depped

WB is paying for it all.

>those comments

>He cannot act
Who can that's playing a major character in comic book movies? Evans sucks, Hemsworth sucks, Renner sucks, ScarJo sucks, Ruffalo is good but he hardly does anything since Hulk is CGI and doesn't talk, RDJ is the best in the MCU, but he's gotten stale. Cavill isn't a great actor, Affleck is alright, Gadot was surprisingly good. All of the good actors they get in these movies play villains because those are the meaty roles.

Why would you call it lovecraftian just because it takes place in the sea? The Little Mermaid is hardly lovecraftian.

>Commissioner Gordon, I'm A.Q.U.A.

>described as lovecraftian
>means there will be something big with tentacles
Why do normies ruin everything?

Damn you're dumb as fuck

>Gadot was surprisingly good
You have to go back: