Paul Ryan's re-election next week

As we all know next week, Tuesday August 9, Paul Ryan is up for re-election in Wisconsin’s 1st District.

His opponent is a Trump supporter Paul Nehlen.

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Would be glorious if Ryan were to lose.

This. Image the tears.

Time to get out the vote.

If Trump's man wins it could be enough to scare the rest of the party straight and get them to stop all this "jumping ship" nonsense.


The horrible things I would do to see cuck ryan lose his seat...

Paul Ryan will win.

Kek confirms

Please get cantored.

They're purging the election date from Google searches. It took me 30 minutes to find the date.

Do you niggers really wanna risk a speaker of the house and a congressional seat? Ryans not the greatest, but he is an incumbent and the fucking speaker.

T. Wisconsinite

Paul Nehlen will win

Nigger, it's one fucking seat in the house; it's not a big deal.

>muh speaker of the house
And Ryan is a shitty speaker. Yes, risk it.

I think you mean 'imagine those tears'.

You fucking imbecile. KILL YOURSELF!

Yes. Ryan needs to go.

Caving to that omnibus was disgraceful. He's got to go.

>not the greatest
he's actively worked against Trump in order to help Obama/Hillary. We'd lose nothing

Lets do this. Trump has also tweeted Paul Nehlen yesterday. Its a hint he want him to win.

lol ya fuckin psycho reeree. It was clearly a typo of "Imagine the tears."

If my total post number's digital root is 7 Paul Ryan will lose reelection

>besides he's a fucking globalist shill. We need to oust him.


He needs to go the same as every other traitor Republican.
This also means that Ted's gotta gtfo of Texas when we get the chance.
We need to pay back all of these politicians for their obstruction.
You don't oppose the will of the people and get away with it.

Nehlen put up a good response to Ryan's continued cuckoldry. Pretty sure Trump threw that out there as a threat towards Ryan that he better quit fucking around or Nehlen wil get an endorsement.

Not really. Eric Cantor lost for similar reasons. He was totally caught off guard.


This. We need this. Also McCain to lose August 30th

Ryan will lose just because he was a bitch who wouldn't support trump because it was Pollitically Incorrect to do so at the time. May all the ass eating politically correct politicians die of Ebola...check em

I like Paul Ryan. Although I don't agree with him on certain issues, his message is optimistic and progressive. That's something that appeals to voters, and something that the GOP desperately needs.

>t. ryan

Ryan is a rhino cuckservative. Total fucking sellout joke. Hopefully when trump is president he purges those faggots. Ryan can go buttfuck his buddy lindsey graham

This guy Nehlen should be running for president.
What a bad ass.


3131 dubs does anyone agree this is a confirmation?

Fuck off cuck

Is there any polling data? I want Nehlen to crush him. I gave $200, too. But I only ever see Paul Ryan commercials on TV.

>asking for self-validation

are there many Wisconsinites on pol?

What the fuck has Ryan done besides cuck for the democrats? The fucker would shit on Trump every single day if hes left in there. Fuck him.

Kill yourself.

There is one poll recently that is 46-46

paul ryans (((internal))) poll has him 70-30.

It seems like a pretty big race, Im surprised how little information there is about it and how hard it is to get any credible sources on it


>signed obamas omnibus bill
>raised the debt ceiling by 2 trillion
>called trump a racist over and over
>fought to keep the carried interest tax loophole which allows hedge fund managers to pay 0 tax.

with republicans like him who needs democrats

Paul Ryan = Clinton with support for tax cuts for the 1%

his biggest contributor and personal friend is cliff assness, founder of AQR capital, 3rd or 4th biggest hedge fund in the world i believe.

Surely no conflict of interest there.

Ryan might be the only person who is an even bigger puppet than shillary