>realizes women post in it but dont come out as being female
>they infiltrate everything and ruin it desu
when will they learn their place
>character browsing a forum
Sup Forums is an inclusive board. if women want to participate, they may
>tfw will never be your gf no matter how many of these shitty tsundere threads you make
Sorry. Try not being a mentally ill loser in your next life.
Dumb frogposter.
this isnt /r9k/
/reddit9k/ fucking kill yourself and get it over with already you pathetic fuck.
Well aren't you high and mighty for a roastie
why do women always say this
That sounds fair. But no.
>le roastie ecksdee
You live in my world, permie. If I didn't matter you wouldn't be so absolutely butthurt about me all the time. See and follow through with it as soon as possible. You won't though because you're a coward. You're the roastie, you're literally a huge pussy.
can we see bbc in your pusy
>thinking your opinion matters when you're a roastie(outtie pusy fyi)
See and stay permanently blown the fuck out by your inability to do the most basic thing that pretty much any man can do. You are a pathetic worm and you will always be lower than me. Stay a male roastie, PUSSY.
Seems like I hit a nerve, does Chad not want your used up cunt?
reddit post of the day
>Get blown the fuck out
LEL you are fucking pathetic dude.
>/reddit9k/ permie subhuman garbage thinking it's opinion matters and it's allowed to call anything else reddit
How does it feel to know that I am literally laughing at your pathetic lives right now?
>Women in charge of banter
>/r9kucks/ getting btfo by some dumb woman
Nice rebuttal you fucking pussy. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but we all know you ever fucking pussy is something that just isn't happening.
It wasn't really a rebuttal, more mocking your erratic attempts at insulting people. You on your period or something?
You got BTFO tbqh user
mmmm fiesty. can I be ur pusy slave please?
>le female sex insults XD
get some new material, slore
Why are people still responding to this guy pretending to be a triggered roastie?
>lol u dont get pussy
Truly btfo
This is like watching your fat annoying autistic little brother get his ass kicked by a girl on the playground. I want to come to his defense but lets be honest he deserves it.
>virgin frogposters vs LARPing "woman"
>the state of Sup Forums
Is there a more pathetic board than /r9k/? They literally just lost an internet fight to a girl. /mlp/ is manlier than them.
You clearly don't though. It's also apparent that this irks you greatly.
Just report the thread
I just wanted to be "one of the boys" ;_;
He's samefagging as well, it's pathetic.
do that shit irl with your tight jeans wearing beta orbiters
>Girl tosses back some bantz
>redditfrogs cry and say no u then cry samefag
>pretending women browse Sup Forums
I don't get this meme
Not as pathetic as your life brah.
If you have to resort to namecalling, you've already lost.
This tbqh. Even if it is a dude role playing, it's nice to see fa/tv/irgins squirm after being btfo
>character is near attractive women
>doesn't have a panic attack
>/reddit9k/ gets btfo by a girl
>They do mental gymnastics and say it must be a guy roleplaying a girl and he's samefagging
Has there ever been a more sad group of """""""""men""""""""" in history than these permavirgin fucks?
Is this you?
>u dun get poosie
lel forgot pic
umm women can browse forums, get over it.... and yes sweetie, they can be funny too
Yes, you understood. Great job you retarded fuck. You fail on a basic genetic level. You got btfo before any girl even met you.
>You will never be such a failed women you have to resort to insulting neckbeards on a nazi capeshit board
Dude just close the thread I am sick of watching this pathetic trainwreck and you making yourself look worse by the post. Pathetic and sad are starting to be not bad enough to describe you.
I thought that was hideo Kojima for far too long
>I'm sick of watching this train wreck
>better make more replies lol
You know you can hide threads, right? You do know there are tools for you to protect yourself should your sensibilities be affronted by different opinions, right?
post bbc in pusy
OP just delete the thread my manz :/
Women are only ever not ruining things when they're remaining anonymous.
>Looking away from a trainwreck
Do you know how trainwrecks work? I'm not going to look away when there are fat neckbeard bodies laying all over the highway until the police tell me to move along.
>this thread
OP must be pretty embarrassed right now
Guarantee he kills himself tonight.
fuck drumpf and fuck white men
XD epic post!!
>people who pretend to be women
>people who shit on other people for browsing this site, when they do the same fucking thing
>the state of Sup Forums
all of you should just end yourselves
You go girl!
le reddit voice of reason
>mfw I get BTFO and then pretend it was a different user and make fun of him
to be fair, if you're a roastie and spending your time on here instead of getting pounded by Chad, you're doing it wrong.
>OP makes an /r9k/ tier post whining about women
>gets rightly called out for being an autistic, socially inept virgin
>the state of Sup Forums
Hands up who has a vagina.
>telling you to fuck off is le ebin tsudere anime meme
Fuck off and roleplay somewhere else
lol no
>"Haha if you don't like my annoying cunty attitude you're a virgin!"
Female """""""""""""""""""""""batner"""""""""""""""""""""""
Are you a virgin?
>tfw you're a girl posting on the internet and there is nothing /r9k/ can do about it
Try not being functionally retarded you faggot.
>Talk shit
>Girl talks shit back
>Suddenly she's the cunt because you can't handle it
Nah nigger, you're the fucking cunt.
fuck off Sup Forumsddit virgin
>calling someone a virgin and crying about "misogyny" is because people don't like how women shit up the community now "talking shit back"
Have an upvote my good sir
Thats true, but you'd better post feel and armpits before you play the female card.
Pls b in London
1. Try that again in english you barely functioning retard.
2. >crying about "misogyny"
Literally fucking when? The only thing any woman ITT has done is give you your bullshit right back and you crying like a fucking beta bitch that can't handle it. You are a fucking disgrace.
>OP creates a thread
>Woman comes in and does exactly what OP was talking about
Really makes me think.
No one is crying about misogyny, virgin. Also OP shouldn't make posts whining about women on an anonymous basket weaving forum if he can't handle being called a socially inept virgin.
>calling names
>claiming they aren't "taking my shit"
>claiming that "I'm the one who's truly triggered"
Sorry tumblr is down sweaty, maybe reddit can be nice to you though?
>OP acts like a faggot
>Gets rekt by a woman proving he is the problem and not the women
Wow really gives my noggin a floggin.
>Gets rekt by a woman
It's actually a little upsetting that you actually believe you wrecked anyone
Nigger almost all of the words you type are either spelled wrong or used wrong. What fucking third world shithole are you from? Learn the fucking language or never post again you shitskin faggot.
Again, if you think the broad didn't rek you then you're the problem. You've gotten your ass handed to you ITT. Run back to /r9k/ with your tail between your legs you beta bitch.
Judging by the butthurt in this thread, I'd say he's right.
>responding that fast because you're so excited a woman is interacting with you
Pretty please post your breasts, m'ladies
Nah, calling people virgins and then samefagging as an user screaming btfo doesn't amount to anything. Whatever floats your boat though.
>he doesn't know the sweaty meme
/reddit9k/ on suicide watch
can't stop you posting but we can call you out on your shit and you can't get Chad to beat us up over the internet
If you were using the "sweaty meme" then you were using it wrong, Pajeet. Go shit in the fucking street then drink from the puddle next to it you subhuman.
>why isn't anyone responding to my whiny shitpost with well thought-out arguments?
Kneck yourself, virgin.