what happens here?
What happens here?
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Sex tourism!
That's where white people live normal lives without any problems.
do you accept white people from other countries?
>Russian Mafia
>Nothing much
Only if they speak Latvian.
Ivan may accept you if you speak Russian, but then again Ivan hates everyone who isn't Russian.
all those funny jokes about potatoes
Best beer in Europe!
depression, eternal butthurt and suicide.
t. mexican intelectual
Lots of Russians from USSR times, only one city and the rest is countryside
stuff you know things
Is Porzingis the most famous athlete there?
>>Russian Mafia
Leafster education everyone
Poorly constructed supermarkets.
>Poorly constructed lithuanian supermarkets.
Fuck all, that's why I moved.
This years summer suck ass.
>Be Latvia
>Shop at Lithuanian Market
>Whole government forced to resign
>AT least not Estonia
>russian neighbourhood
>russians die
>shitty liberal prime minister resigns
cant see a bad thing in this list
I think Dr. Doom lives there and employs slav peasants to work on his evil plots.
Thanks for doing that, Vasily.
It was Russians? See, our media didn't tell us that (and forgive me, I can't read Latvian).
Fuck, that's good. 51 less Ivans.
Zolitūde is one of the russian majority neighborhoods in Riga.
There were some Latvians, but mostly old people who have lived there their whole lives since soviet times, but most of them in the rubble were slavs.
This map shows the regions in Riga by ethnicity. The greener it is the more Latvians are living there, the redder the more Russians in that zone.
Mind you this map is from 2011, so the Latvian population in Riga has increased.
in English please
in polish lithuania is litwa and lativa is lotwa, pretty confusing eh?
wtf i hate polish now
but seriously why lotwa?
no idea
Latvia man is kold. No door on yurt.
He dig in frozen field.
He find potato!
Now dilemma.
Eat now for hunger, or ferment for vodka?
Too late. Sekret police take away
Die in gulag.
How does Polija sound to you?
pronounced something like "Polia"
It's pretty cool. I only wish all the beautiful women weren't so above surface. Other than that I like it here, but it's risky to get in fights, because you might run into each other pretty easily since in Riga the center and Old Riga is where everyone likes to hang out.
t. reddit
And whatever you do - do not come back.
It's dead
Check out "Dont bank Latvia"
some prominent sex tourist was so butthurt that women in Latvia hate sex tourism and look down on foreigners as lesser men compared to native Latvians and that they scam foreigners for a free dinner then tell them to fuck off, he actually wrote a book about it.
Part of me thinks Latvia doesn't really exist. I've never met a Latvian.
Because it's rare for Latvians to go to USA, especially to live. If you want to, you can visit UK. I am sure sooner or later you might encounter one.
There is plenty in america
They go to Scandinavia to build shit commie blocks for a wage of half a Snickers per month.
we gud boiz in america
Latvia is the white people wonderland Sup Forums creams themselves about.
Just fix the economy up a little bit, fix up the soviet commieblocks on this city outskirts and we're ready to go.
A teacher at my high school was from Latvia, he was a based hoss god. He and the Romanian physics teacher would talk shit about nig students and i never laughed as hard when i overheard them. I never got the chance to ask about his home country ;(
Nothing, just a country with a weirder language than ours.
Here it is
Lithuania - Litva
Latvia - Lotyšsko
by the way, what do you think about Slavs that aren't Russian? I've always looked at Baltic states sympathetically but don't know a lot about them. I like the languages though.
How is it like to live on 500 euro wages, whilst living near Scandinavia?
Not baiting, I am simply curious?
Won't happen, because slavs are inherently corrupt.
Why are your women so racist?
I was on Ask.fm talking to this Latvian chick and she wont respond to anything I send her what the fuck man.
Shills 4 the "We Exist" conspiracy.
I actually met and touched an Estonian once. They exist, but Latvians? I'm skeptical.
No hatred mate
Where is this from?
The only slavs that we give a fuck about are Poles. Some Lithuanians hate them and some don't. We usually make jokes about them. They mostly live in Šalčininkai or anything close to Vilnius.
nigger ooga booga fingers touching a pure white estonian, disgusting
Anything non-russian is okay in Latvia.
part of being Latvian
stop being so buttmad, we only export our worst and russian diaspora similar to Mexico.
Eeverything is dirt cheap here and only Rimi cashiers get 500 euros.
I get 1200 euros before taxes
So visit us, small countries, one week will be plenty
I'm Finnish. I bought them a shot of Kossu and we shook hands.
I would never attempt to do more with your beautiful women; they are to be preserved for keeping the Estonian bloodline pure.
hello latvia my good neighbor :D
>Be Brazilian
>Go to a nightclub
>The douchbag vocalist of the live band set fireworks
>Fire in the nightclub
>+200 people dead
>Mayor: "It was not my fault. I dindu nothing!"
>Governor: "It was not my fault, I dindu nothing!"
>The Attorney General: "It isn't their fault. They dindu nothing!"
Evil oreo
Personally, many people might get the impression we hate Russians with a passion, which is true to a certain extent. Mostly we hate the ones that are living here who are different species than actual Russians. I do like ACTUAL Russkies though, but I despise the ones that live here.
that reminds me, I actually knew one Latvian back when I used to play online games. He even visited Slovakia (Tatras) and was a cool guy. Went to work to Germany. Is that common?
yes yes
Latvians are actually space lizards living underground and controlling the world, it's not the jews that are behind this after all!!
Yes, Germany is pretty common. UK is even more common. Some even go to Sweden nowadays. We see them as traitors.
people who fuck off to different countries are either leeches looking for a good country to be a welfare nigger or just a someone who got the shit end of the stick in the great economic crisis
I work in logistics, the salary after taxes is 1700 a month I'd say thats quite decent compared with EU.
That I believe.
you're finnish and you've never met a latvian? dont you go buy alc from there now?
no, only eesti qts do that
remember to support Latvian alcohol infrastructure
there church has nice hats
What did he mean by this?
It's cheaper to buy here in the states than it is to fly to Latvia.
basic estonian life.
buy our cars in lithuania, fill them up with gas and buy alcohol in latvia, and then go work in finland.
God damn she is perfect. Even if given the minute chance of fucking her, my family's Italian roots would make it seem like she's burning coal.
>why even live lads, tan for pure white skinned beauties.
Estonians are insanely beautiful.
You guys don't fish?
Estonian girls for Estonians, fuck off.
Literally nothing
nothing, fucking hate this shithole, hysterical banana republic.
> be me
> sent urgent DHL package
> got stuck at fucking Latvian customs
> fucking latvian scum demands shitload of stuff, including my private bank information
> fuck off, latvian nazi
> raise hell with US DHL
> package released, 1 week later
> loss for my business
fuck latvia, and everything in it, I had better business deals/courier transfers with fucking Zimbabwe
Fear of Russian expansion as a result of some twat wad that has no idea about international politics.
worst is a worrying trend of young estonian girls getting shitskin sugar daddys they've met in finland and producing chimp lvl ugly offsprings.
2 of my friends speak fluent estonian but could blend right in in fkn iraq
then how about you dont fucking try to smuggle shit in you humongous nigger
eat a bullet, retard
fishing and hatred against russians are the only correct statements there
Estonian alcohol makers say Latvia gaining more and more from Estonian tax hikes.
>worst is a worrying trend of young estonian girls getting shitskin sugar daddys they've met in finland and producing chimp lvl ugly offsprings.
>2 of my friends speak fluent estonian but could blend right in in fkn iraq
estonia pls
dont leave latvia alone
lithuania already has a nigger problem
We want to watch Estonia bitches take Arab cock or it didn't happen. Video when?
watch your tongue, when talking to your masters. We could just abandon you, any moment now. Watcha gonna do then, Latvian nazi?
>doing anything
we bff's with canada now
Have a glass of bleach and shoot up another school, fatman.
Bing, asking the real questions.
:( b..but i love you Latvia ;-;
Beautiful amber.
sure you are, leaf will totally protect you from being ass-fucked by glorious Russians.
> delusional, butt-hurt Balts
Don't worry, you're still white with olive skin.
Its k, let the autistic russiaboo vent, we can go back to being bff's after that.
That is fucking huge for your level of prizes :O
I thought that Lithuania is a Poland appendix, they never see that much money for a regular job.
lad, one of my colleagues makes 2300 before taxes and its not even some high end posh job. As I said only supermarket cashiers make 500 per month
aight bb