>Sup Forums supports the men in blue
When did you realize that Sup Forums is blue pilled, literally. Cops are oppressive tools of the state. They're not your friends. They're not legally required to protect you. It's a government sponsored mafia.
>Sup Forums supports the men in blue
When did you realize that Sup Forums is blue pilled, literally. Cops are oppressive tools of the state. They're not your friends. They're not legally required to protect you. It's a government sponsored mafia.
Other urls found in this thread:
They are legally required to protect you dumbass, some just choose to not do so
Yeah support the BLM dindus they're fighting the oppression...
Shut up you foreign spic. en.m.wikipedia.org
>t. Nigger
Cops are good people. If you don't think so, you should stop stealing cars and robbing gas stations.
i made gingerbread for the local police department two weeks ago
motherfucking good gingerbread if i might say so too
OP, my cops are better than yours, i am on their side, i am a better person than you, & i feel safe, secure, & protected by loyal officers who have exactly the same heart as anyone else in my comfortable, idyllic little town.
youre a dense motherfucker of the worst kind, seven different types of idiot and every one of them different, & you can eat shit off your mothers plates as far as i care.
fuck you & fuck millennials in general, you dont even know how much shit you dont understand
(nows when you call me a bootlicker. go ahead, dance for me bitch)
>REEEEEEEE I specifically requested NOT to be tread upon!!!
Fighting dindus is great and all. But this is just a fucking footnote of the little good they do to society.
Fucking brainwashed statist. Why don't you suck their dicks too? They'll treat you so nicely when you stop paying your taxes and knock at your door.
What the hell did the cops do to you?
Stupid nigger
"Guys I'm red pilled because I use the Matrix meme."
>t. Stefan Molyneux
"Last edited 19 days ago by anonymous user"
Cops are good if you're not a minority.
>The cops will arrest you when you break the law!
no shit
>brainwashed statist
For liking people that keep your neighborhood safe from felons?
All this means is cops can't get in trouble for failing to protect every single person. You are retarded
I could be a police officer, if I were American.
Just because it gives me a warrant to protect my fellow man and actually hunt down the criminal scum and put them down on the street.
In my country it's one big joke these days. The cops are really nice people here, but their job mostly consists of hauling drunks to sleep it off. If an actual criminal is caught, nothing is done about it. The sentences are pitiful, most of the time no time in jail at all, for murder it's just a few years. Those who commit self-defense against the actual criminals get a sentence almost as harsh too, but that's on the justice system, not the cops.
A police officer's duty is to his fellow citizens, not to the state. He's not supposed to be a mercenary. If a government tries to turn the police officers against the people they're protecting, I think the police should turn on the government.
But that's just how I see it. All in all, they're people like you and me, they just have a warrant to put people in chains. Whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on the standards of giving that warrant, and the people they're obligated to obey, whom are the same people we are obligated to obey, unless we stand up.
So, I've been considering joining my local police force. Not really sure how to go about it though. Should I just call them up and ask if I can go on a ride-along? Any veteran officers got tips for a potential new recruit?
Nigger detected
Have you noticed the "final story" on the news, which is normally reserved for struggling darkies has been replaced with nice mr. popo helping darkies?