Drumpf BTFO once again

You know your candidate is weak when he's easily pwned by a comic who passed away in 2008. m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_579a2124e4b0d3568f86481f?ncid=NEWSSTAND0001

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>carlin would vote for hillary

Why do people care about what comedians think?

It's like a whole generation has gotten their opinions from comedy "news" shows and the like.


He obviously wouldn't support Trump (he was a lolbertarian), but there is no way in hell he would support the SJW trash that the Huffington Post promotes. If Carlin did the material he used to do in the 90s in 2016, Huffington Post would be one of the first media outlets to whine about how he's a big mean racist.

>the daughter of a dead comedian

The Democrats are really running out of celebrities

Does trips in an ID count?

Not even a comedian, a comedian's daughter.

Carlin was a SJW cuck anyway.

Carlin is so far left, he is nearly a commie, like most comedians. So... they wouldn´t vote for anyone except hernia sanders.

< the immensely popular criminal Hillary at Temple University in Pennsylvania yesterday.

< the crowds flock to see the criminal Hillary at a factory in Pennsylvania during another rally yesterday.

Carlin wouldn't vote for anyone

< it's standing room only as criminal Hillary gives a speech in Omaha, Nebraska last night.

Do you think her ass smells good?

>"Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners"

this, he hated the "soft" PC crowd and what he called "euphemistic" language as much as he hated the right wing.

Carlin never talked about what his daughter thought. Really makes you think.

No, it smells like refried beans.

Shill thread

Carlin was a nigger loving cuck lol

Bingo. I could see him being alright with Johnson though.

Wtf. I hate Trump now.

at first I thought carlin was kool guy, but is it really upstanding that for someone to see how bad things are, and simply watch it all burn?

Are we really doing the right thing by simply watching morals degenerate and be apolgetics for past crimes we never took part in? I can see why he would simply be a spectator, is it really the moral high ground to watch the train wreck or at least try to do something about it?

RACIST MYSOGINIST blah blah blah...

obviously her daughter has not seen a single one of her fathers stand up specials.

also, this is even crazier, guess who who were both alive and prominent figures from the 1970's - 2000's, George Carlin and Donald Trump!

Guess who never had anything to say about Donald Trump, even though they were both aware of each others existence for over 45 years?!?! George Carlin!

Using your dead dad to make a statement about your political beliefs. Absolutely disgusting and shameful.

Carlin was a stupid nigger that mocked his friends deaths only to die shortly after as well.
Good riddance, he was never funny an I don't give a single shit what his fat ugly spawn think and neither should anyone else.


Seriously, kill yourselves leftists.

Carlin was a dirty hippie

>It's like a whole generation has gotten their opinions from comedy "news" shows and the like.
Literally the truth
Ever since 2004 kids have gotten their news from The Daily Show, literally propaganda outside of school

This just proves women aren't funny. The daughter of a great comedian and she tells one of the worst jokes ever.

Damn dude you are one autistic edgelord if you earnestly believe a single thing you just typed.

He may have "mocked" richard pryor, but that was a running joke between the two that both found funny.

>never funny

opinions are subjective, and i can accept you not liking his humor, but refusing to accept his greatness and impact in the world of comedy is pants on head retarded

>i dont give a single shit what his fat ugly spawn think and neither should anyone else
>implying anyone in your life gives a rat ass about your opinions


how do leftists have anything to do with carlin?

anyways, 2/10 you got me to reply.

Sup shill

I guess next Frank Zappa's kids will tell us how establishment he was too.

>If my dad were alive, he'd say that Trump was racist, and that it isn't just a fucking label the left slaps on anyone who disagrees with them.

Anyone who thinks Carlin would support ANY candidate obviously never listed to enough of his comedy.

That said, Carlin gets too much credit as some sort of intellectual heavy weight. All comedians do.

What does his wife's son have to say?

>old worn out whore talks about dead worn out whore

>When irrelevant siblings of famous people act like their opinion matters

>When celebrities in general act like their opinions matter.

>linking huffington post

nice try tho shill

Wouldn't matter because Carlin didn't vote. :(

Carlin wasn't even funny. He doesn't even tell any jokes, just complains about everything.

Does anyone care about what George Carlin's daughter has to say about anything?

George carlin was a fucking idiot, why do you think his daughter would be different?

>george carlin would support hillary


George Carlin was an unfunny faggot so who cares?

He sounds like an SJW.

"The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it. I have always viewed it from a safe distance, knowing I don't belong; it doesn't include me, and it never has. No matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group. Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; have no interest in any of it. I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to." --George Carlin

Carlin said he didn't vote. He was an spectator who enjoyed leaning back and watch the country he and his ancestors built burn to the ground, which is despicable in a way, but understandable being an American.

>When you are born, you get a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America, you get to sit on the front row"

America is doomed to be driven by the same old fucks of the Establishment and their offspring, and power is just a torch to be passed to the next guy. If anyone thinks their vote counts and they live in a real democracy, they are delusional retards. We are nothing but puppets. There is nothing you can do, no matter how hard you try, to change the order.

At least lolbertarians don't give a shit anymore, they have become a meme like Stanhope who only cares about blow and ass. And I'm starting to think they are right.

>dead comedian's fat old daughter no one knows

maybe if she was attractive or funny, neither of which shes ever been

Jesus fucking christ.

Please tell me something else is going on here. Don't tell me that literally DOZENS of people are showing up to her campaign rallies. This is Yeb tier and I had more adversarial respect for Hillary than that.

Just yesterday i posted that Carlin may have liked Trump bc of his bull in a china shop role in american politics.
Trump is really the best chance in modern history for a competent person to clean house.
But the cynic thinks Washington is too far gone and uncurable. That may be what george would think.
BUT Trump intends to jail the Clintons, reopen 911 investigation, audit fed, fix special interest/lobbyist influence, restore states rights.
I cant believe George would dismiss all that bc he once called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig.
I have emailed Kelly a few times and she always responded. Im considering sending her my thoughts.

>Listening to an ugly woman's opinion


to be fair Carlin would support none of the main candidates


Here is what Carlin actual thinks


She's in charge of preserving her dads legacy.
The fact she feels she needs to address it may be telling.
But yea george didnt vote bc he didnt think it mattered.
Tree swaying a little to the left then to the right. its a big club, and we're not in it.

George Carlin considered everyone who made more than minimum wage a misogynistic racist. Why is this news?

>Don't tell me that literally DOZENS of people are showing up to her campaign rallies

Yes it's true that all three of these rallies did indeed draw more than two dozen people. The crowd is really huge at the Omaha one because Warren Buffet was there.

>daughter (female) of leftist atheist useful idiot has leftist idiotic opinions
I-I think this is too much for me, please someone hold me

He's just salty about the influence that Carlin had on American youths with regard to Christianity.

Let him vent.

I believe the poet Immortal Technique summed up this situation perfectly in his prose "Obnoxious"

>But you know what the fuck I think is just pathetic and gay?
>When niggas speculate what the fuck 'Pac would say
>You don't know shit about a dead man's perspective
>And talking shit'll get your neck bone disconnected


grr shouting tourettes comedian grr

>Listening to a woman's opinion.

do you think boomers arent just as bad?

I wanna see Hillary rot in hell but this pic looks biased. Where's the rest of it? How do we know it's even a rally?

MORE u keks


I don't understand how people liked Carlin. His material was unfunny as fuck. Doesn't hold a candle to Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Patrice O'Neal, Chappelle, Louis, or Bill Burr.

I believe Carlin summed up this shit perfectly in his riff about PC insistence upon changing language to conceal undesirable associations with it.


Agreed. He did fat shaming in his standup.

>Literally who

He sure is obnoxious. So much edge. I hated him the moment I heard a song of his a long time ago.

>fuck ... gay
>niggas ... fuck
Really makes you think.

lol keep calling george carlin a lolbertarian cuck you retarded faggots. she was so cringeworthy at that circus called reason rally. looking at her father i wonder how that women ended up like that.


I wish mobile useragents would just straight up be blocked from this website.

Carlin would have voted for Trump in a heartbeat, he was redpilled as fuck

dude he was born in 1937. he was 60 years old and still doing comedy. how would you expect him to be relevant? i dont find him funny personally but i love listening to him.

I'd bet Carlin would have had more use for Trump than Hillary. He hated PC more than anything else in this world.

Lol you are saying something about CK Louis and Bill Burr?

People barely know about that.


Whooooooo caaaaares.

Kelly Carlin is a hack who barely knew her father anyway. If you read her books, she's a petulant, whiny, self absorbed loser who's only relevant because of her father. There people who knew George very well who could give a compelling argument for who he'd support, but it sure as shit isn't Kelly Carlin.

George was a fucking hippy drug addict atheist

His daughter is what people like him produce.

He spent his life fighting christian extremist and then when the atheist won he was like woops I guess islamic extremist are going to kill everyone

Good luck I bet you feel the blade.


This too. Trump wants to kill PC.
And he's making Veterans assistance a top priority. She can't dismiss all these things.

Say what you will about Trump, but i am certain the VA will have its shit together in 6 months. Id lay some serious trumpcoin on it.

You're retarded.

George Carlin hated PC shite, but he was still a leftie hippie.

He just was a hippie the same way Hunter S. Thompson was a hippie.

I didnt give a damn what he said the last 15 years of his life why would I give a damn what his daughter thinks.

The aging social commentary comedians are already faggots for thinking we care about more than jokes. Now social commentary from his fucking daughter...

dude fuck that im having a great time seeing you getting cucked by muslims. but i think there is a middle ground. world doesnt need any more extrimists. people should do whatever they like as they respect other people. east was just too intolerant to meet you faggots. you should have taken some precautions.

Stanky ass always smells good fagoot

I'm not so sure. Carlin was of course neither a doctrinaire leftist or rightist, and he did hate political correctness among other things.

However, toward the end of his life Carlin reserved some of his most bitter vitriol for "the owners, the REAL owners of this country", by which he meant the 20 or so Top Out Of Sight 0.01% "The Board", whatever you want to call it. Carlin would sometimes put on his serious-cap when he'd go on the Bill Maher show or other talk shows, interviews etc, and harp on this same point (I remember the token right-wing guest on one program started calling Carlin a Marxist when he started going on this tack), bear in mind this was shortly before the crash and Occupy Wall Street, etc.

The point being that Carlin hated oligarchy and the pandering that is necessary in electoral politics. Although I do support Trump, Trump is of course a totem of both of these.

Ironically, both men are famous performers, native New Yorkers (both actually born in NYC), and delight in using a little incivility to make their point when the time is right. If anything, Carlin might have hated candidate Trump because he (our theoretical still-alive Carlin) sees to much of himself in the candidate, and it annoys him because that same candidate is also an arch-chad oligarch type.

carlin is like bill hicks, comedy for edgy 19 year olds that work at gas stations and live with grandma.


>A WIMMEN speaking for her father

Carlin would not have endorsed any candidate, like he never did. He would have bashed them all and their expense, in true Carlin fashion.

It's like this idiot never met her own father.

There is no middle ground

Religion always wins...Religion owns every inch of this planet.

Trump isn't particularly conservative either.

there is middle ground. europe and america was in the middle ground arent they? turkey was also in the middle ground. it worked just fine. as long as you dont let extremists do shit you will be fine.

America and Europe were hardcore religious until after the two world wars

America was hardcore religious until the 90's now both places are being overrun by other peoples who are religious

>The point being that Carlin hated oligarchy and the pandering that is necessary in electoral politics. Although I do support Trump, Trump is of course a totem of both of these.

Trump's platform has been anti-establishment and in rejection of the big donors and elites since almost the beginning. The "oligarchs" have been attacking him nonstop. He's repeatedly criticized them even if you could say he's part of them, at least he's saying the right things.

>Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight. No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place

>When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.
>Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform

Also Carlin may not like pandering, but he's probably smart enough to realize that it's necessary to succeed in politics.

were you not allowing muslims and other races? you can be equal to anyone who is willing to work for your country. cant that work? if i love america and do my job as an individual and happen to be a muslim why would you hate me?
i think as long as you can live under the same flag nothing else matters.

>would consider him a misogynistic racist

so you're saying they'd get along great?

>daughter of a literally who tries to stay relevant

>globalists reaching their spindly corrupt tendrils out to the far corners of their domain of leftists
It's like a neverending wheeling of celebrities onto stage (and with a shortage of actual celebrities, their relatives will do)

Yeah speak on your dead fathers behalf dumb skank whore