Are you here to buy movie tickets sir? Where's your date?

>Are you here to buy movie tickets sir? Where's your date? too

>and your OTHER min wage job LMAO

>"Sh-she bought them while I was parking"
>"She didn't buy one for you"
>"ya, she did. I'm gonna wait for her over here. She must be in the bathroom or something. bye."

>expecting me to buy her ticket
It's 2017 I can't even shitlord

you're one quality bitch aren't you? hold on... i'll be right back with a tub full of hot butter to throw on your face, ya vest wearing cunt. that way people can see the REAL 'monster' in 3D.

O.M.G. Did you just assumed my sexuality you dumb shitlord! I have you know I identify as a self-replicating binary fission trans-bacteria. Where's you're manger? I want've to speak to xer!

>Isolated seat
>no nigger behind talking or people kicked the back of the seat
>Maximum leg and arm space

10/10 would sit in

>right next to the door
>people walking past you constantly to go piss/buy food
>someone misses the step on the way back and spills their drink in your lap

No thanks.

This is only a problem if your an nonthreatening beta male

>"I'm looking right at her"
>she starts blushing
>"Oh gosh, I can't do that, sir. I don't get off until 9!"
>"I guess I'll come back at 9 then, to help you get off ;)"

fucking faggot


>to help get you off the couch and onto the treadmill, you fat bitch*

>speak to manager
>get her fired and get free movies + popcorn for at least a year
Whew lad, that was tough.

"I'm looking at her."

>Y-you are, haha

>There's that minimum wage sense of humor!

Forget my date, what have you done with Robert?

>oh uhh.. no thanks.. do you just want popcorn with your ticket?
we don't speak of him any more

>NEETs talking shit about minimum wage

Listen, sweeties, at least she has a job.

You better change things up or else I'm going to start losing interest. These (you)'s don't come cheap.

No do you have the activated almonds still?

>en, sweeties, a

>going to the theater alone
this is just a meme right? I mean even if you don't have a girlfriend at the moment you can just go with friends.

Haha yeah, I was just kidding haha

>Where's your date?
How can a be in a location? Its a measurement of time

>why did you cup your hands by your mouth when you said "you"?
>no but we have kale flavored almonds
>haha good joke.....

I don't have any friends and I push all the women who are into me away because they'll never replace her.

Don't have a problem going alone, anyway. I go out to eat alone, I go to the movies alone, I do lots of things alone.

>"Oh you were just kidding? So I guess you're making fun of me now? I was actually considering it until you said that."


i got stood up at the movies once and went in alone to watch a popular movie. n-never again...

Why the fuck wouldnt you just sell kale?

My date? Hahahahaha, good one. As you know, I am an asexual transgendered furbaby. Now please, give me my ticket. My diaper is starting to get itchy and I need to sit down.

Who do you think you are? I am worth $30 million. Can you even imagine what having that much money is like? Is that even conceivable in your tiny brain? How much are you worth? Oh what's that, not even $1 million? Do you think you get to talk to me like that? Well think again. My face is currently carrying the conviction of a mature adult laughing as he plays with the emotions of some nobody movie theater employee. A nobody. You think you can phase me? Even the very thought is ridiculous. I could crush you with a single phone call if only I could be bothered. That's how little you mean to me. It occurs to me that in years time when you've hit rock-bottom because of your actions today that I'll have no way of seeing you writhe in pain. While upsetting, I'll get over it. Just give me my ticket you swine.

"You're good looking, you got a beautiful body, beautiful legs, beautiful face, all these guys in love with you. Only you've got a look in your eye like you haven't been fucked in a year. What do you say we see a movie and then you come back to my place?"


I'm looking at her.

*grabs cashiers pussy*

>*Leans in close*
>Uh, could you go on brake and send out a prettier cashier?

She fell in the manlet pit. She's getting gang-raped by Mexicans as we speak