‘All Lives Matter’ Gets Texas Student Suspended, Sent To Diversity Workshop
‘All Lives Matter’ Gets Texas Student Suspended, Sent To Diversity Workshop
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Wew lad, some kike lawyer os going to have a field day with this one. Student will sue for millions desu senpai.
And here I was thinking that Texas was a free state.
fuck this shit
This, sue the fuck out of the school, get paid live comfy on her own business. Fuck the marxist schools.
we just passed campus carry. Top that
So, school officials are implying that only black lives actually matter?
damn, niggers sure are racist
>saying black lives don't matter in Houston
>Houston, Texas
>nigger central
>literally the only reason open carry was legalized in Texas was because of Houston
Lucky she didn't get gang raped and stabbed to death by niggers for saying that there.
So you weren't free before?
liberal marxist education system should be destroyed in this country. sue the fuck outa them and laugh in there face.
Forget the race shit? Is this how university money is funded? $700 stipends for a bunch of yuppies to go around and do muh "student government"
Fuck college
So, a school suspended a student that is likely paying out the ass to attend there, and forcing them to attend a "diversity workshop" because he dared to exercise independent thought? What's stopping them from saying "go fuck yourself, I'll attend school somewhere else"? Can a school withhold your transcripts if they get butthurt, and you leave?
Texas is great, but Houston is a shithole
Who /Mullin/ here
>passes campus carry conceal
>still sending people to 'Diversity workshops' for having different opinions
Moving to Dallas (which seems cool), and have relatives in Austin and San Antonio. I have no reason to go to Houston. Everyone I've talked to who has lived in Houston has told me to avoid it because "It's basically Chicago".
I don't agree with suppressing speech on campus, and I think State officials ought to campaign against it. However, at the end of the day, universities are private institutions and can do whatever the fuck they want.
The best thing the State can do is stop giving this one tax dollars.
My state (Kansas) just passed that too but the BLM group at the university I attend is delaying its enactment because they think guns on campus will be used to target minorities
>basically Chicago
Not even close. All Houston nigs are former New Orleans nogs, so they all naturally hate each other. Best to set up the ghettos and let them deal with themselves, once they reach a certain number they sustain that population through black on black violence.
>t. Nola nig
hearing about this makes me genuinely angered. like this is bordering on thought crime tier shit. imagine the fallout in us colleges when trump wins
When do we start #BlackToAfrika and encourage them to move away?
They better do it.
What do you have against the rebuttal "but that's POOR people", which we know isn't really the case?
I can't remember the poor, REAL poor American townspeople who were showed here before, but info would be good.
Good to know we officially have reeducation camps. No wrongthink allowed after all.
Point to some lower class Asians and whites, like Flips and Appalachians or something.
My state already had that ages ago and your state also just passed open carry a few months ago. Nice try, fag.
>Diversity Workshop
Is this what they call re-education camps now?
Or you know, she could just resign from the student council.
>literally being reeducated
Oh vey!
To the diversity sweatshop with you, comrad!
>punished for saying "All lives matter"
Free speech eh? :^)
The university of Houston is not a private institution. It is a state university.
Obama issued a statement today that she was unfit to be in school until further reeducation.
It's literally happening.
Holy shit confirmed habbening