Well, never watching The Wire again. Why can't these fucks keep their fucking mouth shut about politics so I can enjoy their shit?
Well, never watching The Wire again...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, The Wire definitely never had anything political to say.
I-It's called f-free speech you s-snowflake
pick up a brick and do what exactly lol? break the stores that you shop at and your friends work at?
Are you really this dumb?
>liberals literally believe they live under a dictator
hes telling all the black people to buy a brick of coke to cook it into crack and sell it since the economy is great now
>pick up brick
>shove it directly up David Simon's ass
>I'm helping
And build the wall ourselves!
Pick up a brick and build a house to live in, lazy.
Instead of actually engaging in dialogue and taking their heads out of their ass after the election defeat, they decided to double down and go full on delusion, claim Trump is a dictator and label anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.
This is the """""smart""""" side.
just imagine the critical mass of sore and vindictive winners we would have gotten if shillary had won?
The Wire was such boring meme shit.
>Edris Elba as le genius, sophisticated black mobster
>street thugs making brilliant chess analogies
>all shows must aspire to hyperrealism or else they are bad
Shut the fuck up, you triggered alt right faggot.
I'm more concerned by why you alt-right retards get so triggered by everything that you literally boycott entire shows because you read something on Twitter that annoyed you.
Everyone says stupid shit on Twitter. It's a stupid site where people are expected to convey so much meaning in so few letters.
das how we roll yo'
>There are probably more Republican actors and creators than we think but they'll never speak up because they'd never work again
>liberals literally believe they live under a dictator who is a Russian puppet
pls be non white somewhere else
>Someone is annoyed by progressives being dumb assholes
>"Hurr must be one of those alt right guys I've heard so much about!"
He's a kike, what do you expect?
LOL DAE republicans are da most oppressed political party!
>I'm more concerned by why you alt-right retards get so triggered by everything that you literally boycott entire shows because you read something on Twitter that annoyed you.
Why can't people decide to watch whatever they want?
Why are they not allowed to dislike things and voluntarily withdraw?
Sarcasm? Stringer was smart but he wasn't the brilliant economist he thought he was, just the smartest in the room. He got played by Clay Davis
And that wasn't a brilliant analogy at all, it was pretty on the nose
Why do Jews hate Trump so much when he shills for Israel at every opportunity
>someone is annoyed by conservatives being dumb assholes
>"hurr durr must be one of those liberals I've heard so much about
Reddit, please go
There are Zionist Jews and cucked liberals Jews. The latter hate Trump.
Well you're not proving me wrong.
Inciting riots is illegal. Report that kike to the police.
Hollywood is a giant kike machine. If you dont speak out against Trump then you dont keep your job.
>street thugs making brilliant chess analogies
What? It was deliberately set up as the most simple chess analogy possible, D'Angelo was explaining something to 3 guys who probably didn't even know how to read.
I understand you're mad. I would be mad too if my voterbase was made up of low IQ uneducated retards. But such is life when you have the black and Mexican vote.
He's telling them to bend the knee and help build the wall, obviously.
And you didn't prove me wrong either.
Zionist Jews are just as bad as diasporadic Jews.
I'm glad the left in America is waking up to the potential of violent protest. And even classical right wingers are tired of anime nazis shit youtube.com
Why are you referring to republicans and the alt right?
Trump won college educated whites by a huge margin
Hillary won dumb nigs and spics by a huge margin
>no u
lol, non-whites so cray cray
Let's not forgot that the college educated people that voted for Hillary mostly hold degrees in women studies and social sciences.
Why are democrats so dumb, lol?
But I never said that or anything that implied I thought that, so I'm not sure that really applies in the same way as what I said. Good effort though.
>Why can't these fucks keep their fucking mouth shut about politics so I can enjoy their shit?
Why can't people separate a person from stuff they made. Tom cruise is a high ranking member of a cult that has killed people, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying his films.
I'm Latino and oath keepers need to be shot in the streets. Muh constitution is an ad populum, people like this do not represent me or my folk.
Civic nationalism is just a revival of neoconservatism
Scientology is 1000x preferable to leftism desu. More aesthetic certainly.
Greentext sarcasm isn't an argument.
>firing a legally appointed special prosecutor that is investigating his campaign and his buddies for possible cooperation with a foreign government in interfering with an election in which he won
Yeah dictators typically win their elections without foreign help, he's not a dictator at all
>Can't watch a show unless everyone involved in the making of the show has the same political views as him
wew it has to be hard allowing identity politics to rule your life
>possible cooperation with a foreign government in interfering with an election in which he won
but where is proof?
Not speaking your mind is how most people stay employed period.
Republicans believed they lived under an actually illegitimate Islamic Communist despot.
The difference is the role the media. The American media is fucked and needs to be reset.
>he's not a dictator at all
Well then it's settled.
Take that L, stay in yo lane bb
What does oath keeper mean?
So then why is it so many Liberals are speaking their minds and keep their jobs?
>he's not a dictator at all
Glad we agree.
They're constitutionalist fundies who were founded by former law enforcement officers.
You think liberal burger flippers are keeping their jobs if they're speaking their minds about how capitalism is bullshit and how the cow's in the burgers are being oppressed? They keep their burger flipping jobs by shutting up like everyone else, not sure where you're getting this "liberals can say w/e they want all the time!" idea.
Who gives a shit? Stop taking political opinions so seriously many years after the fact and just enjoy the show for what it is.
Based Taco removers, fighting the good fight against the savages.
>surprised someone in Hollywood is a leftist
also, who cares if he's a cuck?
also, The Wire is fairly leftist (le free market capitalism is evil)
don't know how you missed that unless you were 15 when you first saw it, like myself
So oath keeper is just a reference to "keeping the law" when they are out of the force, or are in the force and feel like what the are doing is unconstitutional.
>tfw only watch old movies
>the people involved are either dead or old so they can never talk shit about Trump
>gets upset someone made thread they don't like
>"Y-You're the one who's triggered!"
I know you are trying to be edgy, but Scientology is a horrible cult which you shouldn't joke about.
I'm surprised the SS isn't on it. They don't have a sense of humor about this shit.
>but where is proof?
We've been inundated by news stories and intelligence organization reports about it, but I'm sure you file all of that into the fake news bin automatically. Hell in the past two weeks alone we got that leaked NSA report about companies that manufacture voting devices / software being targeted by russian hackers.
But if you think everything that is ever reported is fake then I bet you've yet to see any proof at all.
To be fair, I don't care how he gained the presidency. I say this as a liberal, too.
JFK was elected because Sinatra used his mob connections to deliver the unions in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. This sort of shit is nothing new, my friend.
>I have no proofs, but trust me
Oh I see. If you have no proof, can you at least tell me what Russia did? Did...they hack the voting machines?
>spam Sup Forums with political shit
>yet also moan whenever a liberal says anything
just fuck off already
it's boring as shit
And then we had Comey say not a single vote was altered so ???
>this thread
17 intelligence agencies was a focus tested piece of fake news so keep goyim from straying away from the flock.
Simon's a leftist faggot. He has been for a long time. Don't be a pussy about it, you pussy.
The show isn't good anyway though.
However, a lot of good shows ARE written by leftists. Nature of the industry it seems. Get over it or better yet, stop wasting your time watching tv, because all ideology and politics aside, tv is a waste of time, just like this website.
I'll start worrying about it when it kills 100+ million people like communism did.
The mob is at least american's pressuring other americans, that shit has gone on since the founding of the country. Foreign countries influencing the election is something else entirely.
But yeah the left can hardly pretend to be squeaky clean as this whole mess ramps up, LBJ alone would trigger the fuck out modern liberals more than Trump has so far. The dude just talked about his giant cock all the goddamn time and threatened people with it.
>russian "hacking"
>not sure where you're getting this "liberals can say w/e they want all the time!" idea.
The thousands of Verified Twitter journalists accounts.
We literally just had a Federal employee leak documents after two days of Drumpfposting.
I get you are used to autistic outburst, Why would he say that when that wasn't what the hearing was about?
>the left tries to steal the fedora meme
ummm, cultural appropriation much?
>suddenly nativism matters to these people
>Foreign countries influencing the election is something else entirely.
You mean like Hillary accepting all those "foreign donations"?
>why haven't you hand-delivered me this piece of irrefutable evidence in a vanilla envelope random person on Sup Forums i just replied to on a TV & Movie discussion board?
Are you new here?
hahaha, you just fuckign own'd Sup Forums and they'll ignore you or pretend to argue with you.
"Plz big rich man, save me from black people and Islams. I can't do it on my own."
I am laughing at my conservatard family. Everythign that's happened in the past 5 months proved me right about everything. Now they all know liberals are correct and they are fucking fuming. I told them Trump would win because conservatives are fascists. My family were never Trumpers and they said, "never going to happen. We're doomed to lose." I told them he'd be investigated for serious crimes in 3 months. They said he'd never win.
Now they get so fucking pissed whenever we have discussions because I was right about THEIR beliefs and they didn't even know. And it's all on record on facebook. They can't even pretend they didn't say it.
Thank you Trump and Sup Forums! From a liberal, you've given me everything I want! I've been proven correct to my conservatard friends and family because they're normie idiots and I was ahead of the curve. And they fucking hate it more than anything
>Hurr durr leftist is communism
When leftist start actually killing people you let me know. Till then I just worry about the groups that really kill people.
>I'm more concerned by why you alt-right retards get so triggered by everything that you literally boycott entire shows because you read something on Twitter that annoyed you.
I agree with you.
It's interesting because this mob boycotting used to be more of the left's game, but in the past year, factions of the the right (aka ex-liberal redditors who voted for Trump) have brought their leftists tactics to the right.
Nah, I think he meant how Obama tried to influence the Brits to vote for Brexit.
Why do these straw man pics even exist. They were stupid when Sup Forums started them and now liberals are making then even stupider.
How the fuck does anyone know that not a single vote was altered
>pls trust me narrative with not proof
I see no proofs. Very sad. I'd settle for a claim of what the Russian did at this point.
There is more proof that Russia did interfere with our election or have people in our govt then the opposite. A good President would want something done about it.
lol fedoras ripping on the_dolan users. way too wordy though jesus christ brevity motherfucker.
>When leftist start actually killing people you let me know.
Didn't the Soviet also tried to help JFK win the election?
Khrushchev even said to JFK that on their first meeting.
> engaging in dialogue
> muh crime stats!
> muh sharia law!
> Muh muslims!
> Muh PC!
Fuck you. You don't propose a solution to anything outside of autistic screeching about social problems
>We literally just had a Federal employee leak documents after two days of Drumpfposting.
Who is now sitting in jail...
>le fedora meme next to fucking wall of text
Why is the left so shit at meming, fucking r/the_faggot has better memes than this shit
>There is more proof that Russia did interfere with our election or have people in our govt then the opposite.
Okay then post it.
So, it's only a straw man when used against (((conservatives))).
Got it.
But antifa has shot and stabbed people already, and unlike you I remember a time when leftist terrorism was a mainstream thing that happened all the time.
For the past 20 ish years it's just quieted down on both sides. All you have now are street violence and lone wolf terrorism.