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Why do niggers think melanin is some magical miracle element? Do they eat skincare products?

>Niggers trying to steal our Maiz Morado


One kg of melanin costs 1 million $.

>hhahaha I found this one species of corn
>nooooooooo ignore the white, red and yellow variants

We should convince blacks to eat burned food.

That's actually true, about the melanin in plants and food... but it's good for everybody, not just the KANGZ

and yes, the government does try to suppress this knowledge, but not to solely keep the black man down.


Undomesticated corn looks like this though, bluegums

natural corn as cultivated by south american natives was nothing like modern corn.

You're correct. You looked like malnourished lump of shit before you came to our land and got plump (while still looking like a lump of shit)

Pic related is actually the wild ancestor of corn and is what corn is without human interference in the form of selective breeding.

Holy fuck, I'd love to see someone make a twitter picture with nigger pseudoscience bullshit about how burned food and carbon helps balance the melanin in our bodies and shit.
>burned chicken
>burned toast
>burned cereal

tfw corn purist thread

>Niggers are stealing purple corn
This triggers me and I'm not even peruvian

>tfw no purple corn here to make mazamorra morada

Well, it is a powerful pigment. Sun gives life, melanin absorbs sun, redirects sun rays in the form of heat and it flow through the blood, interacts with the brain, pineal and pituitary glands, which regulate mood, sleep, emotion, soul, etc. white people on average have calcified pineal glands than blacks because they dont have much melanin at all, so they use more effort in putting thought out which leads to more rigid and calculated thinking (because that's what how brain separates us from animals, whites just do it more) need more sleep to recharge, need to eat more for sufficient energy, etc. so yes, melanin is kind of a "magic" pigment.

Melanin the God Particle

>t. Afrikan Sun Warlock

Spend your life in a cave sunless and see how you turn out ... Oh wait

>which leads to more rigid and calculated thinking

I see what you're doing, God's speed user

Damn, I wish I thought of that first. Imagine how many sales you can make just combining corn and food coloring.

How much is in a typical nignog? I might have a brilliant business idea.

So this is what happens when you cut open a few corn rows from a nigger's head?

pls stop

Prove that melanin has anything to do with the pineal gland. I know MELATONIN does. Anyway, weak b8 as always.

Energy only comes from the sun. Matter is neither created nor destroyed. Humans' only natural protection from the Sun's harmful rays is melanin. Rays do not reflect, they are absorbed by the melanin. The energy then converts within the body as heat, goes to the organs, brain, out through the skin, synthesizes vitamin d production, etc. on whites, the sun is absorbed but rapidly fought off by the body, i.e. burns skin which turns it all into heat, peels off, the sun energy that didn't get emitted damages deep skin layers...the differences between non melanated people is so minute though, yet maybe this can explain the differences you racists love to focus on.

How much does 1 kg of carbon nanotubes, a white invention, cost?


It looks like a black man's anus, amazing.

It depends on the quality. Anywhere from $200/kilo to $750,000/kilo.

what's stopping you doing it now?

get some shit on ebay


>Matter is neither created nor destroyed
explain fusion then

t. expert

Quick question Sup Forums, Can melanin be somehow "extracted" from dindus?

It is only about 1/3 that. $350/gram.

Melanin is produced by presence of more melatonin, light activates the pineal gland, which produces melatonin, which in turns darkens your skin cells. Exposed to light = your melatonin gets secreted at night= you get darker. They are not just independent from each other. The more you are exposed to light, the darker you get, and ALSO the more melatonin the pineal gland secretes.

>take nig nogs, but into camps to take melanin out, sell it on the market

t. #ImWithHer

what do you think, lads? wouldn't mind seeing more niggers burning their house down while trying to summon black magic

matter is similar to energy where its neither created or destroyed it just goes through a transition into another form.
this shouldn't hurt your brain at all .

Ayn rand once said show me a man who isn't passionate about corn cultivation and I'll show you a man not passionate about life. I agree.

fixed a retarded spelling mistake and increased the jpeg compression

Nuclear fusion is 2 atoms (matter) creating more energy by reacting with each other. The energy doesn't get destroyed nor created


I'm really thinking about posting this on my actual kikebook

This is fucking stupid. Whoever takes this seriously is a contrarian retard who should be shot in the back of the head unexpectedly while at work.

melanin is the new snake oil
for the shit class anyway

>Have healing properties
It's perfect.


HELP ME GET #Regicide TRENDING, Sup Forums!

nice work

>matter is similar to energy
that's real retarded sir

not atoms, just nucleuses

Oh no, the food isn't boiled!! Someone alert the Queen, they don't have a license for that.

>melanated man and woman


Ok, I'm fucking out of here.

That's really corny

Don't call it burnt. Call it blackened or charred.

This probably won't burn their house down but burnt food is jam-packed with carcinogens.

reminds me of this nutjob



Do you guise know about the Mexican tesla who invented a melanin-water energy batter thingy??



An yo niggas aks why dey be shootin yo asses

If I eat that corn will I turn into a nigger?


Why yes they do!

>The five recognized species in the genus are: Zea diploperennis, Zea perennis, Zea luxurians, Zea nicaraguensis, and Zea mays. The last species is further divided into four subspecies: Z. m. huehuetenangensis, Z. m. mexicana, Z. m. parviglumis, and Z. m. mays.


good idea, burger
how's this?


this specifically

Too complicated of a word for niggers to know


Twitter only trends the things it deems important to maintaining liberal narrative

Atom's nucleuses my bad. What's the point? Different masses create a high energy reaction. It doesn't come from nowhere it comes from within both nuclei. Are you really arguing that matter is possible to be created and destroyed?

raycis ass corn

I really like the fusion jazz in that video..

>Jimbob Rusling

Im starting to feel that 90% of the "we wuz kings"-Black Twitter is actually Sup Forums false flag shitposting.

>implying I don't already do that


you lack comprehension, as if you haven't passed a chemistry course at all.
matter is similar to energy in the regards that it transitions into another state.
burn a piece of paper, the papers only gone to the visible eye because you can't hold it any more due to energy changing its state.
the bonds that held the paper together was changed with the addition of energy, where you have left over ashes but the smoke from the paper(gaseous state) meaning you've got two products, both with different states of matter.
its really not hard to understand.

real talk though, I love to sit a steak right in the flames of a grill and singe the motherfucker.

Charred meat is good as fuck as long as you don't burn the whole thing to a brick.


With enough energy you can destroy matter into energy if I am am remembering my physics class correctly, I could just be retarded though.


>Fuck da whitey
>Get cancer
Do eet

if I turn a proton or neutron into energy, is it still a proton or neutron?

>>someone who takes this seriously
>>at work
Does not compute


Is 'destroy' the right word you're looking for? I'd imagine the only way to convert matter to energy is to cause an endless reaction and squeeze the heat from every particle in the reaction so there's nothing left physically, including vapors.

Skin them and tan the nigger leather.

>how do you want your steak senpai?

Much better.

>Defending cancer causing foods


thats just theory most likely only thing that could come from that conclusion is a black hole but we
don't honestly know what a black hole does besides
absorbing shit.

Also, that corn.

> implying that's not a modern cultivar of corn
> implying corn before humanity's """interference""" wasn't absolute shit
> implying all dark plant pigments are related to melanin chromophore
> implying digestion of melanin leads to increased melanin
> implying melanin constitutes some sort of nutritional advantage, and moreso for darkies



as a mut myself, im only worth about half a nigger. but my intelligence is a good pay off that could drive up my price. how much are you willing to spend?

Blue corn is man-made as far as I'm aware.
Carrots did use to be purple though.

And theres a species of black skin/meat chicken, "silkies".

When two atoms combine a small part of their mass is converted into photons.

t. retard

obviously the universe is 2d

Literally all made up pseudoscience. Bio 1 students could disprove this in a 100 word essay.

Top kangz