Damn....really makes you think

damn....really makes you think

*tips fedora*


My belief on religion and atheism. A simple view. Religion provides a longer lasting society, albeit with a dark underbelly at times. Atheist provide a shorter lived society with more lifestyle choices to choose from. We need a balance.

It's not really much of a sacrifice if he just respawns, innit?

inb4 200 replies



not today shit for brains, Im watching a movie

guess im a #judemissile now

the only way to progress is to ban athiest ideologythey preach(((ironically))) a ton of shit about science, but when it comes down to the grit of it all, the most innovative and ground breaking scientists all have religious backrounds that they dabble in and out of their whole lives. atheism is a cancer to academia because it promotes stagnation within the basic steps of hypothesis to conclusion. the 70's and 80's are one of the greatest examples of this. the war on drugs ban and criminalization of marijuana made it career suicide to study on what is now one of the most booming markets and research fields for all things medical. all because some fag lords thoughy "metaphysics and psychodelics are le silly notions and rape drugs"


Because if we follow the word Jesus, we too can be "immortal" in the Kingdom of Heaven when we die.

Any other 2000 year old questions you want to bust out of your "Destroy Xtians Evryz Timz" folder?

Jesus wasnt immortal.

Dont forget that atheists are fat land whales who have small dicks.


Pretty far off, actually. I am a long time unbeliever too.

The Romans did not believe that Jesus was immortal or that he was the son of God. They believed he was a heretic rallying the rabble against them and their Money Printing Scheme.

So he was crucified, a common punishment that lead to death.

Jesus forgave humanity for being so cruel to him and rose from the dead, demonstrating that he was indeed the Christ.

Something like that anyway.

If fedoras spent as much time pointing out the bullshit in Islam as they do with Christianity they might can make the world a better place. But these man children like to kick around religion that is been thoroughly beaten and they're too cowardly to confront a real threat.

That's the edgiest thing i have read this day.

Sorry your strawman isn't more encompassing. Maybe read more

I don't know any atheists personally that like Islam though. I know that's anecdotal evidence but I've never seen any data showing if atheists see Islam favorably or not.

He is totally, totally wrong.

Makes me think about when He comes for you.

and the you remember the part where he was beaten and tortured for several days

Pretty much true though. If you can just come back whenever then dying isn't such a sacrifice is it?

So just the pain was important, not the dying?

The claim is always "he died for your sins". Admittedly that sounds a lot better than "he took a severe beating, that likely would have resulted in his death from infection due the sanitary conditions of the time, for your sins."