Crash Course Islam

Well, it doesn't seem too bad. What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

"our history is the story of people on the planet"
no it's fucking not.
western civilization has no obligation to learn about or cherish the enemy

Western civilisation isn't very old, so its history is about everything that came before. Don't be ignorant.

Mazel tov white goyim convert to (((Islam))) for merchant.

The West predates Islam

but islam is part of eastern civilization. they are the enemy

The problem of education about Islam and Islamic culture is that nowadays the "high culture" of Islam has been replaced by the Wahhabist brand of Sunnite Islam, spread and funded by Saudi-Arabia and the Gulf States. There is no point in learning what the Islam initially was.

>learning about your enemy is a waste of time

It's good to know your enemy, but I doubt this video series will accurately portray the Religion of Peace™.

wtf i like shitskins now

There are only two things anyone needs to know about Islam.

1) Their religion teaches that people outside it must be killed.

2) It is their law that Muslims may tell any lie it takes to conceal point 1, including violating any other apparent law of the religion.

The same goes with the kikes. The only difference being, kikes are intelligent satanic spawns who will wipe out your race and summon the anti-christ without you knowing it and subvert you into supporting it, whereas Muslims can be wiped out in a matter of no time.

Islam already had a crash course

anbody know what stuff you need to recite to make a muslim stop killing you?

I use hummus as a lube. It sure is yummus

Hummus is the best anal lube. Sanddicks slide in just rite

If you smell of hummus, they won't kill you, just sand-dick you for a bit. eh....

When you smell like hummus, they won't kill you, just want to sand-dick u for a while. it's eh.....

include me in the screencap

Rare American banter.

كان محمد الديوث

Lol like Indians as well. Eat shit you fucking poo in loo. What gives the right for a shitskin like you to talk down to a light-skinned Ashkenazim Jew like me?

"Muhammad was a cuckold"