How are these movies doing so well? They're fucking terrible. No I'm not a DC fan they're an even bigger joke but this doesn't explain why they're doing so well
How are these movies doing so well? They're fucking terrible...
Millennials (yes I am one) suffering from arrested development and perpetual childhood. Also, chinks love anything that looks pretty
their popularity is emblematic of bigger societal issues
I don't understand it at all. My roommate goes to see every superhero movie and even if he sees a couple in a row that he thinks are terrible he just gets excited for the next one. It's so confusing and embarrassing that these are the biggest movies every year that people flock to.
We know why. They are modern day mythology. Fucking Thor is a superhero, its insane. Man child rush to but in the same breathe would make fun of someone following a religion. Also these movies show empowerment, something people want to be but of course will never strive for. Also Mexicans love going to see super hero movies I don't know why thats the real question because there are no spic heroes yet they eat it up like burritos. Also I saw wonder women the other day and not only was it terrible but the praise it is getting just proves that the propaganda of the far left is full force. Jordan Peterson was right about everything.
They are easy franchises that are popular and fairly simple to cash in on. The nostalgia factor is what brought it to us but the Chinese are what's keeping it here. Capeshit is a sure return on investment. I hate it too, I saw WW last night and was really bored by it. The last capeshit I saw before that was The Amazing SpiderMan 2 and that was really forgettable also.
Look at these two fucking morons who are also decrying the trend while continuing to go see the movies. Stop going you idiots, you're helping out the disease.
paid shills and brand loyalists
I don't usually see them, like I said the last one i saw was ASM2, but everyone was memeing how good WW was I figured I'd give it a shot.
you are very right. I wanted to test myself about WW and I was right, and that scares me. Doubt I will ever go again after that
target audience: elementary school to high school boys, who need parents to take them + older teenagers and 20somethings who still like action movies with comic book characters + pathetic gen-y manchildren who got fucked by their boomer parents who dismantled the American identity, thus robbing them of adult rolemodels / heros. that's a good 25% of the population. add in the curious, dates, significant others, etc. and you can guarantee a hit. the audience is built-in. the movies are good at creating the escapism longed for by the target demo. is this really so complicated? so it's not Citizen Kane. The movies are honed to a perfect point of marketability. if you can't get that and appreciate the commercial artistry, maybe you should go back to masturbating over your Ingmar Bergman box set. go make your "art" and let people who know exactly what the fuck they're doing continue to basically print their own money with what will go down in history as the most successful movie franchise of all time.
bunch of bored as tweens,teens, and 20 something go to watch the same shit over and over again due to boredom.
Who hurt you user?
it happened during "penis inspection day" at school...
Its genuinely impressive to me when I see people so entrenched in their internet bubble safe space that they dont understand basic normie behavior.
>hurr im told on Sup Forums every day this thing is bad
>*years of conditioning*
What I find genuenly hilarious is how Sup Forums is capeshit central and the go to place after any new trailer drops because there will be a million threads "mocking" it when in reality every single one of you fucks are going to watch it but think its fun to pretend to hate them. People who actually dislike something dont spend so much time with it and are knowledgeable about it more so than the standard fan. I believe the term for that is being a hipster.
Capeshit movies are objectively horrible pieces of nonsense aimed at children. They are hardly ever directed by capable directors and even more rarely do they have any serious ambition.
I am assuming the OP was considering this when making the thread. It isn't a thread wondering who is going to see these movies, it's a thread bemoaning the fact that such garbage seems to have such widespread appeal.
You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows.
A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.
Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children.
This is your world. This is the world of capeshit. Terrifying, isn't it?
Ok? Doesn't change my opinion on the thread at all. Please explain this concept to the rest of the threads I was referring to and maybe together we can stop /capeshitcaner/ together.
High budget serialized film series with great quality control. Stop sniffing Sharpies you drooling ape.
They're fun
I don't know. I lived them watching capeshit movies when they felt fresh and appealed to a base desire, but now they're just fucking tired and boring and I wish the industry would move on to a different trend.
>"objective" standards of evaluation
oh sweet summer child...
>why they're doing so well
stopped reading there
are you retarded
Last capeshit movie I saw was Spiderman 2 back in 2005 was it?
Its the same shit over and over. Im not giving hollywood my money for being lazy asses.
Yet people keep going to see them like some retarded hamster rediscovering its hamster wheel every 5 minutes.
>people only go see good movies
Remember when people only went to go see good movies like ID4 and JP: the lost world?
They're well done entertainment. Even the weakest ones have something to lose an evening to enjoy and some of them (Iron Man, GotG) are actually really good.
pic related: the thread
>How dare these people discuss their opinions
It's painfully obvious just by the picture alone where you're from, please go back
Heh. Memes.
Look at this dingus who has seen only a couple capeshit movies before the capeshit trend even started trying to make criticisms about the current capeshit industry.
You're just a out-of-touch moron who thinks he was smart because never liked capeshit in the first place because the majority of people who did are now also tired of the industry.
>im going to bicker and bitch until you agree with me or stop responding while presenting my views as fast
That is the opposite of sharing opinions. But sure, I bet you were the one guy ITT being fair and open to discussion.
>posting image macros is an argument
Naa. Im just laughing at retards like you, while Im dodging these obvious bullets.
same shit, different hero. rinse repeat.
>everything is an argument
The fundemental problem, im not that user but you're just proving my point that you're looking for an argument and not discussion of opinions as you initially claimed. And the fact that you assumed that meme macro was directed towards you says something about your posting habits. Just sayin
You are forgetting girls. This shit is like crack for them.
>He thinks he's smart for actively avoiding the Nolan Batman trilogy which is now so influtentually intertwined with modern society that he'll go through life never understanding certain references
Good job you sure showed society.
>when in reality every single one of you fucks are going to watch it
Once it's out on torrents
>people who dislike something don't spend so much time
this copypasta would be better if it didn't keep reusing the word 'terrifying' over and over.
a fair point, but I'd argue they are a secondary market. the success of WW will pave the wave for some further marketing to that demo, but not at the expense of alienating the core audience. Disney has the little girls sewn up with the princess movie remakes.
>You're wrong for responding to that post because I said so
They're fun.
Movies don't need to be intellectually stimulating in order to be entertaining, and BvS was fucking dog shit on all levels.
>BvS was fucking dog shit on all levels
all capeshit flicks are, you just have to turn your brain off, bro.
>little girls
I'm not talking about little girls. I'm talking about girls 16 and up. They eat that shit up. While they might not care for the action and explosions, the quips and buff actors are there for them. Not to mention capeshit is immensely popular which in a girl's mind equals good.
I meant that while it wasn't "fun" in the sense that Marvel movies are, there are other criteria BvS could have met to make up for it but didn't. This isn't true for the other DCU movies, though. I went into Man of Steel and Wonder Woman without expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised both times.
Turning your brain off to watch stupid things leaves you open to their effects. Keep your brain on and actively notice the stupidity. I think you'll realize that these movies are designed to work on people who turn their minds off. It's very similar to hypnosis.
When things become popular there's often a backlash. Your Reddit post is proof of this.
oh noes. I wont know batman references..
you sound retarded.
They're some what cohesive strung together big BIG things. I don't know. I could not tell you why BvS got the money it did or why transformers does so well. Avengers I thought was pretty good and it being a sequel to 4 movies I get its success. Im still blown away. I like special effects heavy explosion movies. Im still not getting why they are the ones selling. Im not trying to hate either. I just kinda don't get it. I thought Star Trek Beyond was amazing, but no one saw it. I don't get it whats going on.