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By keeping your shit on Sup Forums
>where you from?
>you da ho?
[rape ensues]
>now she da ho
Disgusting fucking liberal once again proves he's fine with child rape
Sup Forums for Sup Forums
Sup Forums for Sup Forums
Sup Forums for Sup Forums
But Sup Forums for everybody
where do you think we are?
keep your Sup Forumsshit on Sup Forums faggot
nice leddit post
>a 7 year old boy touched a 5 year old girl while a 10 year old boy watched and a 14 year old boy recorded it
clearly they should all be executed for this
>being angry about a particular website
>being angry because one or more visitors at this website are suspected of frequently visiting the aforementioned website
Here's how it is, friendo. You're not going to like it, but all I offer is the truth.
You can not stop the oncoming tide of what you perceive to be "le randum post-millennial newfag summercancer tourists" from coming to this site. Or any site. Or any nation. Ever. Our numbers are too strong.
What you CAN do, however, is this. You can take a giant step back from yourself and ask, "all this crying about the past, all this whining about the present and all this despair for the future - does it make me a genuinely happy person? Does my knowledge of the idiocracy enlighten me? Does it hold me and reassure me on a cold night?"
Chances are, everyone who desperately clings to the "good old days", the answers to these questions probably aren't what you would refer to as "positive". Chances are, you probably fucking HATE yourself. Why don't you do something that distracts you from your smug, arrogant self-righteousness, for a change?
Take up a hobby. Take a walk. Lift. Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.
Maybe then there'd be less of you insipid, whining cunts making posts like this.
We are memes. We are fun. We are Colbert Drumphcookies dipped in Rick & Morty's szechuan sauce. We are the NEW Sup Forums. Midnight narwhal bacon for LIFE.
the next louis ck
On the local news article about the rapist fathers employer, Chobani, suing Alex Jones, they literally said it wasn't gang rape, and liberal faggots in the comment section, probably from Fagifornia, said it wasn't rape.
Stop defending child rape, redshit cancer
>he believes the official narative
i dont understand your point
Are you implying that its ok because it was "only" sexual assault and battery?
user, it's just their culture. You need to be more considerate.
>all these Sup Forums liberals perfectly fine with a child being raped
Even the Sup Forums pedos wouldn't believe this you scum
This article was intended to bury the rape, essentially sandnigger dindu nuffin
If the DA could prove that they did something there wouldn't be this kind of plea deal.
This is neo/pol/
Fuck off.
Meanwhile Kike-in-Chief is rounding up Arab Christians from churches to deport them to genocide in Islamist shitholes
forgot pic
This is proof that liberalism is a mental illness
Holy fuck is this place cancer. SHE WAS FUCKING RAPED. Don't care if its Sup Forums, its still rape. Damn mudslimes.
>Arab Christians
pick one
and they're still shitskins by the way
You da ho.
Allahu Ackbar!
Allahu Ackbar!
Please cum in our daughters
you're just mad that you didn't get to declare jihad on that loli
What do you think should be done? Should a 7 year old be treated as an adult in court?
Jail is a meme. Probation/house arrest/rehabilitation is the way to go with all criminals. Prevents recidivism and people that committed rape once won't become repeat rapists/murderers/terrorists.
>ywn a mudslim who gets to rap&molest cunnies in 1rst world coubtries
>expecting anything more from liberals
They even support gays which are 99% of the time child molesters
Sterling Heights is all Christians you fucktarded kike zionists, stop playing divide and conquer between Christians
I hope a nig slits your throat and burns your ass alive
>liberals literally now actively defend Muslim child rapists
WHY tho. Like I'm genuinely curious. What do you get out it?
Virtue signaling. I'm not joking. It makes them feel good about themselves.
Honestly I'd rather side with Muslims than feminists. At least Muslims have family values, no Muslims ever hurt me or called me a virgin or made fun of me.
Feminists are the reason there's the degenerate sexual culture and I can't get a proper girlfriend
The Muslim raped another Muslims kid.
That picture of the little white girl is misleading as fuck.
if that was the only consequence I would kill a bunch of people
Both were made that way by Jews.
I'm not really sure what the best solution would be to the situation, obviously what happened was wrong but on the other hand the perpetrators were juveniles. Something needs to be done but I don't think throwing a 7 and 10 year old in jail is the answer to this. The 14 year old is a bit of a different matter since he should have been old enough to understand why this was wrong, but he's still a minor so I'm not really sure prison is appropriate there as well.
Do you disagree? What do you think should be done?
They've been doing it for years in sweden
Also the same people who support people of a religion that stones gay people.
>>liberals literally now actively defend Muslim child rapists
They're 7 and 10 year olds playing doctor.
wish i never voted for trump so i wouldnt see this shit shitting up my boards.
So Muslims can rape children as long as their brown? That's actually even more racist
they'd be doing it anyway unfortunately
>my boards
Can you prove to me you were here(on Sup Forums) in 2007?
is this like the child refugees in europe? and then why do they gag order the family?
>dumb kids experiment with each other while the parents freak out like its the worst thing in the world because they're all sexually repressed religious freaks
what else is new? the 14 year old probably has a brain disease and should be locked up, but the other kids are just that: kids
I remember when I first came he it was nothing but feet threads and asr
Looks like the liberal mod that protects off-topic threads that aren't pro right wing is here lads
Everyone I know would have known that's fucked up at age 7. Should be executed painlessly. No hope for his future.
Not where, but when!
>post news article
>news belongs on Sup Forums
Does anyone on Sup Forums have an IQ over 100?
>Muslim kids playing doctor
Did they pretend to slice her clit off?
The gangrape was videotaped. The real question is why the leniency?
I think they should all be deported
No one ITT is doing that though.
>This shit happens.
>americans still project their issues onto europe, and in particular Sweden
Wew lads.
you never played doctor as a kid?
maybe the were playing jihad refugee
Its just a benis in bagina :D
>is libshit redditard
>defends child rape
>under the MUH POL boogeyman
Kill yourself
This thread is pro right wing though? It's a Sup Forums thread.
Where did I defend child rape, you buzzword spouting retard?
How is this thread still here? Christ the pollution simply cannot be contained to pol anymore.
oh i thought it was part of the cunny spam rotation
1) There was no rape
2) the boys were under 10
3) the story has been debunked
4) only breitbart and wnd carry it anymore
5) go back to Sup Forums
and finally, for everyone who can't believe this could happen in a red state gun toting god fearing white place like Idaho ... you are correct. It couldn't happen there.
Because it didn't.
>Pamela (((((Geller)))))
Why do white prople trigger you?