When Will They Release The Sex Tape?
Other urls found in this thread:
>finally have a black bachelorette
>somebody gets raped
did they not see this comming?
this is a psyop. the producers probably put something in her fuckin drink. 100% serious
They had him rape her and then they will let him off.
Where's the pastebin you redditor cunt
Like my dude Tariq Nasheed said, I'm not buying it,
>Although DeMario remembers everything -- from "rubbing, touching and fingering" to licking her genitals
>Want to get on TV
>Do reality TV show
>get nigger raped
Kids, this is why you stay away from acting.
Read the story.
She walked up to him and forced him to perform oral sex on her., raping him and sexually harassing the entire crew.
SHE is the rapist and should be behind bars..
sounds like the crew are cucks and just wanted to watch
This chick would be pretty hot if she had a chin.
>demario jackson
I read that as "Rosario Dawson" and got hopeful as fuck.
>Corinne has told her friends she has a boyfriend and wouldn't have done what she did
why was she on the show
>She has a boyfriend
Then what the FUCK was she doing on the show?
I thought you made this up and I went back to the article to confirm.
What the actual fuck? Why would anybody do this show if they had a boyfriend? How is being on this type of show not wrong, but having sex with another contestant is?
the winner already signed a contract. all the other girls know they are just there for exposure
>How is being on this type of show not wrong, but having sex with another contestant is?
Because the producers do not care. They want controversy because it's what draws in viewers and that's all they care about.
The crew are happy to go along and encourage contestants to go wild, as stated by some of the contestants themselves, so why do you all get indignant when your moronic fantasy land is challenged by reality?
>Why would anybody do this show if they had a boyfriend?
Exposure, retard.
They want to get "discovered" and their boyfriends are almost always numale beta cuckolds
what a catch
>Quoting Lil Wayne and Paris Hilton