The freedom of Brits is an insult to me. I'd have them all in zoos.
The freedom of Brits is an insult to me. I'd have them all in zoos
People love to hate what they dont have, say hi to Merkel for me
This is now a Cormac McCarthy thread...
"You're heart's desire is to be told that there is some mystery. The mystery is that there is no mystery."
>People love to hate what they dont have, say hi to Merkel for me
Thank God I don't have fucked up teeth.
The very fact that the 'German' still exists in 2016 is an affront to humanity.
We'll force the last of your people through the blood refineries yet, ARYAN SCUM.
>Thank God I don't have fucked up teeth
At least try to be creative
I forgot about you anglo poster. You got outshilled by Hillary.
Bitter much? 2 world wars and 1 world cup
Welcome back
It is not necessary that the principals here be in possession of the facts concerning their case, for their acts will ultimately accommodate history with or without their understanding. But it is consistent with notions of right principle that these facts…should find a repository in the witness of some third party. Sup Forums's Britcuck brigade is just such a party and any slight to their office is but a secondary consideration when compared to divergences in that larger protocol exacted by the formal agenda of an absolute destiny. Words are things. The words they are in possession of they cannot be deprived of. Their authority transcends their ignorance of their meaning.
Anglo Internet Defense Force reporting in.
“War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.”
― Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
“A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.”
If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night… This you see here, these ruins wondered at by tribes of savages, do you not think that this will be again? Aye. And again. With other people, with other sons.
That was the part where I fell in love with the book.
This is why you need Jamal.
Have you read our ancient doctrine, the Bedae Anglo?
0 world wars and 4 world cups is better
Only nature can enslave man and only when the existence of each last entity is routed out and made to stand naked before him will he be properly suzerain of the earth.
The man who sets himself the task of singling out the thread of order from the tapestry will by the decision alone have taken charge of the world and it is only by such taking charge that he will effect a way to dictate the terms of his own fate.
War is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one’s will and the will of another within the larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence. War is god.
Jamal is all yours Sven.
Sweden YES!
Thank god I don't live in 60% white population ruled by a nigger, with a terrorist organization spreading throughout their country, with walmarts being shut down and turning into concentration camps
For anyone who doesn't know, the Jeremy Kyle show is a talkshow where the worst dregs of degenerate humanity across the UK are brought out to screech indecipherable shit at each other.
Depending on the topic they're then read the results of either a "lie detector" or a DNA test, and then screech some more. The on-screen text is a constantly-visible summary of the current "issue", not a subtitle.
Its target audience is housewives and the chronically unemployed. It's popular among those groups because it provides something for them to look down on; something they can point to and tell themselves "at least I'm better than these people!"
Having said that, I admit to having watched a few episodes of it. It's a kind of guilty pleasure to witness the trainwrecks therein.
>being this mad that we voted to leave the EU
Me, too. Page 52 I believe. Amazing writer. I would like to see an interview not done by Oprah lol. Did you see the screen test for Blood Meridian? I don't think they could make this movie, desu.
I did not and I refuse to watch any movie adoption of this incredible jewel of a book.
No adaption could even hope to come close. The prose is a main character of its own.
“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.”
That low level bait
I believe James Franco did it. He is a fan of Faulkner, as well. I quite agree with you, that no adaptation could come close. McCarthy is a living treasure.
Are you that gay Christian Canadian I talked to yesterday?
This must be the fourth divide and conquer post I've seen today
Are we being raided?
Implying we and the yuropoors were ever united
One toothbrush to brush them all.
White europeans need our help more than ever
If you don't want to help, at least don't disparage them
Great, I shaved my balls for this?
Sorry to disappoint. I quite liked those quotes as I had forgotten some. Your grooming can't be considered a total loss in light of this, can it?
I'll let it slide...this time.