Am I alone when thinking that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974 is one of the best slasher films ever made?
Am I alone when thinking that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974 is one of the best slasher films ever made?
Of course it is.
it may be THE best slasher film ever made. That last shot, Kino.
>Slasher film
>Guy uses a chainsaw
I haven't seen Carpenter's Halloween in a long time but it's up there
That's popular opinion my man.
The coolest part is that it's based on a true story and gives real insight to white southern culture. The best slasher film, however, is the leprechaun
Thats true. It helps that I live in this giant backwoods state
>not Lep 4
Lep in the hood will do you no good
The AVGN parody was better
This. It's the best.
It's one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. I couldn't believe how good it was when I saw it.
That scene at the end where he's dancing around like a wild faggot with the chainsaw always makes me laugh
If you like it so much why don't your marry it, namefag?
whoa that's a pretty controversial opinion man
If I could marry a movie it'd be The Lady from Shanghai.
It's one of the greatest Horror movies of all-time.
Also, I prefer this cover. It's what the local video place had when I first rented it and always stuck with me.
The ass in TCM is timeless
Dude lol, i first watched that movie when i was a little younger when my poor ass family owned one of those illegal black cable boxes. Good times.
Halloween is a very well made movie but it doesn't hold up that well to multiple viewings, just because of the nature of the story.
I never get sick of rewatching TCM though.
How could Tobe Hooper make such shit movies after this?
Every shot is kino
The set design for this movie is so fucking brilliant.
It was originally conceived as a horror comedy right? I couldn't help but find a lot of the scenes to be really funny. I think it just about beats Evil Dead for me.
I don't know if I'd even call it a slasher, but if it is, it's easily the best. It's one of the best horror movies in general.
No. Most would agree with you.
Everyone sleeps on the comedy, but it's there. It's just pitch black. The sequel plays up the comedic elements, and is a fantastic movie in its own right.
Yeah, it's just so absurd that it makes it even weirder. I mean, it's obvious that the scene with the grandpa was humorous, but it was played with a straight face, and that's what makes it so great. The sequel is too goofy and loses all of what made the original so good.
It's very loosely based on Ed Gein, who's from Wisconsin...