Cast it Sup Forums
Sam Raimi to direct film adaptation of "The Turner Diaries"
Opening scene: fade in to dead niggers impaled on pikes roasting in the desert
Just another subtle attempt to make Sup Forums topics relevant on Sup Forums.
You goddamn well know that if (((they))) made a movie out of this, they'd rewrite the plot to focus on a poor oppressed black family trying to survive during an evil white supremacist uprising.
it's actually a well written book. I like the part where they're hanging roasties
No, it's a poorly written book, but it was something different so I enjoyed it.
So what was the moral of the book?
Chimping out is cool if you're a Irish retard?
Tripfags will be the first to go on the day of the rope.
Mark Wahlberg as Earl Turner
Keep dreaming, it will never happen.
every single black guy that dies in the movie, no matter how insignificant the death is, is played by Idris Elba.
So wait?
Was the book pro genocide?
TayTay guest appearance
Disagree completely. It reads like an Alex Jones listener writing fan fiction. I stopped reading at the sex scene.
Yes, non-white genocide.
Why is white people so delusional ? It will never happen snowflakes get over it and enjoy the ride
Sorry, niggers. Ben "Let's get this shoah on the road" Garrison is gonna string you up nice and high.
All its stopping us is the lack of collective will. White people could wipe out the rest of humanity easily. The planet would be objectively better off in the long run if we did, but I don't think it's worth it.
>Alex Jones listener writing fan fiction
Is this a style of writing?
White people are a minority on this planet, you aren't wiping out shit.
Butthurt negro.
Are white people just niggers in suits?
It was written in parts for a weekly magazine originally iirc. That's why its written like it is.