What went wrong?
Iron Fist
Boring lead and shitty fights.
Easier to ask, what went right. Actually... no. Both can be summed up with one individual word. 'EVERYTHING' and 'NOTHING'.
>oh boy the first fight in the whole series
>this will define the tone for the rest of the franchise I can't wait
>he pushes some security guards and does some potato-level tae kwon do
>all the actors slow down and struggle to remember the choreography\
>does 20 pushups in preparation to play the greatest martial artist in the Marvel Universe
fuck this guy
seriously though.
it was obviously rushed and put together quickly because they had to get it out before the defenders
I agree that Danny is the problem. Not only is his character unlikeable but he is not convincing as the Iron Fist both in fighting and physique.
every single character acts retarded, and has no logic to any of their actions. the fight scenes have no punch, they all feel too floaty, and there is no real weight behind any connection. the pro is that it isn't Jessica Jones
rushed out the door with no care
>What went wrong?
Hour after hour of him being naive and him not punching people through walls.
Entire thing felt like film student fan fiction.
>Boring lead and shitty fights.
>jobbing cunt
They fucking phoned it in.
Employing whyte faggot who doesn't know shit about martial arts(or fight scene choreography)
[Spoiler]my name is Danny Rand[/spoiler]
>>jobbing cunt
What does "jobbing" mean?
I will defeat the hand
gee i wonder what went wrong
what went wrong is that they didnt spend the whole series on the meachums.
They rushed it through production trying to squeeze it in before they filmed Defenders.
>enters dojo full of blacks and hispanics
>beats a black kid with a stick
Did Raimi direct this show or something?
casting a skinny dyel twink faggot as Iron First.
jfc I have a better body than this guy and I don't practice martial arts 24/7
They hired Ser Loras to play a Kung-fu badass.
It's obvious from the interviews that the actor has UWI and brought his little prick attitude into the show, the entire show. Everyone else was better than him, even that gate guarding half white boy.
guy who played danny sucked
i don't know if his character was intentionally unlikable, but at the very least he could have actually hit the gym and trained for the role, christ
ward was this show's saving grace
Sorry I just woke up, meant to type unwarranted self importance. He's all watch the show you'll like it stop judging me before you watch it there's nothing wrong with me being casted I need the job even though it's gonna be my last going by how hard I jobbed lol
Ward, Claire and that sweet Asian yoga pants ass.
Not the actor's fault desu, it's the directors' and producers' falute desu
>Allowing Scott Cuck to be in charge. >Hiring a lead actor who didn't know martial arts or have time to train for anything
>Not giving the character a costume so they could utilize a stunt double, resulting in weak ass choreography
>Main character is inconsistent in his personality and motives
>Making side characters more interesting and stronger than the title character
>Pussyfooting around the mysticism, despite taking place in the same universe as Dr. Strange
>Way too much telling and not showing
>Giving Claire Temple a bigger role than she deserves
>Turning The Hand from a ruthless Japanese ninja organization into a bunch of homeless and troubled racially diverse, skinny teenagers, yet they're somehow still the greatest threat to mankind
>Beginner After Effects tier work for the Iron Fist effect