Oh my god no way

Oh my god no way


Reply to this post, and OP's mother will die tonight.

Damn im shocked gone too soon just like Bill paxt


I'm replying

literally who

She will die as she has lived, with my cock in her mouth.

Fake news

fuck you, nigga!

Rip bob odenkirk who else loves mr show

Uhhh Saul is dead


Crap crap im gonna cry dudes

I hated him

Shit, how can I resist?

RIP Bob Oedekerk

Guys I am not dead



Nice try. That's exactly what a dead guy would say.

If dubs OP's mother finally has all her dreams come true as a reward for having to deal with an idiot child

if dubs she gets killed by her loser son

fuck you

I'll take that bet!