Hey Tomorrow is South Africa's municipality election.
So I want to hear from the most informed community on internet for politics for who I should vote for?
Hey Tomorrow is South Africa's municipality election.
So I want to hear from the most informed community on internet for politics for who I should vote for?
Other urls found in this thread:
VF+ anything else is kaffers and jews
Anyone but cANCer m8
Jews and kaffers
im voting eff for the memes tbqh
I'm kinda torn between VF+ and DA. On the one hand I like the VF+ on the other hand, at least the DA stands the chance to win a few metros from the ANC. Tough choice.
At this point the memes write themselves. No point in adding to the mayhem.
CAPE party
What about Make South Africa Great Again and bring back the Pan Africanism?
What percent of the country is white?
Not enough for it to make any difference
They don't exist in Gauteng, for obvious reasons. Would probably vote for them if I lived in the WC.
Does the PAC even exist anymore?
People always say, why do the blacks keep voting anc when they see the anc does nothing, I think they have the same reasoning. They are loyal to the anc because it keeps blacks in power, not because they do any good for the country. If you look at policies on the da website you'll see they support many of the same shit the anc does. They just use white votes to get more power, never trust the jews.
Anyway fuck them all, i'm not even voting tomorrow because i'm am 800km trip away from my voting district and the assholes only announced the date of the election after the registrations closed.
How are interracial couples viewed in your country?
Is BBC enrichment a thing here?
You see it in the big cities, but it really isn't that common. Generally people don't give it much attention. We really have bigger problems.
Racemixing was still illegal 25 years ago, so most people see it as taboo, you get a few fuckers that think they're progressive and get themselves a black girl, but most people look down on it.
Even the whores in my local news papers classifieds all have (whites only) on the adds, not that I fuck whores but it's always funny too see the adds
Redpill me on all the parties m8
Just get out of SA?
You are just waiting to be killed by a mob of angry niggers anytime.
The niggs were nice enough to devalue the currency to where it's not really that easy.
ANC: The corrupt idiots in charge.
EFF: Far left Marxist party, gaining a lot of ground.
DA: Basically the ANC-light. Traditionally a party of progressives, but have gained a lot of ground and run the Western Cape fairly well.
VF+: Centrist/somewhat right party that claims to protect Afrikaner intersts. Have a few seats, but pretty small.
The Rand is super undervalued though. Should be closer to R5 to the dollar.
I want to vote VF+ but desu it's more important to get the ANC out of power so I'm voting DA.
Probably best to vote tactically for the DA, given how close they may be to taking certain metros... If the (((polls))) are to be believed anyway.
ordinarily i would agree with you but i'm hoping that this CAPE thing actually gains some traction. would be nice tbqh senpai.
Yeah. I think VF+ is probably OK in the national elections, but DA probably better for provincial and municipal ballots.
The problem is we have 3 voting papers. Should we vote all of them DA or DA/VF+?
I think there are only two papers. The one is for your ward councillor and the other is for a seat on the city council. Vote for a DA ward councillor and either DA or VF+ for the city council.
You get two votes: one is for your ward councilor, the other is for the municipality as a whole.
I had no clue there were so many south africans on Sup Forums
We tend to crawl out of the woodwork for South African threads.
I'm mixed - coloured mother, white father. Married to a white guy.
We're in a small town. Some people stare, but I always dress elegantly and I am well spoken, so some people assume I just have a tan.
Race mixing isn't a thing anywhere dude. Stop believing what you see on TV.
Loads of us around.
You coloureds are the fucking best.
Can't let the damn Aussies beat us at shitposting.
Damn, so many south africans, so to all the south africans, is south africa really as bad as Sup Forums makes it to be?
Fuck off BBC cuckold. Nobody wants to hear your fetish
Around Saffers, watch for slashers
Honestly doesn't really matter for most of the country. Those corrupt fuckers are going to win anyway.
Quite eager to see what happens in PE and PTA, but am suspecting shenanigans.
Objectively: 40 / 100 000 murder rate.
If you're reasonably wealthy it's ok.
Don't go into the bad parts of South Africa and you would be fine. Same don't walk around in bad places in Chicago if you a white. The bad places in South Africa is just lager and more than in America.
I am interested in hearing this as well
Lol. Thanks. I have all my own teeth, so I've kinda been kicked out of the tribe.
So are you guys planning to leave the country? It doesn't look good right now tbqh senpai
Not just yet. Lots of opportunity here right now since so many skilled people have fled.
Give us refugee status like the mudslimes then it would at least be easy and cheaper to get out.
My dad is British so I have a British passport. My husband has a PhD in the sciences. Between the two of us we could live just about anywhere, have traveled all over the world and lived in 8 different countries. We're here by choice, not because we can't get a visa to leave.
But I'm not going to lie, the last 2-3 years has made me fucking nervous.
Is it really so bad ?
You are black so what should you fear ? When the mob will come and lynch you can simply participate
reminder to not fall for the "leave southafrica" meme. the more of you there are the safer you are if you help each other.
You have elections?
Half white, half coloured is hardly black.
Why would a coloured woman post on the politics board of a Himalayan flute carving forum
To keep up the illusion of (((democracy))).
A lot of people don't have the means to do so, and the South African passport is generally one of the weaker ones.
When people say that Afrikaners or White South Africans are one of the richest ethnic groups on the planet, it doesn't mean that most people are rich - there's just so few of us that proportionally that the really rich people get the average really up there, and the people who have moved overseas are generally the highest skilled and educated ones.
That being said, it's still supposedly quite cheap to live well there compared to safer and developed countries, and it's still a fairly large country (nearly three times as large as California) so if you don't live in the areas where the shitty-ness is concentrated, it's a fairly nice place.
Surely it is....They are different shades of black. Obama black or Pygmy people black
Can someone give me a quick explanation of why the ANC is so bad, and why the DA will be different?
Probably drunk on papsak and wandering around where she shouldn't be. See it all the time in cpt.
You're German. I assume you're on Stormfront? Read their white genocide thread.
It is a bit exaggerated, blacks get murdered and raped too, but yeah, paler skinned people are a target.
The main reason people want to leave is the economy. Earlier this year we were trading at ZAR20 to the €! Fucking ridiculous. Means everything costs at least double what it should. Electronics are just ridiculous. Cars are also really expensive (but lower emissions tax, when compared to Europe). It's ok if you're well educated and have a good job, but if not, you're fucked, so you steal from people who have money sooooo...
Yeah. Let's just say my insurance premiums are really high and I'm glad I have a side business that pays in dollars.
They tend to be lighter than Obama. Most of them are of mixed Indonesian/Khoisan/White ancestry. Very few of them are back in the nig nog sense of the word.
I looked some elections results on that map elections.adrianfrith.com
Why are white in Transvaal and Free State so conservatives ?
VF is an afrikaner party, western cape has a lot of white Brits that dont identify with afrikaners or even dislike them
ANC steals like fucking crazy. Have set up purchasing processes to allow friends and family to benefit from government tenders etc. Corrupt as fuck.
DA whines a lot, but largely comprises educated people (of all races), so government is run by people with more than 5th grade education (like our dear president). Much stronger party in terms of service delivery. The province governed by them has the second strongest economy and consistently achieves the best results in the yearly school exit exam.
Now what confuses the hell out of me is how people from ANC provinces move to the DA run province because they can get a job there and their kids get a better education... And then the dumb fucks vote ANC. WTF?
The definition of black is different there
Is there's any white people voting for ANC ?
And among those white ANC voters, how many are afrikaners ?
Believe it or not, some white Afrikaners not only vote ANC but stand as councillors!
The party that designed Apartheid, the National Party, was absorbed by the ANC about 10 years ago.
You cannot make this shit up.
Are you the cunt in every holocaust thread?
There probably are a few white ANC voter, but it is safe to say the ANC's white vote is pretty neglible. I am sure the Afrikaner white vote is even smaller. There are a few white ANC MPs, but I am sure they are opertunist career politicians rather than true believers of their ideology.
>You cannot make this shit up.
With Jews, you lose.
this is maybe a stupid question but could there be a major war with one of south africas neighbors in the future?
Nah. I'm mostly in Sup Forums and /fit/
Zimbabwe might soon be at war with itself, but otherwise it is unlikely that Lesotho will invade anytime soon.
Never say never, but I doubt it.
Wouldn't be surprised if there's a civil war within the next 5-10 years, and if there is it won't be black on white but rather black on black.
EFF vs ANC ?
Or Zulu vs an other ethnicity vs an other ethnicity, etc... ?
Thought that too EFF wont give up without starting a fight
I'd say fighting between ethnic groups rather than political parties. Every now and again tribal conflicts light up for the most ridiculous reasons. There was major conflict recently because a majority Venda municipality was going to be incorporated in a Pedi majority municipality. They burned down all the schools in the area.
And what would happen to white people if some civil war happens ?
Tribal ties have faded over the past 2-3 generations. You now have Zulu and Tswana and Xhosa kids growing up not speaking their language. Kids grow up in the city with parents from different tribes, and speak English or a language from a completely different tribe.
If there is war, it will be ANC vs EFF, and it will be about land distribution and the nationalisation of our mining industry.
come shitpost on Sup Forums and /r9k/ m8
We'll probably be fucked.
Can't be bothered.
I'm a woman on Sup Forums. A non-white, non-Asian woman.
Can you just imagine?
How is the feeling of being black. Is there a voice in the head, when a black is killed in the US that says "we must kill all white ppl" ? Is there a hive mentality in all blacks ?
I don't know. I don't identify as black, so can't speak for blacks.
Me, personally? No. I was raised by my white father and his white wife and their two white children. I guess that's why I prefer the company of white people. I guess I feel safer around white people.
Why the fuck would a married woman post on /r9k/? Sup Forums is hilarious though
Are you planning on having kids?
Coloureds aren't black. FFS.
Yeah. I have one.
I have brown hair and brown eyes. Somehow between me and my mother's dark features and my blond, blue eyed husband and my blond, green eyed father I ended up with...
A green eyed ginger.
He's 15 months old and I'm too scared to try again.
Nah that's me desu
DA is your best chance at sticking it to te ANC desu.
me on the left
bost tits
What the fuck is going on in this pic lol
Are you the user in the red overall with the doek on your head?
That's what happens when you impose democracy burgerbro.
south african parliament. those commies in the red are EFF and they get thrown out all the time.
>be zulu
>defeat britain in battle
>get the rule of an entire developed country with the help of the british, a century later
makes you think
is that the DA's pet coconut?