Will Germs have one last chimpout before they become extinct?
Will Germs have one last chimpout before they become extinct?
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If Kek wills it, we can only pray
I hope so
They're far too cucked though, not even paris level happenings on the reg could change that
Nothing left to fight for since the war. Maybe when enough people get angry at the same time independently and hear the right words from the right person. But there really isn't too much of a point.
As a lefty, I couldn't be happier with the way things are currently going.
Now all we need is higher minimum wage, universal basic income and a hefty millionaire tax, and I'll be the luckiest guy alive :^)
t. Muhammed
Does the islamification of europe not contradict your leftie values?
Freedom of religion doesn't, religious bigotry and radicalism do :^)
I hope the ghosts of the gestapo haunt you
So... full on communism
What should we fight for?
I'm not dying for german woman and nu males.
They're worse than the refugees.
>universal basic income
I really miss those times when we just shot commies in the face.
Why does my happiness trigger you, are you really that bitter? :^)
>Religious bigotry / radicalism
>No more kebab
pick one, Schmidt
I think they are a bit fucked in that department Tomasz
he doesnt know and you know hes to dumb to think it through. punch a puppy while your at it. clearly that other user is mentally handicapped
because your happiness comes at the cost of loosing the German racial heritage, and we cannot loose that
Really makes you think :^)
If the 4th Reich emerged in Germany and a civil war broke out, would you join and help fight?
Don't forget the flying pigs, the Avengers & a fistable Stay-Puft marshmallow man while you're at it with the ridiculousness
>racial heritage
A meaningless, vapid concept for chronic underachievers desperately looking for something to fill their emptiness with :^)
>this really happened
>Will Germs have one last chimpout before they become extinct?
It's one or the other. Either they will go extinct gradually in the next century, or they will chimpout and potentially survive this current cataclysm.
Of course nothing lasts forever, but I see no reason why Germany can't become a strong nation again if they throw off the mantle of "progressivism" and murder all the leftists and muds.
Americans find universal health care "ridiculous", yet it's been working in Europe and other first world regions for decades.
You only find it "ridiculous" because you've been indoctrinated with the thought that nothing but the status quo will work :^)
how does it feel that Muslims will undo all your womens rights and lefty bullshit.
in the end. the right wing always wins.
no more feminism. no more gay rights.
without hesitation
Better than filling your emptiness with syrian refugee cock ^-^
why would they, germany is fine.
>Better than filling your emptiness with syrian refugee cock ^-^
Already have (he might have been Afghan tho, I can't tell them apart) and it was great :^)
>chronic underachievers desperately looking for something to fill their emptiness with :^)
but wants
>Now all we need is higher minimum wage, universal basic income and a hefty millionaire tax
kek, lefty hypocrisy intact as usual, afraid of competition you numale cuck?
Those Germans are dead.
Well it makes Trumlings look bad so of course it never happened. Of course it didn't :^)
>he might have been Afghan tho, I can't tell them apart
Don't worry. Neither can Merkel.
Government corruption triggers me
Especially a communist massive government
>Already have (he might have been Afghan tho, I can't tell them apart) and it was great :^)
i see you fucker, 7/10 good work
>sucking dick was part of his escape plan
Hardcore as fuck. Leftists suck dick for enjoyment
There is no contradiction here, you can be successful and still be for social justice.
But you somehow thought you made a brilliant point and that is hilarious to me.
>Deep throughts with Britcuck
im not kidding.
it will happen. shooting like orlando will soon become state endorsed.
and no one will be left to save the gays or women. it will be glorious. legalised rape.
Fight for me. I am a cool guy.
I'm not communist. It is my conviction that capitalism is the only thing that will work, but its excesses have to be reigned in by strict regulation so that it won't just benefit a few elites.
lmao noice :^)
That wasn't even bait, he was cute and I sucked him off in the back of my car and we met a second time :^)
You are going to be eaten alive by those you so lovingly embrace.
>legalised rape.
When all you know is a life of rejection at the hands of every woman you've ever met, I can certainly see why rape would be an appealing concept to you :^)
Riiiiiiiiiight, Muslims eat human flesh, ooga booga :^)
Probably. Fuhrer Merkel will demand it and the Kraut hivemind is too strong to resist mindless wars they have no hope of winning.
And we will finish what Arthur Harris started.
>mindless wars they have no hope of winning.
It's Vietnam all over again :^)
We'll eventually move into space under the guise of ESA and then just redirect an asteroid to earth, killing everything non-German.
If last time indicates anything then that the world is better off dead than having non-Germans win and decide the fate of mankind.
Wow, du wirst echt jeden Tag mehr zu einem menschlichen Krebsschaden. Sei froh, dass Du Deine geistige Nekrose hier ablassen kannst. Selbst die meisten Deutschen würden Dich heute hassen.
Und nein, ich werde nicht auch nur eine einzige Deiner troll postings mit einem (YOU) würdigen.
lmao SAVED
Thanks, but I am quite serious :^)
cant wait for you to see everything you built destroyed.
based islam. removing leftist faggotry.
the death sentence will come back gays will be banned, women will be put in their place and you cant stop me without being an Islamophobe.
germs will rule europa
as rensburg has said
>ich werde nicht auch nur eine einzige Deiner troll postings mit einem (YOU) würdigen.
Haha wie witzig. Hahaha. Ha.
>based islam
I'm an atheist so I'd have a hard time considering any religion "based", but I respect your choice, congrats on converting :^)
Source on this?
>As a lefty
What are you doing here? Hmmm...
Go tell that to all of the ethnocentric "minorities" flooding into your country. (Even easier if you are one.)
Why do you think they need to impose a policy of "multiculturalism"? These people are not going to loose their "racial heritage" so your fight is already lost. The principles of internationalism are also lost.
incompetent commies like you fucked it all up.
Will Polacks not be assblasted for one day before we exterminate them?
i dont belive in it. i just use it as a weapon against gays and women.
i reduced a fag to tears becasue i said Orlando was a great thing to happen and if you disagree you are an Islamophobe.
i got the local muslim students to attack the local tranny in uni. since they have immunity from rules.
all the lefties get butthurt and i say "get lost islamophobes"
if i was in germany i would behead you
>I am quite serious :^)
Either you're not and you're a pretty bad shitposter or you are which makes you a retard.
I hope they will
I want to get on ONE LAST RIDE
Sorry. but Athiesm is a crime in Islam. time to die.
>tfw uncle was in nam
>tfw he probably did shit like this too to survive
>What are you doing here? Hmmm...
Is your safe space in any danger? :^)
They impose nothing, most of them are fleeing from war and I am glad we can help them. This shouldn't happen at the cost of risking our way of life, I will give you that.
The important thing is that you've accepted Islam and I couldn't be happier for you :^)
I can be serious AND a retard :^)
You sound triggered :^)
>Implying Germans aren't already going extinct
Am I right to think that the german are already extinct? All theirm en were completely slaughtered in ww2 and all their women were raped, add on 70 years of brainwashing. Germans are a thing of the past.
And I'll thank him for his sacrifice :^)
Basic income will be nescesary when 60% of the population cant sustain themselves through work anymore.
stay mad
i would kill you in real life
That's my thinking and I'm disturbed by the fact that UBC isn't seriously being discussed anymore. The elites have won again.
Maybe we can lend a hand, no?
I find it advantageous if we all chipped in and sparked shit in Germany/France.
Also, why are people responding to the troll?
>i would kill you in real life
Using nothing but your breath :^)
You don't have to consider it based. If you get your way I bet there'd be plenty of Germans willing to say the sahada just to get to cut off your head for being an atheist.
And trust you me, if Islam takes over due to the leftists policies, we'll reform it into something that'll make ISIS look tame. Because we're efficient people and Allah likes to see the kuffars punished :^)
>If you get your way I bet there'd be plenty of Germans willing to say the sahada just to get to cut off your head for being an atheist.
Alarmist hyperbole might fuel your fevered fantasies that sustain you so much, but it's not an argument. Thanks for sharing, tho! :^)
The Nazi's will rise again in Germany KEK MAKE IT HAPPEN
American protests to Vietnam were legendary.
And that was a proxy war on the far side of the globe.
You Huns wouldn't protest the continuing of the war, let alone give in even as we were burning your cities nightly.
Those ruins remind me of the average British smile :^)
>not an argument.
who cares. your dead.
the person who is left alive wins.
>let alone give in even as we were burning your cities nightly.
Look, everyone needs a hobby :^)
Keep thinking that it won't happen. Ideally, it won't.
>your dead.
In English, please :^)
I will, thanks!
Nice achievement.
Now Jews will enslave us
Amerifags, Britbongs & Ruskis should be put to death for treason against evolution.
Damn son.
Dead Nazis? Good :^)
"le u think nam was actually a hard war "
colonials really have a fucking cushy perspective on war. It's basically a vacation for us. " go visit and tour europe and rampage whenever you can get away with it " especially americans.
Thanks, I was kinda proud of that one :^)
Yeah... awesome. Sucking blood from infant baby dicks, satanic child ritualistic murder and enslaving all other races ftw.
>infant baby dicks,
Of course an infant will only have a baby dick, did you expect them to come out of the womb horse-hung? :^)
That KEK stuff is a imaginary faggot satanic made up fairytale
>prove me wrong
They are too far gone.
They have destroyed everything connected to ultra nationalistic ideals.
The ones that could make a stand are too few in numbers.
RIP Germany.
>1/8th of the population of Germany, half of them military, die in WW2
Oy vey, the noble Germanic people are extinct
>1/3rd of the world's Jews, 1/4th of Poles, and 1/6th of Russians, the overwhelming majority civilians, die in WW2
lol walk it off