Republicans WILL defend this

>Republicans WILL defend this

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That's how much healthcare costs in the UK, you're just forced to pay for shit insurance rates via taxes.

>OP WILL think his thread is worthy of discussion when he's out nothing forward for us to have a thread over because he thinks he is implying something that he is not

You know that socialized health care isn't cheaper, right?

It's called taxes, son. Maybe when you grow up and finish your gender studies degree you'll find out what they are.

nigger faggot

>m-muh taxes!!

doesn't stop america from running a socialist military or socialist public roads system.

You know part of the reason we have expensive care is that we fund most of the world's medical innovation, right? I'm not sure that would happen in a non-free market scenario (despite what little of it we have left)

First, how would a private military even work? Who controls it? Who decides when we go to war?

Second, have you even seen the state of our roads and bridges? It's hardly a shining example of socialism.

>not earning 200k per year and able to afford private clinics

Faglords, all of you.

Someone has to pay for all the people that go to the hospital and never pay a cent.

Fuck off to Canada if you want to see how "free" health care works.

I would rather be in debt for life than be dead.

In ancient times, if someone saved your life, It was pretty common that you pledged your service to them until they released you. Nowadays, neets wants to eat themselves to death and then complain when cutting edge technology saves them because it's tok expensive.

Kill yourself.

Private army petitions congress who then approves/denies war. You know, the way it's supposed to work.

Looks like big pharma fucked you in the butt. The rest is totally reasonable. Maybe you should've had insurance?

You pretty much are dead because eyou can't do too much living in deep debt

I love my employers insurance. $100 for ER visits and not a penny more. $15 copay to go to my family doctor. I've never spent more than $100 on any type of medical bill. Even with 2 kids and a wife. Hell, Im not required to pay any type of copay for when my kids have to goto the Dr.

>Everything the government does is socialism
The government has some legitimate roles, one of those being defence (a military/police force).
Roads are more debatable and the government sure does a shitty job with them, but I can accept them building fucking transport routes.

>First, how would a private military even work? Who controls it? Who decides when we go to war?

>let a shitton of illegals into your state
>they use hospitals like dr's office instead of using it for actual emergencies
>never pay dr or hospitals for time and resources wasted
>hospital has to make ends meet somehow

Not saying it's right

its called health insurance

its similar to car insurance

maybe you should get a job child

>glorified rent-a-cops
Yeah, no.

A PMC is not like Metal Gear or anything, there are super strict international laws and regulations for them to follow, hence why Blackwater got in so much shit during the war.

They dun goof'd.

If you can't afford it don't buy it.

Sorry your parents choose to make you.

Get insurance, shitbag. I had some tests done a few months ago and was billed a pre-insurance amount of almost $10,000 and once the insurance settled everything I ended up paying a $20 copay and about $350.

Still a good amount of money, but it was multiple tests, an ultrasound, a few visits and a prescription. Seems reasonable to me.

And wait a minute. You want a private military force to petition the federal government... to go to war?

Are you out of your fucking mind? You do know there is a thing called "lobbying" here, right?
Your idea is literally "Let's start a perpetual war machine: a primer".

Oh yeah that would totally work out perfectly fine

>Hey congress can we go fuck up Canada because stupid leafposters?
>Uh no
>How about for all of this money and favors and equipment we can give you plus whatever you want from the warzone like land or resources?
>Fuck it sure thing bro

>Hey military Incorporated go fuck up Canada because reasons
>No why would we do that
>because all of this money
>Oh ok off we go!

>Hey military Inc we didn't say you could attack our hat!
>Ok, who's gonna stop us? Us?
>Oh yeah. Fuck.

>military Inc are traitors and trying to take over the usa! Quick send the mil- oh wait. Fuck.

What is Obamacare?

>Jews WILL defend this

You can pay insurance for yourself and your family. We pay MORE in taxes than Americans do in insurance for worse service.

Why didnt you just give some kids at the local high school 20$ each to fix you?

Gonna let you in a secret since you obviously have 'special needs,' you never actually pay this.

>doesn't stop america from running a socialist military or socialist public roads system.

Yes and both overflowing with corruption and inefficiency.

OP I think you meant how LIBERAL will defend this, they made the system the way it is.

1) Do you think this is what happened in the 50's? When did it become, "sure we'll take care of you even if you can't afford it due to the hippocratic oath -- then bankrupt you later and generations down your lineage"?

2) When you go to the car repair shop do they automatically fix your car without telling you the prices first to see if you can afford it or not? How many hospitals will tell you the exact price before? Like when they charge you 50 bucks for a box of tissues because the last guy they had was an illegal or poor so they have to screw the next middle class guy that comes in.

3) It was liberals who pushed for this. Durr just because you're poor and can't afford expensive operations, doesn't mean you should die. Maybe you should like before healthcare became a scam to bankrupt the middle class. Because the poor can't afford it and the rich can afford full coverage health insurance. Someone has to pay for the poor/illegals that skip on their bill, yet doctors can't refuse to help them. And that's the underlining problem.