Is reverse racism real Sup Forumsacks?
Is reverse racism real Sup Forumsacks?
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there is just racism.
Why would you call it reverse racism? Of course it exists, why are you even asking? Why is everyone so fucking retarded except me?
>muh mentions
I fucking hate people who live on twitter
link to tweet nigger
Truthfully I'd rather have them come right out and say that they hate whites. Don't shuck and jive me, just let me know where you stand.
reverse racism isn't a thing it's just racism
racism is the belief that one race is superior to the other
niggers have an inferiority complex which makes them reverse racist
wouldn´t reverse racism mean that you are unable to tell a diffrence between blacks and whites?
But racism requires oppression. Blacks are not pressing white, therefore they cannot be racist against whites.
Reverse racism is when you try so hard to not be racist that you become racist. Affirmative Action is Reverse Racist against blacks because it implies that they need help where Whites don't.
Racism against Whites is called racism.
Racism is a jewish term and bears no merit. Blacks cannot be victims of racism, neither can whites. Blacks, however, may be the victims of their selfinflicted stereotypes which they do little to change let alone improve
As for the picture I am pleased to see the liberal faced with the true nature of black people. The greatest redpill is served by the very minorities they stand up for themselves
>But racism requires oppression.
no, you're thinking of systematic racism
racism itself can be from any group to any other group
It's just racism you faggots.
Nah that's just what White/Jewish Marxist Professors like to tell impressionable college kids, it has no basis in reality.
Don't dance around it, don't dress me down for how I wear my hair, the music I listen to, or my political stances. I want to hear you say it outright. It's not about cultural appropriation, you don't give a shit when you, as a person who doesn't know the meaning of the Rastafarian movement, wear dreads just like you don't care that Hindus, Greeks, Celts, and an array of other cultures styled their hair with dreadlocks.
Just say you don't like it because of the color of my skin. Don't make it about cultural context because you sure as hell don't care about that.
there is no reverse racism, just payback for hundred years of oppression
No, you dumb nigger.
Here's the definition.
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Not the bull shit definition your African studies teacher told you. That's the one from the dictionary.
Wicked reading comprehension
>But racism requires oppression.
This is progressive doublethink. They've become increasingly aware of the overt racism that blacks indulge themselves in so they manufactured an excuse to justify it.
Anti majority can be a bias.
>racism requires oppression
Where did this meme come from?
There is only racism, and kikes and niggers are extremely racist against gentile whites.
noun rac·ism \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of racism
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others-Merriam Dictionary
Why are you pretending the word means something else?
you dipshit fuck
Defense mechanism for non-white liberals to get away with saying FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
if that's a real professor, it needs to be deported to a less academically rigorous environment such as ethiopia
>Reverse Racism
Is that what you burgers call it?
Racism is racism unless it's the Jews or muzzies. If SJW's are allowed to have exceptions, Sup Forums must.
fuck off dude. paranoid faggot.
this is Sup Forums this is how its always been.
kill yourself
kikes need to re-define their buzzword as it loses power
>hehe why discuss issues of economics, philosophy, race etc etc. when I can play internet detective from my moms basement xDDDD
>Is reverse racism real Sup Forumsacks?
No, it isn't, there's no such thing as "reverse racism" there's just "racism" or the absence thereof.
cultural marxism
no. how does she saying she hates whites hurt you?
I don't think she's a real professor at all
>niggers alienating and pushing away the only people stupid enough to like them
top kek
they're paving their way to auschwitz
Go read a fucking dictionary, you stupid niggers.
white supremacy is racism.
name calling isn't racism. only whites can be racist cause you are the only ones with a system that benefits you from being racist.
This is true and is also the reason that whites should always be racist since there is no way for other races to reciprocate.
These comments are despicable and racist. This is not the civilized discussion I had requested. Feel free to post your last thoughts, I am deleting my thread in 3 minutes.
whites are all racist and have the same code when it comes to race.
Critical race theory, the spawn of these ideas that racism can only apply to whites and white supremacy pervades all of American society, started in the late 1980s in academic circles as a response to critical law theory. Several authors have pushed the idea, most notably Peggy "White Privilege" McIntosh who introduced the idea in Harvard.
Well, what if you're a fat nigger jew ?
racism isn't even real. it's an invention of Trotsky to further divide the goyim.
There have always been tribal preferences, and the very people that decry biological "race" are the ones obsessing over the institutionalized, one-way "racism."
it's all a big sham, like voting.
seriously Sup Forums....
Then you've won.
No, reverse racism is just racism.
It's not reverse racism, it's just racism.
Saying 'reverse racism' implies only whit people can be racist, which as everyone knows, is complete bullshit.
you'd be surprised
I agree and it's time for white people to embrace it. The golden rule is treat your neighbor as yourself, but since other subhuman races are incapable lf racism then they cannot have agency and are the same as animals. Thus there is nothing wrong with being 'racist' against them.
who cares? let the niggers whine.
>being an "ally" to people that hate you
Why the fuck would anyone join a team that just shits on you
I liek Azn Qts
that's like Sup Forums going up to a black person like, I dunno, Rihanna and then start trashing her because she has straight hair, because only white people are allowed to have straight hair.