Why do white people have strong chins?

Have you noticed this? In blacks and asians, their chins are almost always small and receded. While in whites (especially white males) their chins jut fowards and protrudes below the lower lip. Pic related. You can tell if someone is mixed with white if they got a chin like that.

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>tfw chinlet

you might have some non-white in you.

My parents are Italian and I have a strong chin.

Post yer chin

italians are caucasoids, so i'm not surprised.

No one on Sup Forums has a discernable chin

>swiss power


>tfw anglo bitchface
Just end me

look at the strong chin of this pure aryan

>constantly see people around me growing large beards to hide their weak chins and chubby faces

Brings a small to my face every time.

I'm white, have a very white family, and have a VERY weak chin. Maybe you just notice strong chins more?

Because you're gay, I mean.

God image. It's the face of God. It is Godly which is the same thing as Manly, therefore is it Manly, God and man are the same species. God made man in the physical image of Himself God.

Genesis 1:26


pic related is my chin irl

It's an indentation for Tyrone's balls.

nope, caucasoids have strong chins, deal with it.

>chin or gtfo

High test

Are sharp jawlines a white trait?

I think so.

>tfw decent chin/jaw and cheekbones
>tfw got fat and can't see them now

typical african chin.

it's not about race, it's about oral posture. can't believe Sup Forums is still so blue pilled about it. google orthotropics

>tfw shit chin
>tfw great beard genetics

feels okay man

No. I'm almost 100% certain that a sharp jawline is a white trait. Have you ever seen a non-white with a chin that sticks out?


Interesting. Large protruding lips are a trait found among Negroids as with Flat noses among Asians

I'm slim with a decent jawline

But I'm a virgin sperg so it balances out

>google "black man"
>they all have better chins than me


sorry for the shitty link, i'm new here :)

Flat nose is the default nose. Only whites and arabs have pointed noses. In blacks their mouths protrude (known as prognathism).

>nu-male detected

1vs1 irl



Not quite that simple, Aquiline noses are "narrow" yet big. African noses are wide and medium. Asian noses are medium and medium and abbot noses are big AND wide. (All of that on average of course exceptions), Width corresponds to distance between canines, so the wider your jaw the wider your nose


That could be photoshop/plastic-surgery, you name. I'm talking real life here, poland. Not google images of actors and models.

That guy clearly isn't blonde or blue eyed, though. Much like you.

there's legit evidence out there, google it. listen to mike mew, there's also a lot of guys posting about it on a website called sluthate. it all comes down to nose breathing and putting the tongue in the rest position at the top of your palate, has nothing to do with race or testosterone levels

>tfw white male with chin that goes straight down

I'm 18 so will it still grow or am I doomed forever?

>1/6 native
>Rest is Celt, German/Polish
>Red hair
>Over 6 feet
>Strong jaws and chin

>Why do white people have strong chins?


No. Only slight differences of chewing at a young age influence dental crowding. The actual shapes are mostly genetic. I'll find one of jaw angles in a sec

also, they're models/actors BECAUSE they have well developed faces, not the other way around.

Strongest chin ever.



Blacks have bigger chins (BBC)

might as well ask why is everything on whites better?

i have huge lips and a protruding chin
im really white


It's all about mouth posture, bf%, water retention, and general facial structure.

Wow Sven, you're so white!

i is

are you fat?

Reminder Asiatics have shoveled incisors from getting cucked by Denisivans (probably)

>that soft girly hand
You're either underage or a faggot, probably both. Also brown skin.

Why do I see Trump in that pic

im 19 you faggot
also i probably have a bigger hand than you
>brown skin

>shave down my goatee I kept for a couple of years
>instantly reminded of why I let it grow in the first place

You'll never know the pain of not having a chin user.

Your bull is not.

>insecure swedish faggot posts pics of his hands twice after hearing about people doubting his whiteness on an anonymous imageboard
Wow aren't you a massive cuck? I bet you're a mudslime rapefugee thinking he's white.

>this mad he's not white
topkek brazil

>he thinks that nose is nordid


lol, post your face or boipucci to prove your whiteness, faggot

>daily reminder that if you dont have a god tier jawline you are not an aryan and have to go back to /r9k/

nah im a skinny cunt

They shape is genetic yes, but no crowding is ever caused by genetic factors. Everyone has the genes for beautifully wide dental arches. However the severity of one's shitty posture and nutritional deficiencies determine whether full potential is reached.

Everybody should tuck their chin in and hold their head in a such angle that pushes the jaws together and tongue to the palate. Anything less will lead to shitty facial and body structure over time.

Recessed chins and crowded teeth can also be fixed this way by enabling the mid face come forward over time under the constant pressure of jaws biting into each other (due to correct head posture).

I'm Indian and I have a strong chin.

>being this much of a lolcow
post your face then if you're white ahmed.

Indians have ancient white blood in them.


the definition of whiteness keeps fucking changing everytime it's brought up, jesus fucking christ

>I'm Indian and I have a strong chin.
Just like your odor

Yeah but you should probably put it back in the grave before someone finds out you've stolen it.

I have a strong jaw/chin but i wear a beard because my gf likes it and its easy only having to trim once in a while


Ugly forever

I'm an upper caste conservative Hindu. I'm more Aryan than all of you degenerate cucks.

a-atleast I have a nice jaw

dont really know why but i usually shave my pubes in my ass and then i save it and i smell it because it smells so good.
And i also like the consistence from cum. But i dont like the smell, so i spray pic related on my cum and smear it on my face.
Combining ass hair and cum is god tier

Jeez. Go get some sunlight.

Chins are a unique human feature, no other hominid/hominin had them as developed as us.

West Indians are technically Caucasian. Look it up.

Is that a "male" bun?

>middle of summer
>that pale

you ok m8?

Is that what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better when you step in dog shit and have nostalgia for the shitting streets back home?

First thing girls started noticing on me was my chin. White genetics rule

that's a painting

Only whites with Cro Magnon admixture

You can get a chin implant for about 3,000 USD, it's a very simple procedure that lasts a lifetime and I'm very happy with how it looks on me.


It's all the white privilege accumulating in one spot.

Slavs are still hominid then?

>Only whites with Cro Magnon admixture
Uh, Cro Magnons are early Homo Sapiens. They aren't a different species.


Not sure how new it is, but there is orthodonture to help make your chin more pronounced by fixing overbite. I got it when I was 12.

Jawline is pretty nice now.

I can't find the brightness settings, the melanin took them away.

As long as we're shitposting am i white pol?*
*answer:100% northern European ansestry :)

Arabs and Indians have this too. Actually I've met plenty of asians with this as well

OP probably doesn't have much contact with people IRL

>shoveled incisors
thats because we dont live in multiculti countries like canada