New Study Shows Reading Harry Potter Lowers Americans’ Opinions of Donald Trump

In each case, Mutz points out, Donald Trump’s messages are opposed to the lessons conveyed in Harry Potter and closer to that of his enemy, Lord Voldemort. Examples abound throughout the series:

>Harry and his friends advocate for oppressed house-elves and oppose Lord Voldemort’s quest for blood purity among wizards. Harry himself is of mixed wizard/muggle (non-wizard) ancestry. Trump, by contrast, has called for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration and made offensive comments about outgroups of all kinds, including women, Mexicans, Asians, and those with disabilities.

> The Harry Potter series promotes non-violent means of conflict resolution; while Voldemort is willing to kill many times, the books’ protagonists consistently avoid unnecessary curses for killing, torture, or controlling others. Harry even saves the life of his Voldemort-aligned nemesis, Draco Malfoy. Trump, by contrast, has spoken widely about his fondness for waterboarding, and advocates the killing of terrorists’ families as a means of deterrence. He has praised his followers’ acts of violence against protesters at his rallies.

> The Harry Potter protagonists work against authoritarian characters in the books. “As does Voldemort,” Mutz writes, “Trump portrays himself as a strongman who can bend others to his will, be they the Chinese government or terrorists.”’-opinions-donald-trump

yeah, instead of interrogating terrorists trump can just cast the expellarmis spell

>modern education

New study shows that OP is a faggot

What do you think Terry Pratchett, the man JK Rowling ripped the fuck off and who was gracious enough to just laugh it off and say "everyone gets their inspiration from somewhere", would have to say about Trump.

Wow, who would have guessed real life problems need real life solutions and not the fictional solutions of a children's fiction story.

Who's got the screencap of that post describing the HP world as so PC that everyone loses their magic blood?

This is fucking disgusting. You're telling me that this is what the publics tax dollars are going to. To do research on how reading Harry Potter makes you less likely to vote for Trump. I thought science was supposed to represent what is good, not what is petty. Atheist step up your fucking game. Jeez

Probably just as liberal. Fantasy writers are on average pretty blue-pilled.

I read Harry Potter and I support Trump.

The last two books are literally Hillary = Voldemort and MSM and SJW = Death Eaters fucking Correcting the Record!


Remember how the fifth book was just the corrupt media shitting on Harry the entire time and in the end Harry ended up being right.

I always wanted Voldemorto to win. Mudbloods have no place among wizards.


I dunno, he believed the best form of government was a benevolent tyranny with a goal to maintain freedom.

so liberal


Fucking autocorrect

>tumblr womanchildren who spend all day writing Harry/Malfoy fanfiction are unlikely to support Trump
Shocking. Can't wait for black Hermione, Hogwarts really needs more diversity!

And they still denied it. And they tried making Dumbledore (Trump?) out attempting to overthrow the ministry!

Hell even at the end of the fourth book, you have a fucking dead body and attempted assassination of Potter and everyone's like:
>NOT ALL MUSLIMS... I mean he's not back!

Harry Potter confirmed to be Alex Jones

This. I can't imagine the stress she goes through just trying to please her fans. They had accused of culture appropriation when she wrote the History of Magic in North America, and when she went back and fixed it they still bitched about it.

As for her books though, the first 3 were top comfytier reading them as a kid

I barely remember Harry Potter, but I do remember the media constantly shitting on Dumbledore and Harry. Funny how the parallel easily works the other way.

I liked the Harry Potter books, our teacher read them to us aloud in class when they first came out, it was an experience that always stuck in my mind.

However the liberal pandering and changes to the series has pushed me away, as with most things like this these days. I never even bothered to see the last movie.

No shit. Star Wars portrays the KGB as the 'good side'

Brainwashing shit

So by the end of the books, dumbledore is dead and harry is fighting a group of people who own the government. They have the elite families behind them while harry basically has regular working class people and outsiders with him. And...uh...somehow the guy with all the working class support have to be an idiot to think trump is like voldemort. The parallel is with hillary getting support from the media, government, elites, upper class people and harry overcoming it with support of poor people like the weasleys.

And remember, JK Rowling on the record called BREXIT and Trump the equivalent of Voldemort!

And when Brexit won she wished magic was real so she could change everything (Imperius Curse)

>Muggle intellectuals

Oh and let's not forget in Book 5 when the ministry tried barring students from learning Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Sounds very familiar to something happening in the real world... I think it had to do with the 2nd Amendment here in America.

Yeah I just don't fucking get it, it's like someone else wrote the story and she's the figurehead without fully understanding its parallels.

But that sounds ridiculous even by Sup Forums standards.

I've read all the Harry Potter books and watched all the movies and everything and I enjoyed them; however, I don't see why people are so obsessed with it, especially adults. It's like a 5th grading reading level. Kinda explains why tumblr worships it so much... Of course, J.K.Rowling will be pushing her agenda from her billion dollar mansion, since she doesn't have to interact with uneducated niggers and mudslimes on the daily.

A lot of polling tends to cover a huge spectrum of variables aggrigated in massive data sets. Most stats classes will give you access to these data sets. It's not hard to run the stats programs that sift through the data sets and find interesting coincidences.

This is very clearly a case of "interesting coincidence between 'yes, I've read the Harry Potter books' and 'I dislike Trump!'" Then the newspaper reported it as if reading HP makes you anti-Trump. In reality, the kind of person who would read HP as an adult is also the kind of person likely to dislike Trump. In corollary: the kind of person who likes Trump also probably doesn't still read HP.

>being this desperate

>Trump will never be your patronus

You know what else lowers one's opinion of Donald Trump? Donald Trump.

>my patronus is the Bill of Rights

>Using fictional characters from children's books to make political arguments


When you put me in your books, millions of Asian girls across America rejoiced! Finally, a potential Halloween costume that wasn't a geisha or Mulan! What’s not to love about me? I’m everyone’s favorite character! I totally get to fight tons of Death Eaters and have a great sense of humor and am full of complex emotions!

Oh wait. That’s the version of Harry Potter where I’m not fucking worthless.
First of all, you put me in Ravenclaw. Of course the only Asian at Hogwarts would be in the nerdy house. Too bad there wasn't a house that specialized in computers and math and karate, huh?

I know, you thought you were being tolerant.
Between me, Dean, and the Indian twins, Hogwarts has like...five brown people? It doesn't matter we’re all minor characters. Nah, you’re not racist!
Just like how you’re not homophobic, because Dumbledore’s totally gay!
Of course it’s never said in the books, but man. Hasn't society come so far?
Now gays don’t just have to be closeted in real life—they can even be closeted fictionally!

Ms. Rowling. Let’s talk about my name. Cho. Chang.
Cho and Chang are both last names. They are both Korean last names.
I am supposed to be Chinese.
Me being named “Cho Chang” is like a Frenchman being named “Garcia Sanchez.”

So thank you. Thank you for giving me no heritage. Thank you for giving me a name as generic as a ninja costume. As chopstick hair ornaments.
Ms. Rowling, I know you’re just the latest participant in a long tradition of turning Asian women into a tragic fetish.
Madame Butterfly. Japanese woman falls in love with a white soldier, is abandoned, kills herself.
Miss Saigon. Vietnamese woman falls in love with a white soldier, is abandoned, kills herself.
Memoirs Of A Geisha. Lucy Liu in leather. Schoolgirl porn.
So let me cry over boys more than I speak.
Let me fulfill your diversity quota.
Just one more brown girl mourning her white hero.

You know what lowers the reputation of Canadian posters? Canadian posters.

No wonder Harry Potter’s got yellow fever.
We giggle behind small hands and “no speak Engrish.”
What else could a man see in me?
What else could I be but what you made me?
Subordinate. Submissive. Subplot.

Go ahead. Tell me I’m overreacting.
Ignore the fact that your books have sold 400 million copies worldwide.
I am plastered across movie screens,
a bestselling caricature.

Last summer,
I met a boy who spoke like rain against windows. -
He had his father’s blue eyes.
He’d press his wrist against mine and say he was too pale.
That my skin was so much more beautiful.
To him, I was Pacific sunset,
almond milk, a porcelain cup.
When he left me, I told myself I should have seen it coming.
I wasn't sure I was sad but I cried anyway.
Girls who look like me are supposed to cry over boys who look like him.
I’d seen all the movies and read all the books.
We were just following the plot.

>not using truth potion

>saying mean things on tv is literally worse than genocide
alright, coolio =^)

post Voldemort was right pic

I'm sure there's no confounding variables there, such as the tendency for people who have read Harry Potter books to be under the age of 30.




This gave me a good idea. Maybe we can redpill liberals using Harry Potter by providing real world examples and contrasting them with those events in the book!

>This kid's book teaches high effort thinking and empathy, what a CROCK OF SHIT

ingredients are too expensive and making it too complex

It's easier to cast wingardium leviose and put them behind the wall

>Donald Trump’s messages are opposed to the lessons conveyed in Harry Potter and closer to that of his enemy, Lord Voldemort.

>wants a temporary ban on Muslim immigration due to threat of terrorist attacks
>puts Americans first over illegal immigrants, which is what the President should do

>violently overthrew the governing body of the Wizarding world
>called for a genocide of all mudblood wizards
>wanted the enslavement of muggles
>killed hundreds by his own hand

Wow, really kickstarts that noggin.

>high effort thinking

That's cool, but what about the Hillary/Umbridge connection?

>Willing to do anything to gain and maintain power
>Ignores the larger problems of society while shitting all over those in her charge, pretending it's for their own good
>Wears ugly designer outfits that far exceed the means of the common man
>Went from being a high governmental position to become the highest power in their scope (Hillary taking America if elected, Umbridge controlling Hogwarts since the books only focus on the school itself and less on the ministry)

You'd have to be pretty delusional to say he'd support Trump

> high effort thinking
> entire book series culminates in "Harry the power was in you the whole time, you see your mother's Deus ex machin- I mean love, saved the day!"
> high. effort. thinking.

that ending was really fucking lame

>the first 3 were top comfytier reading them as a kid
I disagree The Prisoner of Askaban had time travel and as such leads to serious questions as to why it is never used again.

Um...what? Women are so silly. The whole "giving them the right to vote" gag has been hilarious but I'm afraid the joke is kind of overplayed at this point.

>Jewish Kike Rowling in Shekels

It doesn't sound too ridiculous at all.

She plagiarized the story from someone else. That's the simplest explanation.

The final (((battle))) was literally the same thing every other fight prior to it was. Harry just used Expelliarmus like he always did.

To be fair the time travel used was a closed loop. Things happened mysteriously in the story that were reveled to be harry and Hermione doing them from the future.

One can assume that all time travel follows the same closed loop. Our view of events is unchangeable. Even if things were changed.

You're supposed to just ignore that plothole.

>Our view of events is unchangeable. Even if things were changed.

Did they actually, really just equate Mexicans with House Elves?

Why are progressives so fucking racist? At least when I call Mexicans spics I'm self-aware.

Harry Potter books are degenerate, JK Rowling is a degenerate. Emma Watson is either a brainwashed leftist whore, or pure evil.

Hollywood jews caused millions of white males to think about Emma Watson instead of searching for an available female partner.
Meanwhile Emma mostly off screen turned millions of young females into feminist, that got so damaged mentally that they will either end up childless or as a single mother with a mixed baby.

Now that Emma fucked up the reproduction rates she goes over to UN to lobby for globalist agendas, to break up families, restrict male rights and tax the shit out of people for female quotas and affirmative action programs.

Voldemort did nothing wrong

What is Voldemort's position on homeschooling?

>people who read garbage fiction cannot make good decisions in reality

Tolkien was solid redpill, at least when he wrote LotR

What about that bitch from the 6th book? Nobody equated her to Hillary?

Did the actress who play her write this or?

This is apex kek

Garcia fucking Sanchez, hahahaha

Yes, yes, well done Hillary, well done.


>genre fiction makes you more likely to vote dem

>new study shows that reading children's books correlates with emotional immaturity


>New study shows children like childs book series.

Yeah i knew that came out weird. Basically it's a closed loop paradox.

reading is for faggots and liberals who want a jewish brainwashing aka "education"


Doesn't surprise me.
I tried reading HP when I was 25 (fucking christ) just because people said it was so good.
Read it and immediately thought, 'holy fuck this writing style is terrible and the author.'

Malazan book readers would be slightly more understanding of what Trump brings to the table. They might not like it but they'd understand why people want him.

It is used again in the cursed child. That story is bad fanfiction tier though.


Ive read the entire Series.

Voldermort was an Ambitious and great leader, his views on Wizard Purity are inspiring.

>degenerate pop (((literature))) makes you dumber
Who would have thought, lad?

I'm tolerant of elves, demons, witches, fairies and any kind of other magical creature but goddamn, I fucking hate muslims and niggers.

haha , that pic made my day

first time ive seen a quality post from a bong

Just a reminder that we would have beat the dark wizzard in a war.

oh wow it's fucking nothing. It doesn't even say this in the article; at first I thought this was one of those "poll people on their opinions on X, have them read a passage from Y, poll them on their opinions on X" things.