Name some movies with Octopi in them. I love their tentacles...
Name some movies with Octopi in them. I love their tentacles
you mean octopodes?
Fuck you. The plural term for Octopuses is Octopi.
no its not
Yes it is
Octopus (2000)
Deep Rising
Life (2017)
Megashark vs. Giant octopus
daily reminder we have to drain and firebomb the oceans so we can kill all the hellish boneless fiends that slither along its slimy bed before they can kill us
OP said movies not kinographie
It Came From Beneath The Sea
Fuck off Greek nigger.
The Goonies. The Octopus was really scary.
Finding Dory
King Kong vs Godzilla (1962)
Octopuses don't have tentacles, they have arms.
what was that movie that aired on the scifi channel back in the late 90's about a giant octopuss and at the end it's dead by the beach, and a huge tentacle wraps around it, and the camera pans back, revealing an even huger octopuss?
Ever since seeing 20,000 Leagues under the sea as a kid, Squids and Octopi have scared the shit out of me. It gave me a phobia of the ocean as well.
I try to watch movies with these creatures in them, to slowly get over it but hot damn its hard. Last week I was finally able to finish Pirates 2 beacuse of the fucking Kraken.
That sounds like Peter Benchley's Beast, except it's a giant squid "baby" + big momma giant squid