Can dogs watch 3D films?
Can dogs watch 3D films?
Don't expose dogs to the cancer of "flicks"
i fucking hate dogs t b h
Shut the fuck up??!!
Yeah fuck dogs
fuck off Mohammed
The dog did nothing wrong.
if niggers can i don't see why the niggers of the animal kingdom shouldn't
nah, i just don't like them. Always kinda needy and shit. Like little children. Also, all they care about is food
dubs tell cosmic truth
universe fucking hates you t b h
What's so wrong about hating dogs?
Do they have two eyes?
99-dubs-of-truth confirmed by 42-answer-to-life-universe-everything
upvoted xdd coz douglass adams is lyk the besst evaaa
It reveals the psychotic evil in your personality.
Sup Forums is a muslim free zone bud
Let's try that again. What is it about dogs that you love them so much?
their doggery and their dogginess and the fact that they are good dogs.
If you wear the colored 3D glasses all the time will it mess up your vision?
Humans can't even see in actual 3D.
I think not all dog breeds are color blind.