what made it so good? why cant other movies replicate it?
What made it so good? why cant other movies replicate it?
Zack Snyder
The first five minutes of this movie are the only decent thing Snyder has ever released to the public. It's been all downhill ever since.
THIS. It started out so promising and then went right into the fucking toilet.
how the fuck can you faggots forget about
>the tv scene
>the bus scene
>the sewer scene / garage scene
>the entire plot with the guy on the other roof
>the baby scene
>the boat footage
>the fucking ending
You haven't even mentioned the hilarious montage with Richard Cheese's version of Down With the Sickness playing. This film is fantastic.
heres a little snippet of kino that never made it to the movie
Thread reminder that original Dawn is unwatchable garbage, and unironically putting it in le greatest horror lists is the ultimate reddit fedoracore borrowed opinion marker.
It has one of the greatest trailers of all-time
>gets bit by zombie
>shoots himself in head before he turns
what if your blood happens to have immunity to zombie virus? and so what if you turn into zombie? it's stupid, cowardly and dramaqueenery.
Thank you jesus
to avoid the bullshit of someone standing over him waiting to brain him but they hesitate because they wonder if he'll really turn or cant bring themselves to do it and then they get bit
also for all they know being a zombie is a extremely painful experience
>triple 1's replies to my double 1's
i'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket
this could easily be a full movie itself
really unique concept
noboby has to stand over you. go away from rest of survivors and if you don't turn into zombie then go tell someone who can use your blood to create a cure or vaccine.
you're dead. you won't feel pain.
the intro is also GOD tier
you just saw the entire world turn into zombies with no signs of anyone being immune
this plague is heavily implied to be a literal judgement from god
god damn this movie is great
i would kill for a tv show or videogame with the same feeling
it was good for its time but yeah, the romero films have aged like milk. just watch any of his more recent ones to see why his style doesnt work well in a contemporary setting
>or videogame with the same feeling
Dead rising....
>why cant other movies replicate it?
why can't the guy who directed it replicate it thats the question.
>no signs of anyone being immune
because they're dramaqueens who shoot themselves in the head before they can find out that they're immune
>literal judgement from god
suicide is a mortal sin in the eyes of god
>Don't dead open inside
wtf, why does this make it into every zombie movie?
>7 billion people infected
>implying they all offed themselves
and the whole judgement from god thing just means its implied to be unavoidable / destiny for everyone
Sarah Polley a qt
>he doesnt know
>i have to browse Sup Forums with retards like this
>talk about immune people killing themselves
>7 billion people
not 7 billion people, imbecile. the immune people.
if you believe in god and divine destiny, why commit mortal sin and condemn your soul to hell? if you don't believe in god, why shoot yourself in head because it's divine judgement?
>don't dead open inside
i don't understand that sentence. please explain.
is he saying why every zombie has a character that asks why the dead do not open doors?
7 billion people got infected
there is no evidence of any of them being immune
most didnt kill themselves
also being a zombie sounds really shitty, and if your want a utilitarian view killing yourself is one less zombie for other survivors to worry about
Dawn of the Dead > Night of the Living Dead > Day of the Dead > Land of the Dead > Diary of the Dead > Survival of the Dead
jesus fucking christ
being this much of a newfag should be a bannable offence
To be honest, its a very diverse cast that actually have their own redemptions and stories. Even the shitty police guy that would just be a generic bad guy in other movies is redeemed. Its comfy, scary, funny, has that classic bad ending.
hey bud, remember to take your tripcode off
Jesus christ is that fucking doug stamper?
Dawn of the Dead (2004) is a piece of shit.
It's got tighter action/horror sequences, a tone that's completely unique among zombie movies, a cast that feel like human beings and I'll take Romero's under-directing style over Snyder's over-directing style any day. Every scene where human beings interact in (2004) feels like a bad joke.
Dead Rising is objectively the greatest piece of zombie media ever made that doesn't have the name 'Romero' or 'Fulci' in the credits. But now that I think about it they may have explicitly denied a connection to Romero in the credits. You get the point.
its just a weird way to say that there are zombies behind this door
>wahh i wanted to play "pretend to be retarded"
>no evidence of any of them being immune
because they shoot themselves in head before they can find out they're immune
>being a zombie sounds shitty
you're dead. you won't feel anything.
>one less zombie
survivors won't notice if they're being chased by 99 zombies instead of 100 zombies
ah i see. thank you, kind user.
Day of The Dead still looks great. His recent movies are just bad though
whenever im feeling down, ill remember that atleast my tastes aren't this fucking bad
I am a hardcore zombie fag and hardcore Romero fag. This is in my top 5 easily.
The intro remains possibly the best zombie movie intro of all time, and among the best movie intros period.
ch-chilly in here
Is it bad that I prefer this over the original Dawn of the Dead?
>dont dead open inside
It's possible that that was just where corpses were being stashed and they were wanting to keep people away for sanitary containment, only to realize later there's zombies.
i noticed that the campgay femmefag dramaqueen janitors/mods delete and ban posts that say campgay femmefag dramaqueens are disgusting
also, we're not allowed to shout anymore and to reeeeeee. Sup Forums is now controlled by fragile snowflakes from reddit.
or maybe janitor/mod gets btfo so janitor/mod deletes bans post they can't give adequate reply to.
just stop, your embarrassing yourself sweetie
I bet you sincerely enjoyed John Wick.
It's pretty bad. Romero is an American treasure while Zac Snyder is an overcompensating closet homosex not fit to direct music videos.
>your you're
go back to school, illiterate little girl
In the Romero universe, everyone that dies with an intact brain comes back as a zombie. There is no immunity to speak of. Not sure if the Snyder movie kept this as it never had a situation where someone died of a gunshot or anything not involving bites.
>It's pretty bad. Romero is an American treasure while Zac Snyder is an overcompensating closet homosex not fit to direct music videos.
I know you're baiting but I do agree that Romero is great and his movies are kino, even the worse ones. Still, Dawn of the Snyder edges itself just above the original for me in my top 5 of zambinokino. 3 of said top 5 are Romero films so that's saying something.
i havent even SEEN it
It could've been called anything and no one would have known the relation to the original other than it's in a mall. The characters were also hilariously bad.
That sign at the end says metropolis.
How the fuck did Snyder know he would be directing Superman in 2004?
>back when horror movie trailers were actually scary
>and so what if you turn into a zombie?
The remake zombies are extremely fast and extremely strong. Considering they were getting on a small boat him turning would've been a disaster. The only person who could physically match him as a zombie is Uncle Phil the Cop, and it's possible he couldn't get a shot off in time.
Then again with Snyder's zombies like Romero's you die before you turn, so they could probably just watch him and wait and if he dies they know to brain him then toss him overboard.
I'm not baiting. The only Snyder movie I can stand is 300 because that movie so blatantly retarded and 'masculine' that his style suited it perfectly. I can't remember the exact context in which it was brought up but I remember in one of Sam Hyde's old vertical videos he puts on a middle-aged man's voice and says "My son owns 300 on Blu-Ray" in this really defeated voice, like he just found out he was gay or something. That one joke line with no context sums up how I feel about Snyder's work better than anything I could come up with. Snyder's such a dweeby little homo. 300 is dweeby little homo-kino.
As for Dawn, what does Snyder have over Romero, movie to movie? Romero's movie swings between tense action and dread-building downtime masterfully while Snyder's movie is such an abysmal clusterfuck that the last time I tried watching it I quit out of boredom and disgust 15 minutes in.
>Mfw Down with the Sickness kicks in
Idk if I like the ending or opening better, they're both orgasmic to this day.
does anyone in the romero universe know they're in the romero universe which is a universe where there is no immunity to speak of?
Characters in Land of the Dead are well aware that anyone who dies with an intact brain is capable of turning, and they take measures to try and prevent it.
>when they open the cooler
>when they dock the boat
he did not go in small boat he stayed on land.
>well aware
they assume. one of those who they shoot in the head might have been immune but they shoot them in the head so any immune person dies without them knowing he was immune.
>can't refute truth scream retard instead
>Thread reminder that original Dawn is unwatchable garbage
Not when I was a little kid (I'm 23 now).
what is your top 5
James Gunn
This is too entertaining
Imagine seeing Lester Holt or Don lemon slowly lose their shit on air as they see the world burn
This needs to be a movie damnit
kill yourself Romero fag
>Romero is an American treasure
Jesus Christ his movies are b-tier horror flicks.
His movies are THE b-tier horror flicks. Also Knightriders is kino.
>20 minute dvd snippet from 2004 is several times better than most zombie movies and many horror movies since then
Is that your opinion or your friend simulator's?
>zombie baby
Z Nation did the Zombie baby better
>there will never be another year like 2007
There's also this, which while not Kino does a decent job of showing his story
Kys, he's right
What made it so good was the idea of living in a mall. Having the whole mall to yourself.
That movie sucked.
Yes it did.
It came out in 2004
I've been thinking about what makes this successful as opposed to other remakes for a long time actually, because I do like the movie, and I think it comes down to the fact that instead of playing it safe, the movie is fucking ridiculous from the beginning to the end. Like, it's almost like a zombie movie parody at times. But the reason it doesn't devolve into that is because of all the humor they put into it. It's actually kind of a perfect mix. I mean, it's still like a 7/10 because it's not exactly great, but the fact that everyone making this movie just went full throttle is something that I wish other remakes had emulated, because if they had, we could have had something great instead of all the shitty platinum dunes disasters.
Why didn't they just try to light the zombie horde on fire?
people aren't flammable?
Savini's Night of the Dead remake is cool too.
the fact that it has two interracial couples while da white bois get nun
yeah but who cares about russians? also whos the second couple?
This scene creeped the shit out of me as a kid
I also prefer the remake over the original.
Nothing to be ashamed about, it IS arguably better.
>"running" zombies
Anyways: Hack Snyder sucks so fuck your shilling
What? The douche Richard banged the slut and the Copy machine salesguy got with Sarah Polley.
>He doesn't like Day of the Dead
I mean come on that's easily Romero's best
Imagine being some old guy, and turning your tv on to this? I know my mom would start walking around the house with a shotgun.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
Tat thing is great, yes. But there's an awful lot of people here that can't form a personal opinion. They always parrot something out of RLM.
prequel autist detected