Any of the other Republican candidates, yes even Jeb, would be completely crushing Hillary right now.
Everybody hates Clinton and Trump's constant gaffs are the only thing keeping her campaign viable.
Any of the other Republican candidates, yes even Jeb, would be completely crushing Hillary right now.
Everybody hates Clinton and Trump's constant gaffs are the only thing keeping her campaign viable.
But would any of the other candidates have done anything important if they had won?
Cruz would've built a wall on the southern border, deported illegal immigrants, killed the TPP, restricted immigration from nations with problems of terrorism, kept rapefugees abroad, appointed constitutional Supreme Court Justices, kept Assad in power, and promoted Christian values.
He would've also refused to take the Khan bait, staying on message instead of giving free publicity to someone who was going to fade into irrelevancy on his own.
Cruz would've won this election if Donald had just given him the delegates. Now, Cruz is going to have to try to fix this country in the next four years when it will be all but impossible.
They would have appointed conservative justices to the Supreme Court and that's what we really need right now.
Nothing else matters.
True true, does this mean you believe trump wont win any more?
If Trump continues to act the way he currently is, focusing on otherwise irrelevant Muslim families in spite of relevant issues, such as the economy, he will inevitably let the elections lip through his fingers.
It's more the media siezing on anything they can to make Trump look bad than him actually saying something sgupid. He didn't here really, but yes it would have been better to ignore it. Fucking media kikes.
Indeed. I'm monitoring your election with great amusement. It is kinda fascinating that a couple of million people in the U.S. literally vote for a guy who goes on national TV and spits out nothing else than verbal bullshit consisting of indecency and obvious lack of knowledge. He even indirectly insults the mother of a fallen soldier. A group of people who primarily vote republican.
Kike media lies. Trump is smarter than Hillary for damn sure. Don't you have some Germans to behead, Mohammed?
Yes, yes. The bad media and the evil jews. Lmao. Don't kid yourself, just listen to your candidate speaking. He discredits himself without any help.
>Trump is smarter than Hillary for damn sure.
Hillary should be in jail right now.
And she probably would be if not for the fact that her opponent is hideously incompetent.
Please please please stop screwing up.
It's so funny I have to read so much bullshit all day. A week ago it was like "Hillary has lost. It is over. Trump is going to become president". Now I read "Trump has lost. It is over. Hillary is going to become president". The level of journalistic retardness in this election is unbelievable. Why can't you wait until after the first debate.
I was just looking at the interview yesterday. First of all, he didnt focus on the Khan family, Trump was asked a question about what he thought. Trump praised the son for sacrificing his life, and said that the father seems like he would be a nice guy. The media blew what he said out of proportion, yes it was a back handed comment but blown out non the less.
Oh look CTR is switching back to using American proxies
Jeb and the rest of them would be dead and buried already. No one gets excited for cucks.
>yes even jeb
jesus christ.
Watch the interview with Stepholopolol and Trump. He sounds competent even though they tried their dicks off to spin it as Trump stumped. Don't fall for obvious bullshit. He didn't even really say anything wrong about Khan the Sharia Lawyer or his son or his wife, but he should have avoided the trap.
I've been saying since Day1 that trump is a Clinton plant.
The man has done nothing but talk shit all the time, and he always responds with the vaguest terms, without ever saying anything substantive.
He's stated that he forms his geopolitical views by watching TV for fucks sake.
Trump HAS to be a plant to fuck the Republican party from within, and then hand over the presidency to Clinton.
Trump is the male version of Sarah Palin.
>Trump is the male version of Sarah Palin.
In that I agree, but the rest I think is false. Trump is real, its just he's showing his inexperience right now.
>Rats really believe this
All other candidates were bought off by the same corporations that fund the Clintons. Minus ISIS maybe, but still pretty bad.
But now the choice is between Trump, a successful business man and Clinton, ISIS funded and every country she is involved with is now Islamic.
Jeb is the same as Hilary
That's the whole point
The primary is designed as a gate keeping process so that its win win for establishment
Why do you think Mccane Romney bush jr bush sr Obama Hilary Kerry and gore all hate trump
Cruz wouldn't have had a chance at winning. The party hates him as much trump and liberals would do the old "he's a religious whack job" and they wouldnt be wrong.
>Any of the other Republican candidates, yes even Jeb, would be completely crushing Hillary right now.
doubt it, and would it even matter if they were?
rato was going to throw the thing to her and yet somehow Donald isn't a threat as a candidate but the money spent on changing opinions of frog anime masturbators climbs ever higher
retards everyone
Cruz would have done whatever the fuck his masters told him to do, same as any of these other clowns
Thank you for correcting the record
>Any of the other Republican candidates, yes even Jeb, would be completely crushing Hillary right now
Delusional. They would be labeling Yeb and Rubio just as Racist, gin up the minority vote against the republicucks again, and the white majority would once again fail to show up at the polls to support the Republican nominee. You think free trade, pro TPP corporate shills would have Donald's base? All they'd have is the evangelicals, and they'd lose the election just like Romney.
Was was a fucking Trojan horse with his wife Working For Goldman Sachs. FUCK OFF YOU FAGGOT.
It is Trump or bust. The very fact that companies like Reuters are rigging their polls against Trump shows me that Trump is the REAL DEAL!
This was objectively the right choice. Prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't.
what I want to know is why is the media and Hillary shilling so hard for Trump? all this attention towards him only helps him win no? as in if all the attention was on Hillary people could get to know her and they would then want to vote for her?
but she has no ability to speak in front of a crowd so instead we just get Trump advertisements even if the narrative is Trump is bad, they're still talking about him nonstop
they're shilling for him, everyone is, funny part is if there was something worth directing attention to it would have been done, but there isn't anything good to focus on, so instead we get Trump ads, from the people who don't like Trump
too weird
>Hillary should be in jail
For what?
For being a (c)unt
>Cruz would've built a wall on the southern border, deported illegal immigrants, killed the TPP
Would have done literally none of these. Fuck off shillnigger.
How come the Republicans can't have a candidate like Gowdy for potus?
I've been watching his questioning of Lynch and Comey, and he seems very capable and smart.
Trump's problem is that he responds to literally everything. Lowest baits catch him simply by virtue of him being omnipresent. The dark forces thrive on this kind of response. I pray for Donaldo-Sama, but man..he needs to become more strategic.
Please leave this website, no one wants you here.
You are not welcome here.
Your postings have no effect here.
Every shill post you make, helps us solidify our votes for Trump even more.
Every record you correct, every lie you spread makes Hillary loose more.
Cruz had higher disapproval ratings than Shillary even.