>Avatar 2 (2020)
>Avatar 3 (2021)
>Avatar 4 (2024)
>Avatar 5 (2025)
Avatar 2 (2020)
Other urls found in this thread:
these films won't get made
This movie made me realize that gay niggers are the enemy of our people.
I was talking to a gay nigger I worked with about this movie and he said he sympathized with the aliens when I said I felt bad seeing humans die.
He literally would sell out and encourage the deaths of his own human species who were collecting resources for mankind from a hostile SPACE-ALIEN race, because they were cute and blue.
Fuck niggers. No loyalty or concept of unity and betterment for the greater good.
Thank goodness.
Based Cameron giving us what we want
>2 is coming out - the others are already busy being made/in talks to be made
prepare your anus. they're coming out
when did you realize movies are just really drawn out TV shows?
2 and 3 maybe will but that's probably it
>prepare your anus. they're coming in
The first one was fucking shit though.
It was a complete CGI fuckfest with the ENTIRE story stolen from Pocahontas.
I'll give you what you want, faggot.
Is that what the Nostalgia Critic said?
You must be new here.
It's just the stock parrot opinion that comes with your anonymous membership.
sup reddit
I'm not one to doubt the Cameron but what is he thinking?
>jim will never make another cool deep sea sci if movie
whatever happened to avatarposting? this is the first navi pepe I've seen in months. Did he finally go to jail?
sup faggot with shit taste in movies and who is probably a virgin
Dumb redditposter.
>the face when blue
He's having dreams of flying
avatap forgot his trip password.
He's having daily orgasms at this ride:
Cry more
Abatap is kill
abatap was the only worthwhile thing to come from this shitty flick and jim cameron is a fucking retard for spending the entire last half of his career on this garbage desu
>it's an "a bunch of newfags all pretend to remember abatap so they can let everyone know they're oldfags" episode
>tfw legit
>tfw 9 years club
>tfw 4 year club
I don't even regret it
the people who like avatar and are looking forward to more of them are the same people who think BvS was kino
This. Fucking autists.
Who is this series for? The 3D craze is over, nobody wants to watch this shit any more.
i like avatar threads it makes it so easy to spot the blatant 'dditor
He was here like two or three days ago.
Avatar was a 7/10 while BvS was a 3/10
>All these butthurt haters ITT
Can't wait for BASED JIM to btfo you guys once again
Why is he so great?
Why does Avatar trigger redditors so much?
Avatar IS reddit
That's still a very loooooooooooooooong time, I'll be dead by then.