
autechre edition

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more like architecture

Need someone to tuck me in or I won't be able to sleep

>tfw you haven't owned any Diadora clothing since 2002
Wanna move back to Scotland briefly desu


Jesus lads

woof haha

I'll send you some lad

Don't follow a single thing this brown semite has to say

At toil 15 minutes early
I’m such a good wagie

I'll get in contact when arrive at Dunfermline

arrive 15 minutes early leave 15 minutes late am i right

how do you think they feel when you keep calling them Arabs? Do you not care for the feelings of Italians?

>w-whiter than you m-muhammed!

the UK is the king of electronic music no questions asked

new cocktail idea: The American

soy, estrogen, flouride and HFCS

>hello fellow whites

don't think this one will be a success lad

I mean, he's right. All those Dutch, German and Belgian nonces did was to give us repetitive and overstylized Trance trash, and all America did was to obsessively craft Techno and House.

British artists shaped most of the Electronic music landscape desu

Personal quote: People put down furries, but in reality, they're scared of us. People put down autists, in reality, they're jealous of our intelligence.

i'm just being honest though

any toil man in?

*drinks one glass of US tap water*

should be illegal for girls not to be attractive

Seriously, the bullying against Italian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Italians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved on this board. It’s not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Italian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own heritage after having years of constant and needless attacks.

Like when it’s not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call a Italian man a "moor" to his face? Would you say to a kind peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Italian man that they are a "fucking arab"? Would you quote him just saying " >be Italian >get moored"? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

someone hat this pisstake of a human

let's get this out onto a tray


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Autechre. The sound is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the experiments will go over a typical listener’s head. There’s also Sean’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Stockhausen music, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tracks, to realist that they’re not just trippy- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Autechre truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sean's existential audio speech “Wub Wub Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rob Brown’s genius wit unfolds itself on their speakers. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an Autechre tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

feel a bit bad for the wop now
mate i'm only teasing

if italians aren't moors then why did they murder their best prime minister?

When Emma Watson has to poo
Do you think she uses the loo
Or does she poo out in the street
Just like Ranjesh and Pajeeeeeeeeettt

Well, Emma take a poo
Emma poop your panties
Emma take a poo on me (on me)

Emma take a poo
Emma poop you panties
Emma let me drink your wee

Im just mad that the Brits dont produce Garage any more. Literally the best thing come out of the 90s EDM boom


lads i've been edging for the past few hours and now my voice is higher pitched than usual

my sister's visiting London for a few weeks
I can trust you lads to make sure she's safe, right?

"Garage"? Hey fellas, "Garage"!
Well la di da, Mr French Man.

hello bros yes haha wow it's me again DJ poo-willy and I'm here with a new poo willy rap for y'all yeah ya ready here goes uh yeah you get some poo and get some wee you get a willy and it is silly you poo on a nigger and let it get bigger then fart on a paki and pooey nigger wank yeah


ey buddy fugeddabowdit


faggot -> nu-male -> cuck -> soyboy -> ????
What does evolution hold in store for us next?

onsense, the French have been setting other French people’s cars on fire since Henry Ford invented them in 1793. Get educated.

King Ferdinand did not stand at the killing blow of the Islamic rape of Spain at the end of 700 years of occupation by hostile invaders just to see France suffer the same fate.
It is not a question of can or cannot. It must, and shall, be done.


you forgot bugman

Oi, is this legit English breakfast?
Just had this at a restaurant. This shit it heavy af, barely even finished it.

oi lend us a tenner you fucking jewboy

looks pretty nice if you wanna build muscle or, in your case, fat

Not happy about that egg white to yolk ratio, 2bqh. That egg white could easily accommodate 2 yolks.

To be fair, you have to have an ever so hiȝ witscore to understand Rick and Morty. Þe wit is utmostly crafty, and wiþout a strong grasp of beheld worldken most of þe gags will go over a plain watcher's head. Þere's also Rick's wearning outlook, which is deftly woven into his mood- his own outlook draws heavily from Narodnaȝa Volȝa bookcraft, as a forebeeld. Þe rooters understand þis stuff; þey have þe witly inhold to truly get þe depþs of þese gags, to find out þat þey're not just funny- þey say someþing deep about LIFE. As an aftermaþ lede who don't like Rick & Morty truly ARE dolts- kindly þey wouldn't get, as a forebeeld, þe wit in Rick's þingwise fangwords "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a hidden hint to Turgenev's Russish ettin Faþers and Sons. I'm smirking riȝt now just þinking about one of þose addled plainheads scratching þeir muddling heads as Dan Harmon's oversmart wit unfolds itself on þeir farseer shirms. What dolts... how I feel bad for þem. And ȝes, by þe way, i DO have a Rick & Morty carving. And no, ȝou cannot see it. It's for þe ladies' eȝes only - and even þen þey have to show þat þey're wiþin 5 witscore of my own (I'd hope lower) beforehand. Noþin beliȝting kid

upload coitus gizmos

Not really that fat, just happened to be in Tel Aviv doing military stuff, thought I'd eat something.
Didn't realize it was going to be this big (of a dish).

Rude desu :(

Not one shred of pity. You need to understand that this is exactly what white women have wanted and they are getting it. They do not want ‘security’ or ‘resources’ for their children. They want ‘excitement’ and ‘liberation’ from their stale suburban lives.
They want their pussies sopping wet from fear-porn and simulated rape. They want to get as dangerously close to violent death as they can before ‘The Great Pullback,’ which we are still nowhere near.
I have even met French women who told me that all blacks are nice. Then I told them to be careful because Negroes are dangerous, but they laughingly (not even nervous laughter) told me they can no longer talk to me because that was a racist statement, as if I breached a contract.
Well, I’m happy for them because this clearly brings them joy. So I will not interfere in their happiness and I encourage others to actually listen to women and refrain from aiding them. You actually gain their respect this way because you gain power over your own corrosive chivalry, and thus gain the ability to see the world far more clearly.
I used to naively approach the nasty hookers that worked my street and tell them how dangerous it was to be out there, as they aggressively harangued me to become their client, but they didn’t care. In fact, their nigger pimp was actually far friendlier and even tried to break up a fight I was involved with one time when attacked by a junkie on my way home from work.
This ‘egalitarian nationalism’ that all the womynz are prioritizing, and all their white knights are closing ranks to defend, is a complete nonstarter. Believe it or not, a MULTICULTURAL patriarchy would hypothetically function better to protect white birthrates than this bullshit feminist white ethno-state so many have been trying to shoehorn.


soz lad
but yeah a full english is a bit heavy going in the morning, i would only have it on weekends

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

once played wow with an israeli guy that was in the military, he was based

(he looked arab though and probably wasn't that jewish)

Talk about a mindfuck.
Both are garbage, but egalitarianism is the bigger pile of shit because it always circles back to the hellscape women’s rights create in times of surplus. That is when they want ‘liberation,’ but shockingly not so much during scarcity
The purchasing power of chivalry-shaming techniques against men is almost not worth a Zimbabwean dollar at this point. Without their beta-orbiting eunuchs leveraging chivalry in exchange for one-word text messages/emojis of pretend friendship, feminism/gynocentrism would be crushed overnight.
The usual go-to ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy of speculating what ‘a real man would do’ means nothing anymore because even the lowliest beancounter can put two and two together and see that record-breaking box office/book sales of psychopathic billionaires contractually stipulating BDSM bedroom tactics, and muscular-metrosexual vampires devouring young pussy, does not match the pearl-clutching histrionics of feminists or even the deck of cards ‘antifeminist’ Trad-THOTs, as both have embraced the #MeToo coup in ruthlessly toppling their male coworkers and bosses from their careers, as a female Will To Power.
The Bell Curve female median cluster aboards.Sup Forums.org/int/thread/83868748lso strikes down the NAWALT theory.

one man's judaism is another man's islam

The statistics fallacy of ‘men’ did this because ‘most politicians are men’ will not work either. Those are the cuck sentries that the majority-female electorate voted for. They are their beta avatars fulfilling their obligations, while every nationalist man gets shot down at the polls or imprisoned for hate speech.
The best thing a white man can do in this situation is nonintervention because aggressive withdrawal is the most powerful move he can make. All the chivalry in the world does not measure up to the strength of even a tiny minority of white male apathy.
That is how the mighty NFL has been decimated in just 12 months from white men tuning out, and how Obamacare was a failure-to-launch because young white men refused to enroll in order to subsidize women and nonwhite leeches, whose lives are propped up for free while white men die earlier and earlier.
So it will be white women who deliver the white patriarchy. They will be the ones busting down city hall demanding white men liberate women from women’s liberation.
We simply have too many wars to fight simultaneously, and we cannot continue to fight them at the behest of mythical shield or wheat-field maidens…AND forced to watch our flank from the very women we are supposed to protect.
Women have too much power and not enough ability. They badly need to be humbled by their own actions.

Unironically waiting at the STI clinic

Lot of people here smdh



>Waiting at a Subaru Clinic

Women have too much power and not enough ability. They badly need to be humbled by their own actions.
Until then, all we can do is let the white female self-fulling prophecy run its course, and continue to point this out until a critical mass of white men have reached this consensus. That is when this nightmare ends. But it has gotten nowhere near as bad as it needs to be for white women to shed feminism/gynocentrism.
This is the only way women will ever be ‘inspired’ because throughout human history they have been dictated by patriarchs. They were never the ‘catalyst’ for male invention/discovery. They were the compartmentalized breeders, cavalierly traded as a fig leaf from father to rival tribe, as token for future business partnerships, or usually just gifted to a loyal older bachelor friend…..but most importantly….safely away from power, and thus civilizational destruction.

Why yes it's me thailad. Sure I'm your average twentysomething expat to Thailand, I'm just one of the lads really. Any drugs, internet memes, music and other youthful things you consumed recently lads? I sure did haha.

t’s time to call them COLONIZERS and DEMOGRAPHIC IMPERIALISTS. They are not migrants. Migrants are people who move within the same nation. Immigrants are those who trickle in in manageable numbers to assimilate. This is full-scale Colonization and Demographic Imperialism. It is Mass Replacism.

It is also about ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs. White wombs are the sanctuary from which white life begins. All you white people began in white wombs. White wombs produce white life when it accepts white seeds. But France is about Junglois Feverois and UK is about Junglo-Saxons. White women are encouraged to go black and welcome ACOWW. That way, white wombs shut the gates to white seeds and take only black seeds to produce more people like Obama and Kapernick.

Africans not only colonize white lands but white wombs. White wombs that should be the garden for white life is being trampled by blacks who use white gardens to make ugly vile savage black babies.

looks a bit shit

Brits have a lot of great musicians. How come?

there's not much to do on this island so we do lots of stuff to keep busy
(like drinking, dressing as women and doing comedy and also music)

>victoria cross at 16

ahhh sick mate, you're proper clever. Anyway I'll have a lamb korma and a sprite please, easy on the milk yeah?

>"The patches are not being issued to anything older than Windows 10, and that means anybody on an older operating system is exposed," he said.


Victoria Cross? No thanks I already have Hugo Boss

What's wrong Alan?

alan has been VERY passive-aggressive towards are thailad recently

is it the paki genes?


All I can think is it's because I was being rude towards Islam on twitter. Been nothing but nice to the lad.

I took six sleeping pills and I still can't sleep ffs

all seems a bit convenient

take all of them

tfw no gamer gf who says fuck


Explain this YouTube channel youtu.be/wYFgYUMBpIA
And also how you could have lived in Thailand for 8 years, worked a bit in the UK before that and still be in your 20s. At what age did you graduate? 14 years old? Fuck off mate you're in your fifties


Alan is losing it recently, comes in to the thread, gets insulted, his fragile ego crumbles and he starts going off on people. I think living in poverty is finally getting to him.

I mean I hate you too you vile, pseudo-intellectual nonce, but you're better than nassim, would rather eat shit than be stabbed in the gut, know what i mean

>wears a kippah
cool it with the anti-semitism lad

middle mouse button just prolapsed

good morrow lads

im like a spy :PP

I don't think you're silly enough to actually believe that's my youtube channel so why don't you just tell me why you're upset all of a sudden?
fair one

rorke's forgot to take his pills again

>the beach music
heyyyy that's pretty good

thailad's holiday video

>uploaded 9 years ago
that guy has got to be like 60+ today

england is mine
it owes me a living

>I don't think you're silly enough to actually believe that's my youtube channel
Absolutely howling at this weak rebuttal and the lack of explanation about how 8 years in Thailand + x years in the UK working as an it professional just doesn't add up to be in you 20s still. Further your Twitter and website are the only other occurrences of 'thailad' on the internet and you mentioned going to hua Hin once and the guy has a video in hua Hin.
>Next thing you know the YouTube channel will be taken down

he had a youtube channel with some videos of kev but that's gone now


im off my meds

Think he forgot about the one I posted. He created it before he became a mini-celebrity on /Brit/ when he was new to Thailand and it was all fresh and new and then forgot about it.

cats are funny