Gun thread 2
Discuss weapon laws and all that shit here
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Gun thread 2
Discuss weapon laws and all that shit here
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Can I legally own a gun if I'm a fish?
nfa needs to get thrown out.
its outdated, archaic, and hurts law abiding citizens more than criminals.
Any of you muricans have experience with taurus guns?
They are absolute shit here in Brazil but I heard they are slighty better in America
No, only seals and penguins are recognized as Americans.
cheeky m8 did you crop out the retard barrel
Taurus is absolute shit everywhere
Having to wait 5 years to be able to get the license for rifles is stupid.
They should reduce it to at least 2 years.
Amen to that!
waiting to hear back from the ATF on if i can cut my barrel down to proper length yet.
Taurus USA is sturdy as fuck, though the ones I've used are 20+ years old. Quality could have dropped over time but check gun channels on youtube or forums to find more useful info
Mein Bruder.
Shooting instructor should be a profession open only to former soldiers in order to ensure the highest standards of training and a job market for veterans.
Isnt that what /k/ is for? Im cool with it, just sayin
So what are the is something like this legal?
USA has no rifle license, and a pistol purchase license can be obtained in under 2 weeks maximum.
Is Russia trying to wait you out of your weapons?
Wtf not even in Brazil it takes the long
Show your 18" barrel, no homo
Bullpup designs complicate the action of the reciever and have an increased likelihood of jamming. It obviously makes it more difficult to maintain the weapon as well.
Where to look online for milsurp? I see people say you can get xyz guns for whatever price, and then I look and everywhere I see, its like 200 more that what everyone is claiming
Isn't that the machine gun they had to pour water on so it didn't overheat and explode?
16", yes homo
im ok with sacrificing for a smaller overall package.
>paying money to the people that killed Vicki weaver and massacred children in Waco
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>hurr don't tread on me! xD
>here ATF take my money so I can take a few inches off of this thing I own
Gunbroker and armslist
Appears to be a 20mm rifle. The action of the weapon is legal but the diameter of the bullet is varied, if I'm not mistaken.
Can you have guns in Austria?
Also, do you know novritsch austrian bro?
No it's a semi auto (I think) 40mm anti-tank rifle
All good here.
Yeah 20mm not 40mm sorry
Smoothbore license can be obtained fairly quickly too, its just the rifles that require such a long wait. It kinda makes sense though. Rifled guns are generally more dangerous, and the wait period helps to filter out unstable persons who might kill someone.
But damn, 5 years is retarded.
In Florida if you commit a crime while in possession of a firearm they must apply the "10-20-life" law minimum sentencing.
But what if my gun is inside a case while committing a crime? Do you think that law still applies?
I used to own a Taurus when I was 21. Needless to say, I'm older and wiser now, and don't make such poor decisions.
That's a mg34
The gun I posted is a LHATI L-39 WWII Anti-Tank Rifle
>I'm unstable enough to kill but not enough to buy an illegal gun to do it
Very nice
Also consider the possibility of normal people getting drunk and going for a human hunt.
>Can you have guns in Austria?
We're fairly well-armed, yes. The culture is very much 'don't rock the boat' about it, i.e even the most libcucked newspapers will be EXTREMELY neutral about a shooting (be it in self-defense or because someone wanted to just shoot some suckers) and any pro-gun platform basically forgets what it was supposed to be doing because nobody gives a shit.
In the same vein, being into guns is something fairly private, so in general you'll not talk about it in regular conversation.
I think part of the reason is have one of the world's lowest homicide rates, so someone getting murdered with a gun just... doesn't really happen to an appreciable degree.
We're 8 million people with 0,3 homicides per 100k.
A quarter of those is committed with guns.
Getting shot just doesn't happen in a way that's in any way perceptible.
It's just very much not a thing to the point where even criminals sort of avoid shooting unless threatened because they don't expect the others to shoot first.
It's a delicate balance, but so far it works.
High weapons ownership + low aggression + low general crime + prisons with a good track record of preventing recidivism = Low homicide rate.
It's how Switzerland and the Scandies do it.
The evils of the past are to be set aside for now. We may have our first pro 2nd President soon. Stay calm until Hillary fucks it all up
.50 A&E (african eliminator)
Made in Israel. WTF?
Please let me live there after the refugee crisis is over.
But it seems to me the scandies are much more anti gun, like France.
Five years. Holy shit. Five fucking years.
USA the day you are old enough to vote/smoke/draft you are allowed to own a rifle, record providing. Fuck that noise
If you want to get an affordable m9 or m1911 or any other popular gun in the west you have to go for Taurs or Norico. Not that i'm complaning, Norico's m1911 are decent here. Might buy one for myself.
>rifle license
In Poland once you get your license you can get anything. From rifles to pistols, to shotguns.
Where do you goys go to shoot? I see people online making videos where theyre shooting out in a field somewhere and having fun blowing up paint cans and cantaloupes. Meanwhile, all I can ever go to is the mediocre indoor range.
Do you need to own a vast swath of land in order to do that?
Well, in Russia instead you can get, oh, i dont know, not fucked by different countries for years?
> needing a license
How is this related to guns? All you posted is damage control, i made the post saying that you only need gun license and you can get anything, no need for specific ones. Every time some russians get confronted they go typical
>xxxaxaxaxax we butt fucked you
Vodka Nigger i don't care.
Such is the life in the zone.
Is that the normal price? Not fucking bad
Norinco is chinese I don't trust anything that the chinks make
But that's cheap as fuck, I converted and that pistol costs in Poland 1,500 reais, here in Brazil it would be more than 5k due to taxes
I live out west where there's vast areas of public land to shoot on
That doesn't make any sense.
You're a cuck and a faggot if you give any money to the ATF for what they've done to us.
>Implying permit to purchase is different
If you think that's cheap take a look at this.
I fucking hate living in the midatlantic. Only way for me to do that is if I decide to buy my own 40 acres
There is literally nothing else gun related to counter, so feel free to stuck that hahaha up your ass and maybe jerk off a little while thinking about how you made a witty post on Sup Forums.
I fucking hate faggots.
Permit to purchase? Never heard of it
>I fucking hate faggots.
Self hate is bad for you Ivan.
>set aside FOR NOW
Ive seen what happened in waco- that cannot be forgiven and must never be forgotten, but right now legislative change is the best path. We all know what happens to defectors in a communist state
Goddamn it, even ex commies have more freedom than us
I envy you Polish bro
>permit to purchase
>needing a permit
>Iowa has no State Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. However, the Iowa Constitution does guarantee certain inalienable rights—among which are “defending life” and “protecting property.”
You can get anything in this country as long as you have money.
Who needs a gun with a triggerering character like mine?
Literally the amount of cash is your only limit.
By the way, defending life and or property can land you a felony terrorism sentencing here. IOWA YES!
I paid almost 5k on a shitty winchester 44 rip off made by boito (br gun brand)
What's the highest caliber you can own in Poland?
Trump had fucking better change ass backwards gun regulations.
>put a stock on a pistol
>it is now a short barreled rifle
>can't make .308 AP because a "pistol" was once created that fired it
>can't import guns that are no more "dangerous" than others we can get just because those guns come from big bad ex Soviet-bloc countries
>wylacznie odbior osobisty po przedstawieniu zaswiadczenia uprawniajacego
lol ale nigry
chyba nie chce im sie kasy zarabiac. :)
Anything lower than .50cal. That's why you can get Desert Eagle in .44 or .357 but not .50AE (but Deagles are ultra rare here and cost a lot.)
>I paid almost 5k on a shitty winchester 44 rip off made by boito (br gun brand)
lol @ u faggot
Jesus Christ we can only have low caliber here, can't believe Euros have everything, even gun laws, better than us it's not fucking fair ;-;
Lack of options mate
>Guns in austria
As long as it is bolt action just waiting three days and if no weapon ban on you, go home with whatever you like.
For semis and Handguns you need a safety certificat from a shoting club, a certificat from a psych and a place to store your weapons which is sometimes (onetime) checked by local cops, all together 350€.
Not every Euro but in Poland there's about 100k shooters for the nation of 38mln people. So it's not a lot. People are scared of guns here. My brother thought i'm gonna kill him when i bought myself a shitty glock replica when i was 19. If you will tell your family you like guns they will asume you're crazy or future terrorist but it's good. Not a lot of shooters means there's not a lot about guns in Poland so no huge anti gunners movements here. + we get dat sweet stuff from both ex soviets and western europe.
>A well placed shot is always better than a high powered miss!
>after the refugee crisis is over.
But yes, it's pretty good here. Cost of living especially, which means even low-tier workers tend to have the funds to afford living in decent housing.
>But it seems to me the scandies are much more anti gun, like France.
Sort of. They are still way up there in gun ownership.
action express
but seriously, why would you need a canon
It's good to be a peasant, you get to serve your lord and tend his grounds and occasionally he might share some of your labor with you. :)
How many guns per 100 citizens do you have? In Poland we have litteraly 1 pistol per 100 citizens even though we've got better gun laws than western europe. People here are scared shitles of guns. They think you're either terrrosit or serial killer if you like shooting.
thread contribution.
Yeah yeah, just don't choke on your burger fatty.
>Bobo detected
I have killed a capybara with an 22 long rifle, two shots in the neck
>Have a statistic
I killed my neighbor's cat with my 5.5 air rifle
1 shot in the skull
>Specific categories for diffrent types of guns
>still more than in Poland in which you litteraly get your license and can buy anything.
God damn it.
75-150/ lb animal taken down by two 40 grain bullets
40 grains = 0.00571428571 pounds
Pretty fucking effective
>in the neck
are you bad at shooting or just cruel?
A Farmer hired me as kid to shot birds with a 6mm Flobert. Pay was good 50 Schilling per bird
So you had to present corpses to him or did you cut all their heads off and bring him the fatwah ransoms?
I'm not that good and the gun didn't help
You shouldn't kill domestic animals
why did you crop the barrel
cats are skit, people get them for their shitty kids and they let them lose they hunt down the birds
I have a pond with koi fishes and all the god damn cats around here are infuriating
my pond was cleaned out in a month
That's no more of a problem
>Kat A.
Forbidden weapons
>Kat B
Handguns, Semis. You need a ""permit"" >Kat C
Bolt Action, whatever you like. 21 and no fuck up (drugs violence record)
>Kat D
Singleshot, same as C
How is it in poland?
Present corpses. He provided me with a bucket and a pushcart. But hey, with a Flobert you have to be at least at 25m and do a precise hit whats kind of hard with those bullets.
Whish he had provided me with a .17hmr, cheap bastard
Alright, forgiven.
And you, what the fuck dude?
No matter what animal you dislike, if it's your neighbor's PET animal, talk to them about a solution to the issue that you have. Unless that would implicate you in animal cruelty laws (in china lol..Wait, poland?) that you decide to break later just because.
My initial thought when entering this thread is that it belongs on /k/, but I'm okay with it here. Better than 3/4 of the catalog right now full of Sup Forums BTFO type threads.
>if it's your neighbor's PET animal, talk to them about a solution to the issue that you have.
I dont like talking
I act
because talking to these idiots usually accomplishes nothing
and if something happens to his shitty flea infested pet after the chat he'll be assuming you did something to it from the start, instead of keeping him guessing.
That is a common American pistol my dear Leaf
To get license you need to have a "good reason" AKA take a part in competitive shooting for at lest 6 months or join a hunting club for 2 years. After that you go to local Police station, go to doctor. If you pass you have to buy a safe for guns and police officer asks neighbours if you're not retarded after that you say to Police how many guyns you'd like to own. I think 10 is the max limit of specific type. And if you want to get some new ones you go to the police and tell them you want to buy a new gun. They print you a premit for acquiring new unit and you go to the gun shop. You have to bo there in person since you can't ship weapons in Poland. You show your gun permit, your permit for new unit and then you pay. To buy ammo you only have to show gun permit + there's no limit to the amount of ammo you want.
If you have a lot of cash you can try to get a collector's license which will allow you to get full autos and weapons with caliber bigger thatn .50cal.
BTW, what do americans (and other europeans) think about mannlicher/Full Stocks?