Damn... Really makes you think...
Damn... Really makes you think
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>warren buffet
They're not even hiding it
woah.... looks like I'm a #trumpmissile now
wtf i hate CNN now
Kek. The media is just shameless with their shilling for their candidate.
Trump needs to attack her how she has the backing of billionaires and huge companies like Amazon or Microsoft.
wtf i hate crowds now
why'd she direct it at CNN?
Now I'm a #CruzMissile
>Different camera shots of the same event can give different impressions.
Is there any historical comparison for how the respective rally turnouts correlate to voter turnout? It seems like Obama could always pack a stadium and won both elections by a healthy margin. Is there any precedent to indicate that Hillary's dismal rally turnout will indicate a low voter-turnout year which will hand it to Trump and the down ticket republicans?
Bernie had huge crowds and still lost.
Rally magnitude doesn't matter in the long-run.
>hillary getting in bed with one of the richest men on earth
wew I am waiting for the end of october when both all of congress comes out and says this whole election is a prank. wtf is going on.
They're unrelated tweets. She was being a smartass and may not have even seen the tweet by the woman on the left.
What kind of dishonest bullshit is she trying to pull? That's way more than 50 people
he lost because the primary was rigged
only the rigging does
quick glance counting shows me 58 people.
>no I won't take the time to count because hillary is not that important.
Nice meme, bernouts.
Just can't stop lying. Bitches can't stop lying, like can I wake up and go through just ONE day without any jewish lies?
check this out
This is what Trump brings, this is the overflow room of people who could not get into the rally
>The OVERFLOW ROOM in Mechanicsburg, PA
Makes you think what? That you are a leafcuck that should be shot? That just maby you hold no worth what so fucking ever?
Please, every life is precious. Just forget those ill thoughts that you have and chill. Why don't you just put on the vest decorated with those certain explosive materials and head to the nearest mosque and create a little boom for us cretins.
Go on leaf, your life matters.
Wow I hate rallies now
seek mental help
>I'm so loved and supported by the people, that Fire Marshals and Engineers have their work cut out for them.
Fuck Hillary. Fuck Obongo. Fuck Kaine.
This is usual for us finns bro.
Nice meme, CTR.
There is the shy tory effect when it comes to polls, so I'd say it can be applied also to rallys. Remember that a lot are going to vote not 'for hillary' but against trump. Or against hillary rather than for trump.
These types aren't going to be going to a rally.
He clearly has a motivation/enthusiasm advantage.
>He clearly has a motivation/enthusiasm advantage.
This is what is going to make people actually get out and vote.
I think liking Trump AND hating hillary, is much more motivating than just wanting to keep Trump out.
Christ, she'll be at 0 by the end of the week
she cancelled one last week "due to lack of interest"
My penis looks like the right image. How do I photograph it so it looks like the left?
We need to get meme ops division on this- we'll come up with a word for when politicians and the media imply there's a tremendous crowd of peoplebut really like 50 or something.
Then we'll point out that Trump attracts massive crowds with minimal effort yet Clinton can barely get anyone that actually wants to see her.
Just because she would have won due to the basketball Americans all voting for her doesn't change the fact that she cheated- cheating and being corrupt and dishonest is in her nature.
And the only reason the crowd is that big is because Warren Buffett was there too. Omaha is his home town.
Holy shit shes got like nobody going to these things.
>Polls say she is in the lead
Surely they're rigged, right?
he lost because his supporters were too young and lazy to vote
yes, polls were rigged during the primaries to make her voter fraud look legit, and the same thing is happening now to pad the eventual general election fraud
when trump overtook in the polls after the RNC he was probably +10 in reality
Obviously. Clinton has the media on her side. Trump has the people on his.
compare her crowd to trumps overflow crowd, see vid here
So are these polls that are coming out really that biased? I've looked into the methodology of a couple of them, and they definitely seem to intentionally be favoring Hillary, but with them as our only metric, it's impossible to get a feel for how the majority of the country actually feels.
I'm starting to get scared that they're going to skew the polls egregiously, then rig the election to offset reality, and have the results line up with their false polling data.
wtf I love Trump now
Anyone attending a rally is either a paid shill or a person so excited for a candidate that their vote is virtually locked. What this tells us something which everyone knew. Donald has supporters that will never leave him, no matter what he does. Meanwhile Hillary is relying on an Anti-Donald voter base to win her the election. She has few full scale supporters. Which means there are more people able to be turned into a base.
this happened to Trump you bet it would be on the news even in Germany
You need to correct your record.
The importance of focal length
what did she mean by this?
It should be obvious at this point that Hillary is shilling for the insurance and healthcare industries.
GEICO which is owned by Berkshire Hathaway has much to gain from a Clinton presidency. It's no wonder Buffet is backing her.
That's right you useful Shlomo, bump this thread up.
I'm not going to say all polls are rigged, but the new Reuters/PPP methodology is sketchy as fuck.
>Leave out undecided voters
>Leave out Johnson
>Leave out Stein
>Suspicious sample sizes
Very few people know anyone who is voting for Shillary, her rallies have no attendance, especially in battleground states, and everyone, even people who hate Trump, admit she's corrupt.
A good example of where we stand is the pre-Brexit. Polls showed that it was essentially a dead tie, but polling is inherently a passive activity. Just because people answer a simple question (how do you intend to vote?) doesn't mean that person cares enough to turn out on election day. Which is why Leave BTFO Remain by a margin far wider than expected.
you mean fov
Ask your friends. Ive met one and only one Killary supporter and that guy was from the Carribean. The worst thing the Dems could have done was fuck over Bernie. Like Trump, he got people excited. He has charisma and new ideas.
From what I've read the primaries are a private affair and rigging them wasn't illegal. Rigging the general IS illegal and people will be watching for it now.
Makes me think that democrats have jobs and aren't idle worshippers.
These shills argue like retards
such methods are forgivable when you understand that this election is about preventing ww3.
Everybody knows rallies are the one true metric.
Random Twitter lady exposing the truth.
They're so arrogant they think he's an asset
Have you seen the outcome vs. exit poll discrepancies? Fraud is generally considered to exist at a 2-4% discrepancy, yet many states had discrepancies of 10-20%. Arizona I believe had a discrepancy of 33%. They took place in states that used electronic voting (notoriously easy to compromise) that used secret, proprietary software to count votes.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™.
FOV is incidental in this context
That's from distance and perspective, not focal length
>It's no wonder Buffet is backing her.
Uh that has more to do with Buffet being (or becoming, whatever) extremely socially progressive as he ages.
This isn't a money thing for him - his kids are only getting a small fortune, most of his wealth is going to charities when he dies.
Like Gates, at this point Buffet is trying to make the world a better place through his money and influence.
Makes you think.
Why is that allowed? Where are the Liberals whining about billionaires?
They can't whine about the Koch brothers since they're basically against Trump.
And she won the Democratic nomination
The one on the left might work for CNN and it could get their attention. CNN might have posted something about it as well.
That's my point.
Maybe the process is rigged?
>So are these polls that are coming out really that biased?
Yes they are
>it's impossible to get a feel for how the majority of the country actually feels.
look at the crowds he's drawing and go outside and talk to people. where I'm at in Florida it;s solid Trump.
It's like wheelchair-chan. You can't build your entire culture around the fact that you're the opposite of something else, nobody is going to get excited.
I do believe that Hillary is probably ahead nationally, but let's see if those people are motivated enough to leave the house instead of filling out surveys