Grand Theft Auto: Twin Peaks Edition
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first for Sheryl Lee
Freshly squeezed
I prefer my /tpg/ with extra FROSTING
I really hope there aren't any remaining FLAKES in these threads
What's the song that plays during the convenience store scene? In FWWM
So he represents the average Lynch "fan", right? Pretending like he understands the nonsensical shit presented to him and praising the man who provided it?
Reminder that Twin Peaks was not a parody and was played completely straight.
wtb Sheryl Lee will pay more for 90's era Sheryl Lee
Anyone else notice based Hank on Better Call Saul last night?
So remember in the twin peaks movie how Annie appears on Laura's bed and tells her the good dale is in the black lodge and tells her to write it in her diary before disappearing? I watched a deleted scene from the missing pieces and it shows Annie after she's rescued from Glastonbury where the lodge is, on a hospital stretcher being rushed to the emergency room. Then it shows Annie in a hospital bed and this sketchy nurse walks in and she tells the nurse the exact same thing she told Laura: the good dale is in the black lodge and he needs help. The nurse ignores her and steals the gold owl cave ring that Annie now has on her finger. Then the scene switches to the black lodge and the midget tells cooper he can't leave and someone else has the ring (Annie). When it goes back to Annie, the nurse is wearing the ring and you can see Annie in the background laying there and she looks kind of dead bro like not moving or in a trance. I tried to watch closely to see if she was breathing and it didn't look like it. Okay so fast forward to the new episode we just watched yesterday. Remember how Hawk finds those pages behind the door in the station bathroom? Those are the missing pages on Laura palmer diary that's gonna tell them that the good cooper is in the black lodge. So Annie was able to send a message back in time to Laura that night before she passed away. (I think the nurse kills her by taking the ring off or something because she doesn't say anything or move when she does) That's what I came up with so far. I probably need to do much more research and I'm welcome to any theories or important details to know.
Give me the quick rundown on Better Call Saul
A friend of mine says I should watch it
Well, it's a prequel to Breaking Bad, so if you haven't watched that I probably wouldn't bother, even though I wouldn't say it's completely necessary. If you liked Saul on Breaking Bad, I'd definitely watch it. It's a decent enough show, fairly slow moving in comparison to Breaking Bad, but you now have the benefit of binging the first 3 seasons which will probably improve the experience immensely.
The irony in this post is astounding
no, the lodge helped cooper connect the dots to make it apparent that the guy from last episode was lying
Spotted a Lynch "fan".
The average lynch 'fan' is the gluttonous roastie in the diner eating pie after pie and drinking coffee. She even was taking about pie having her name on them and shit, analogous to self proclaimed twin peaks aficionados thinking that the series somehow speaks deeply to them whilst only indulging in it in the most vacuous and superficial fashion ie lmao cherry pie and sheeeeit look at my coffee cup it says cup of joe on it lol. And on top of that her fat tumblr fish face looks on in disgust as based /ourguy/ cruises past in his truck of peace.
Yes Lynch fan, everything is ironic.
tic toc LYNCHED o'clock
>tfw was an atheist until other atheists became such pretentious insufferable faggots that I had to drop it.
>tfw was a Tool fan until other Tool fans became such pretentious insufferable faggots that I had to drop them.
>tfw a Lynch fan but now after going on /tpg/ it looks like I may have to drop him too.
What's the song that plays every time that the woman that was killed by the midget is on screen?
I'm sad she got killed. I liked that she had a recurrent musical theme, but that didn't last long enough. I was curious about her.
Also, the scene with the midget killing everybody in that office reminded me of Mulholland Drive.
I'm really liking this season. It slow and it started weird, but Twin Peaks proper started in Episode 5 and I'm excited for it. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
holy shit you're such a fucking hipster it hurts
You're a weak and pathetic person. You're the problem, not the rest of the people.
Just be a lynch fan ironically like everyone else here. Or dislike him ironically. Both work
>even once
what are you a kid, who does that shit
Yeh that was a banger what the f is that song Sup Forums?
Why are Sonny Jim's scenes reversed?
Lynch searched "hip hop beat" on youtube and used the second result.
well it was either this or "shame on a nigga" and the former played better with test audiences
what the fuck happens if you "drop atheism"?
You're an empty shell, congrats.
>sonny jim clapped backwards you guys, he's the key to all of this!
/tpg/ is already dead after only 22 days. What a joke of a series and fanbase LOL
You become enlightened
because he's a soulless lodge child
Inverted satanic quads confirm.
kek you've used that phrase like 10 times already.
MIKE, whilst inhabiting Phillip Gerard, was at the train car the night that BOB/Leland killed Laura and left pages of the diary in the area.
The pages of the diary with Annie's message were collected by MIKE, and when he was being interrogated at Twin Peaks PD in S1, he went to the bathroom to inject his haliperidol, he stuffed the pages of the diary into the door of the men's room stall.
And a paranoid schizo, it seems.
just finished watching the first episode(s), was breddy gud
should I watch the rest in a row or do 1 each evening
>there are people that just watched the first, ninth, and fifteenth episode
well lynch descriped season 3 as an 18 hour movie so binge away
Somebody please post the extended trucker facepalm
>yes /tpg/, everyone is LYNCHED
skip em
Im a little late to the party but i just watch all of season and 2 as well as the movie for the first time
Literally what the fuck was he thinking with the movie, I was expecting it to show the aftermath of all the plots of season 2, instead i got told what i already knew. I skip through the lost 40 mins of it or so but all that happened was Laura going to heaven because of Coop and conformation that Annie's dead and that character knew more then they let on
Also, fuck James
Boxing on Showtime is doing 3x the ratings of an average Twin Peaks episode.
Cancel it senpai
I really wish this had been done by Netflix instead, given that it's an 18 hour movie, this one episode per week leads to really bad pacing.
Binge watching something like this makes perfect sense, waiting a full week for an episode where 80% of screentime is spent on Dougie doing autistic things (as amusing as they sometimes are) means the story developes at a snails-pace.
hi can any1 spoonfeed lynch to me pls what is the minimum that i can watch to get "it" ???
watch rabbits
who are you quoting
Imagine how bad it must've been back in 1990 when Cooper got shot, meaning you had to wait an entire year to find out who did it and even then not finding out until about 15 weeks later. Twin Peaks has always had a slower pace, it's just not that noticeable as most of the series can be watched at any given time.
Oh hey guys it's hank
it's hank in BCS
>muh instant gratification
Normie's LYNCHED again
Season 1 all eps + Season 2 Ep 1-9, Ep 17-22 + FWWM
>skipping episodes
>not watching the q2 edit
thx bro
>I'ma I'ma good man starts playing
Stupid faggot. Ffwm is great you pleb
That midget guy was kind of hot. He's the first male character in the whole Twin Peaks series that I find attractive.
I thought they were going to do more shit with Hank, but it was either get rid of him or drag the Norma and Ed shit on for even fucking longer so I can understand why they did what they did.
Imagine how autistic twin peaks discussion must have been in some compuserve chat room 25 years ago
>watching episodes that neither Frost nor Lynch have had anything to do with
>watching fan shit and not the theatrical version
It was probably the same as /tpg/ but with more "I want to fuck Audrey" posts
>show gets cancelled
>Lynch sued for wasting showtime's time and money
>loses all his money
>is out on the street
>cowering in a cardboard box in an alley he can be heard muttering to himself
>"h-hehehe, t-they all g-got L Y N C H E D"
Were the soap opera scenes the characters watched on tv also unironic?
He had an interesting backstory with Bookhouse boys. That had a lot of potential. I would love to see that explored. Hank was cool.
S2 started like 2 months after the end of S1.
Hank was always cool
Its the 2nd best show on tv after twin peaks
the action in this season has been ass. i wish there was stuff with coop and albert using science bitch to blow up glastonburt grove
/tpg/ was so comfy before S3.
Lynch brought the worst out of you autists with this season. was a thing from day one, seeing people debate who killed Laura Palmer when they only had like 3 episodes to go on is pretty great
>People actually thought it would be Leo "Red Herring" Johnson
How do you "drop atheism"? You just suddenly decided to believe in magic?
So nothing is good on TV?
so in other words you got lynched am i right
call for help
It'd give the Sheriff more of a character than "I want to fuck Josie", too, since they were supposedly best friends for a while. Hank was cool but a bit annoying when it came to the Norma side of things.
Someone should email lynch and frost for interviews. They agreed to that autistic shit back then
Watch half of his Playstation 2 commercials, travel to India and have an old bearded man teach you meditation, read at least 500 pages of erotic Eraserhead fanfiction, sleep with a copy of the One Saliva Bubble screenplay under your pillow, watch the third episode of On The Air and the episode of Darkwing Duck that parodied Twin Peaks and you should be just about caught up on his work.
can't wait for q2 edit of season three with all the fat trimmed. bye bye useless new york sequence
How do get LYNCHED so hard?
He only did a single PS2 commercial you pleb, get the fuck out
As someone who loved BB, BCS is kinda meh. Nothing happening : the show.
The only good thing was pic related.
>I disagree with this post so I'm going to prove it right
what did lynch mean by this entire season
The only fat that can realistically be cut are the scenes that drag on for too long, and even then I enjoy those.
I don't know, Season 3 is bretty good.