>you'll never live in the 80s
You'll never live in the 80s
Other urls found in this thread:
>all white
Truly a problematic time.
But I did, you millennial piece of trash.
>still browsing Sup Forums at 40
>tfw black but still wanna live in the 80s as well
I always feel like that the 80s was an underrated golden age. Like it seems like 80s was the last time when everyone got along and just seriously wanted to have fun.
plus you'd be able to use the 1970s/1980s nigger slang
I did. It was alright, I guess. Less autistic, at least.
>you'll never live in the 80s
Technically, I did.
But only for the last two years of it.
The 90s was decent. So long as you ignored the first wave of PC culture and fucking environmentalists.
Fuck, who are we kidding? It's been downhill for the last 30 years.
As if a bunch of autists that shitpost all day on a weeb forum would last without the internet for a decade or so
Amazing how much race relations have deteriorated since then.
LIVE in the 80s, not be a toddler or child
>The 90s was decent.
How would you know? If you were born in 1988 you were too young to do anything but ride your bike and play your faggy videogames. You had the same experience as a 10 year old in the mid 2000s.
Thank fucking christ
Not really. It was about the same, but the lack of everyone and their grandma on the internet meant you didn't know how retarded other people were unless you watched them on tv or met them face to face.
I remember being very heavily into rpg (pen and paper) and most adult still thinking it was some devil worship/potential suicide cause shit like they did in the 70s. Same with heavy emtal, but I wasn't into that as much. They banned our lunch rpg meets and heavy metal t-shirts from school because of the parents. SJW weren't call that, but they were already a thing (less numerous and without the web as a way to make their voices heard). Someone was laways whinning and complaining about the latest trend being "bad" for kids and society, etc.
Same old, same old.
the great debate
is Allison autistic?
>wasting your 20s golden years on this fuck hole
>thinks I regret not living in the 80s
>posts Breakfast Club
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
Breakfast club was shit. There are much better 80's movies.
Some things have become the opposite of what they were though.
Back then, being into other cultures was cool and progressive. Now it's "cultural appropriation", for example.
PC was starting to become a thing (mid 80s) and was called that even before the 90s. It wasn't as autistic as it is now, but some people did take it too far even then. It was mostly about not being an ass, not about appologizing for every little thing. It wasn't cool to call a black guy a nigger, but you didn't throw out your shirt because it was made of COTTON and a reminder of SLAVERY (I wish I was exaggerating).
ADD was already a 'popular' diagnostic, but they weren't drugging kids up as much because of it.
Much of the meme and things like that that are so popular on the internet now had a irl conterpart back then. I remember a "joke" somewaht similar to Baneposting (it was about They Lived) being alive in our school for more than 3 years.
no debate, any reasonable man prefers the qt over the down syndrome
golden years
joke's on you my whole life's shit
I know, I just recently rewatched it and got caught by surprise of nostalgia
This was where "they" stopped making fun, sexy youth movies for the very late boomers (fast times) and started making depressing sexless shit for gen x (breakfast club, river's edge etc.)
80s Teen Comedy Ranking:
Private School+Fast times at Ridgmeont High>Pretty in Pink>John Hughes
I did opfag
Ally Sheedy is a cool guy, eh dumps out bag on couch and doesnt afraid of anything
Are there seriously people in their 40s on Sup Forums? That just makes me very sad
I remember you from such threads as >"hey user, if you're free tonight can we watch that movie you were telling me about?"
I'm a year older than you.
>wasting your 20s golden years on this fuck hole
Jokes on you. From 22 to 27 I didn't have access to the internet. I was just stuck in the bum-fuck middle of nowhere for five years with no outlet to the outside world.
Yes. Why is it sad?
The /tpg/ didn't clue you in?
>smog era gm
mmmm nah
From 21 to 25 I was working in a textile factory pounding Laotian 9/10 fresh of the boat pussies on the reg.
Sounds like you're here for a sad reason. Which is sad, but try not to project so much.
>ywn not be born
Why? I don't know about the other guys, but I'm not here 24 hours a day. Just an hour or two 3 or four days a week. I'm regular in more ways than one.
I have depression. I just would want to be here when I'm that old
3 o'clock High > everything
Don't worry, you will still be here when your old. You can do it, user!
>my school never had the classic archetyphes
i had:
cool guys/hung out with older grade
sports nuts
actual smart people going on to be doctors
kids into drugs
stupid people with friends from other schools
stupid people
me and my frends
Damn... you're not wrong. I still enjoy PS+FTARH more, but 3OCH is a better movie.
lel sorry m80 I'm 34 and don't give a shit about your sorry whiny ass
this. I don;t have the stamina to last that long. I don't want to live past 30
Real depression or are you "feeling" depressed?
I didn't say those weren't good mind you
>From 21 to 25 I was working in a textile factory pounding Laotian 9/10 fresh of the boat pussies on the reg.
You had it better. At least you got work. All I did was rot for five years with no contact with anyone of significance or have any stimulation beyond fapping.
And no, I wasn't in jail.
I'll bite, greentext story?
I'm here because it's fun. I don't want to stop doing fun things just because I'm getting older.
idk, it was fucking harsh work
we had to wear ear protection at all times, even in the cafeteria, and it got so hot all the time we were all sweating like pigs. Shirst completley wet, not just a few spots here and there. Completely (it was great for the nipples shots though). Except the forman ass in his clim office. The cuck. So hot they had to legally shut us down and give us down time at least once a week for a few hours.
Never again.
>you'll never live in the 70s
Forgot my 70s coming of age movie image.
I fucking love the looks of 70s women. Hair and all.
I did
Saw Star Wars at the drive in when I was 4
>rose tinted glasses
>yfw I was born in the 70's
I was a kid in the late 70s. My best memories are from back then. The toys of the 70s man, the toys!
OK how old are you then
the robot WITH LIGHTS
Twice my dubs.
Chances are you were more an 80s whore than a hippy
Theses dubs ?O_O
I was talking more about Atari 2600 and action figures. The bigger ones were great. The utility belts (even the ones that didn't make sense. The Hulk utility belt? wth).
But my fav: the Aurora Monsters Models Kits. They were small monster movie/stories scene that you build.
>on the reg
Micronaughts were rad
They even had their own comics.
I know you are, but what am I?
BURN 80s-Style!!!
we had this in europe
I remember this
Getting old ducks
I already did.
>ywn fap to your naked Suzanne Sommers Mego doll ever again
I remember my dad thinking that I was turning gay for wanting that doll. If he only knew the number of times I fapped to it.
Loved Atari 2600. I have an old one that still works. I play Pitfall/Jungle Hunt/Spider-Man/Halloween with it sometimes.
I still have no clue how to play ET though.
Star Wars dubs in a fitting thread
ET was released unfinished and unplayable
I don't want to go into much detail because it concerns other people besides myself. And yeah, I acknowledge the redundancy of that since I'm posting anonymously.
>Be 22
>basically being a waste of life POS since graduating HS
>not doing anything with life
>live off of single mother
>fall on hard financial situation
>relatives decide to relocate us (without consent of preferance of location) to another state because of cheap property
>move to the countryside where anything resembling a town is at least 20 miles away
Basically, I went from being a waste of space because of apathy to being forced into being a waste of space because there's little to no job opportunity in aforementioned location. I'm still there, with said single parent, but I only was just able to get work 2 years ago. I'm currently saving up to move away to somewhere more suitable. I'm still a piece of shit, but I'm trying my damnedest to improve.
I did though.
For 3 years.
>ET was released unfinished and unplayable
NOW he tells me...
The 80s sucked, there were a lot of pedos and serial killers trying to kill me, so mom and dad wouldn't let me outside.
>I still have no clue how to play ET though.
no one does. its a fucking garbage game
at least you're trying man. thats more than most of us here.
your parents weren't well off enough to live in an area with no blacks? mine were.
yeah the crack epidemic was raging and you couldn't walk down a city street past sundown without risking getting murdered
everybody really just wanted to have a good time
Because if he's a nigger he must live in the ghetto, fucking racist check your privilege
I remmeber feeling so fucking special when I got my Star Raiders Atari game with the special controller that looked like a calculator.
>look mom I can go to warp
>I can switch the shield on and off ON AND OFF MOM!
>look mom I took the targetting aid off am I cool or what?
I was pure back then.
>says nigger
>calls someone else racist
Fuck right off Honky Tonk Man
Graduated in 1989. My high school was all white aside from one korean, one philipino kid who an heroed, and one chinese girl that the whole school used as a cumdumpster.
Not a single nog. Was truly glorious.
I'm starting to think the ratio of over 35 to under 25 in this place is about equal
You're one of 6 "people" under 40 here. How's it feel?
I lived through half of the 70s.
Grad 90 bro
fuck's sake how young is this board getting
I was at most 10 months old in the 80's but still
>he wasn't part of a bicycle gang looking after each other
hahah sounds like my school, graduated in '89 as well, one abbo, occasional asian dudes, I'd say 97% white
BMX rules!
I still remember when helmets became a thing. Fuck that shit.
>you and your BMX gang will never explore a deserted construction site or abandoned burned down school ever again
Fuck man
>it's the mid-80s and you and your 2 friends equip yourselves to go explore the subway tunnels
>you get caught and the cops call your parents
>it's still the best time of your life
I'm lying, we roamed free, but I remember that stranger danger trash. My brother had those sweet white mag wheels
My neighborhood had tons of small passages between rows of houses, bypassing streets, making shortcuts, it was awesome. Around the time I was growing too old for this stuff the city installed permalocked metal doors blocking access to all these paths. The kids that grew up after that didn't have a childhood.
Parents in the late 80s were a little more protective than in the 70s/early 80s. I blame the news. There was a shift in the media and what was considered trash news became mainstream.
I got caught putting rocks on the train tracks to hear the "explosions" it made when a train rode over them. One of my mates ran away so I led the rail worker dude to his place instead of mine.
>14 years old
>drunk AF first time with friend
>shared a small bottle of vodka no mix
>goto hockey game
>get booted out for raising Cain
>pass out across the street from arena in front of police station
>call our parents to get us
Best of times
It was that faggot John Walsh who really pushed the stranger danger thing.