What happens if Jonathan Banks dies before Better Call Saul wraps up?
He's starting to look older, how are they going to explain him and everyone else looking older in the prequel?
What happens if Jonathan Banks dies before Better Call Saul wraps up?
>the prequel?
Better Like Mike?
I'm rewatching Breaking Bad right now and I was very confused how much younger Mike looked and sounded when he first appears.
Why are you filming all my scenes first Vince?
Better Call Saul, the Breaking Bad prequel, where the character of Mike, played by Jonathan Banks, first appeared.
If he dies, he dies
everyone looks older in BCS, it doesn't warrant an explanation
Its weird though how Mike suddenly is alive while Walt clearly shot him
>caring this fucking much about continuity
1: get a girlfriend and lose your virginity
2: get a dog and go outside
3: kill yourself
Choose one of the above options and stick to it
Get a load of this hothead.
1. done that
2. done that too
3. constantly thinking about it
But none of it solved the problem BCS is having in terms of character appearances.
Holy shit its so stupid and true at the same time that i laughed.
The first sign that someone didn't get "it" is when they insist that there's nothing to get. Enjoy your fucking Transformers movies if you really think that shit like that doesn't matter.
>how are they going to explain him and everyone else looking older in the prequel?
They are expecting people not to be nitpicky spergy faggots.
he looks alright for his age t b h
number 1 is so cringey you should definitely go back to r3ddit
nobody will notice because nobody fucking watches it.
He is 70 and lives in a first world country, not Africa.
And 99% of people aren't autistic enough to worry about characters looking older.
He's not that old, unless he's one of those idiots that gets cancer in their 60s