Pick one. The other two are erased from existence forever.
Pick one. The other two are erased from existence forever
Starship Troopers, Alien will still exist and Dune will be a massive box office success
name one good thing that came from either starship troopers or star wars
Star Wars. The cultural impact alone is worth it.
Starship Troopers is great but few will miss it. And Aliens was the beginning of the Alien franchise circling the drain. It works way better as a standalone flick.
>instantly recognize starship troopers poster before seeing the other two
>open thread and see other two posters
>The cultural impact alone is worth it.
yeah man us geeks huh xD
the movies are alright but what came afterwards was cancer
I like Starship Troopers and Aliens the best of the three movies, but how the fuck can I ethically just delete Star Wars? Even though it should be put out of it's misery, it still doesn't deserve such a fate.
I kill myself to preserve kino.
I'll save starswars if just for the effects, Aliens was a retread of Them! and Starship Troopers was an ironic retread of Them!.
>sci fi
>read the question wrong and must delete two
Well fuck
Starship Troopers easily.
Aliens wasn't that good and Star Wars has been an active net negative on our culture.
>The cultural impact alone is worth it.
Rey's teeth
Name one good thing that came from Aliens.
Starship Tropers. Alien never gets destroyed by the awful prequels and Capeshit in Space doesn't exist.
Is it just ANH or the whole trilogy?
All three are excellent movies that I like a lot, but comparatively of the three, Aliens is the one I like a lot the least.
Starship Troopers and Star Wars would definitely occupy slots on a list of my favorite sci-fi movies ever made.
In terms of Star Wars Episode IV on its own vs. Starship Troopers, though, I would say Starship Troopers very slightly beats Episode IV. In terms of the whole trilogy, Episode V barely beats out Troopers, Troopers barely beats out IV/VI.
Star Wars spawned the Prequels and Disney movies. Troopers spawned two very, very lackluster sequels good for B movie factor but significantly worse than the first in every way. SW Prequels are better than Troopers sequels, but Troopers sequels are far superior to Disney's Star Wars movies.
In the end, I would say that due to childhood nostalgia and the good elements of impact it had before it all went to shit, I'd very, very reluctantly pick Star Wars.
Starship Troopers is my love, but Star Wars got better, at least for a time. Troopers got worse and stagnated since.
Three extremely good sci-fi movies vs. one extremely good sci-fi movie. Gotta pick the former.
tough as fuck tho and i'm autistically calculating all of this and considering, fuck you op for a three kino lineup
now put in robocop, terminator, and predator for extra hardmode
Since its the first I would say that it would wipe out everything. star wars would not exist.
>3 movies vs single movies
Seems unfair
>the thread is about even
if you like star wars that much pick star wars.
Star Wars easily, because it's actualy a good film.
Aliens was shit compared to Alien.
never seen Starship Troopers
that's way too easy
I just think Empire is a really good movie.
I could live easily without the other movies.
For me it's ESB > Starship Troopers > Aliens > ANH > Return > Rest of SW
Mods ban him!