ITT: Pleb filters.
ITT: Pleb filters
*angry audience noises*
What happened, I've been hearing people getting rustled by the movie's ending or something.
Casual "horror fans" or the kind that thought The Conjuring was scary went in expecting a typical horror film with cheap jump scares. Didn't expect an intelligent art-house horror film that doesn't treat it's audience like retards.
It's the usual, "indie thriller get's a horror tag because of marketing so normies flock to it expecting a jumpscare fest rollercoaster ride and instead get a proper film so they are dissapointed" situation.
>where is muh jumpscare
Can I get the name of the flick
Nevermind I read the review
It's in the OP's pic, "It Comes At Night"
It was a mistake to see this in theaters. So many fat redneck couples were expecting My Bloody Valentine 3D and complained loudly because they were too stupid to understand what was happening. Maybe if they didn't eat so much popcorn every time someone talked then they would know what was going on.
The only movies I go to see in theaters are action or adventure movies for just this reason.
I think you mean shill filters
>your faces when I make obnoxious oblivious comments at the theaters on purpose in the hopes of triggering some Sup Forums faggot and seeing him bitch about it on here
When I saw babadook in theaters I kept saying "a top hat monster isn't even scary" and at the end I was like "woooooah how gay! The monster easnt real how gay!" even though I thought it was a solid 8/10 fïlm
That's the most alpha thing I read all week, user. Tell us more of your adventures.
When I went to go see La La Land I screamed "REAL HUMAN BEAN" every time Ryan Gosling appeared on screen.
>people are defending that shitfest because it makes them feel superior to normies.
The only thing that movie had that was close to unsettling and scary was when the witch was pulping the baby into broomstick wax
So is this gonna be another meme horror? Because if so, at least this time it's one I actually like and I don't have to shitpost about the fuckin babadook anymore.
Something "not being scary" to you doesn't mean the movie is bad you absolute turboautist.
I don't find The Shining that scary, but it's certainly not "a shitfest" because of it.
Considering it's marketed as a fucking horror movie you'd want something that is remotely scary. It's like how Babadook went from being discussed as horror movie to supernatural thriller to even psychological thriller.
>the marketing said something so the movie is BAD
Also stop pretending like it wasn't even "remotely scary".
>It's like how Babadook went from being discussed as horror movie to supernatural thriller to even psychological thriller.
And? What's wrong with that? You can do the same with The Shining
This is the reason why horror as a genre has come to such shit that it is considered as a separate thing from film by the general audience.
Like when you go to see a horror, the majority of the audience judges the movies completely different from an action/thriller/drama with hard preconcieved expectations of what it should be.. It's like all the movie elements dissapear and the only measurement of quality of the movie is how many times you got "spooked". It's almost like a rollercoaster ride, not a movie for them.
Same thing happens with every movie that get's the "horror" tag but isn't the usual jumpscare fest. For example, the studio had to market The Witch as a "scare" horror movie so more people would see it, and when they actually watch it they don't care about the family relations and character development and the production design etc, they just want to get some loud noises after a few seconds of silence every now and then and go home happy "hehe that was spooky"
It's quite sad really.
>people that like being spooked are absolute plebeians! Stand in awe at my autistic might as aI fail to produce a meaningful reaction of any kind! My friends on Minecraft always tell me how my quiet stoicism reminds them of the Terminator but then I take the time to remind them that those movies are not good and that I much prefer my silent stoicism to be likened to Captain Picard ;)
Nice projection there my man.
There is nothing bad in liking "being spooked", you can like what you like, but calling other movies bad just because there aren't enough spooks is ridiculous and retarded.
Why do you have to resort to jumpscares? Just because I found the Witch to be boring lackluster tripe doesn't mean I only want to see cheap scares.
It was false advertising plain and simple.
You don't have to like The Witch ofcourse, but if you call it "a shitfest" you better have some arguments to back it up.
"Boring" or "nothing happens" are not arguments.
It's like not being allowed to call Adam Sandler's Going Overboard shit without saying unfunny and shitty dialogue.
Witch sole attraction was the period dialogue and the attention to set design. As I've said before, the scene with the witch that stole the baby was the only one that impressed. The large remainder of the movie dragged on without being able to keep up building enough suspense or emotional connection.
inb4 lelelele ur opinion is wrong lelelele
this is the ultimate normie filter
I'd have the movie be a lot more like that scene in the beginning
It's just boring af, doesn't need to have jumpscares but for fuck's sake it's boring
every hipster normie watches that shit, dude
Jesus christ I told my gf about this and she dumped me instantly saying she can't be together with a cuck like me after hearing about that alpha move
>tfw to smart to get spooked
i've never enjoyed a horror flick in my life, man
is there something wrong with me?
they don't enjoy it though
Ah yes, the Shyamalan effect.
I've beaten the shit out of people for doing this. If you haven't gotten your ass beat yet you're very lucky.