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polls are rigged


The whole damned planet is rigged. You live in a cartoon.

>Don't know dick

Seriously though, what actually happened that wouldve caused this kind of drop? Surely people don't care that much about khan, do they?

what website is that?

They don't. All the major polls changed their polling methods in a (soon to fail) attempt to stump the Trump.

DNC bump cancels out RNC bump
Your "160 IQ" candidate knows media is shilling for opponent
Walks into trap (cannot get Muslim dude's affiliation out to masses)

silver's model bites really hard on short-term events like convention bounces.

I know Reuters did (not that any mainstream news agency even bothered to mention it) but do you have a source for other polls?

they "modified" the polls to make up for the fact Trump was rising beyond their expectations

sage for shilling

Like any MSM is going to report on it
They want it to be secret

He turned from almost normal looking human to ultra kike

REUTERS modified their polls, but I have yet to see any evidence to suggest that other agencies have done so as well


You're not gonna bring sageposting back stop trying

>Democrat convention ended
>NC overturned voter ID laws
>VA allowing felons to vote
>Trump getting stumped by le military Muslim parents


>“This comes as close as I have ever seen to cooking the results,” said the legendary pollster and political consultant. “I suppose you can get away with it in polling because there are no laws. But, if this was accounting, they would put them in jail.”

This is what propaganda looks like user.

>Act like a complete retard.

> "Polls show that the UK will vote to stay in the EU"

Its the judge curiel event all over again.
The media looks at trump for anything they can use to make him look bad. Anything at all.
They will do everything they can to make sure trump doesn't win.


You guys are such cultist I swear. Your false god can, and does, make mistakes.

You also like Bernie supporters. "But everybody I know in my own personal bubble is voting for Bernie! It's rigged!"

*points left finger up, eyes squinting*

Here's the deal.

When Americans vote, they're not voting conservative. They're not voting like you. They're not voting like you. They're voting as social democrats and progressives. They're voting for welfare. They're voting for social liberalism. They're socialists. And some, I assume, are good people

It's true, it's true.



>Apples and oranges are the same thing:the post

The witch must be stopped. I thought justice was supposed to prevail

Since the media is obsessed with finding fault with Trump, does the media report dirt on Hillary as well?

>Trump is currently getting annihilated in the polls.
Real talk, what can we do? It'd be an understatement to say the tide is turning majorly against us. I don't want to do what that cuck Bernie did and phonebank and shit. Trump's fundraising and poll numbers are garbage, WTF do we do?


The media stepped up their campaign. Do you even keep an eye on the big names?

Think about it, Sup Forums.

Normies are blue pilled.

Trump: Doom and gloom

Clinton: #StrongerTogether

Think. You're a normie who gets their news from facebook and their friends and family. Who do you choose? The supposed "Hitler Jr." or "Muh First Womyn President." It's not too hard to figure out what's going on.

Universal suffrage was a mistake.

Pollsters changed their polling demographics and methods right during the DNC so they could hide the sudden and inexplicable rise in Hillary supporters behind a convention bump. In reality Hillary lost most Bernie voters and a good chunk of the youth vote at the DNC.

He's a fucking dumbass what are you surprised for?

you seem to have typed in the wrong URL

I think you meant to type www.reddit.com

I am 100% sure Trump is going to win. I bet that makes you angry huh?

I'm convinced all this re-rise in the use of sage is from dissidents reading out of date fucking documents about how Sup Forums works and accidently bringing it back into circulation as such.

he isn't getting annihilated, this is what propaganda looks like. Because Clinton is now the dem nominee everyone's strings are being pulled to paint her as the winner already.
Do not be fooled, this is what manipulation looks like and why polls should never be trusted.

A bunch of retards voted for a meme in the GOP primaries.

Trump happened

>0.25 cents deposited in your account

This desu.
Remain was up 10 points the day before the election.

Polls don't matter like they used to.

The worst part is that the narratives that they push don't actually make any fucking sense.

Khan's kid was killed because of Hillary's war. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

The Koch brothers are now leftist media darlings, but 4 years ago they were considered Trump-tier embodiment of pure evil. Same with Ryan - he was an evil neocon Tea Party monster who would personally put a bullet in the head of every Mexican, black, woman and Jew on the planet, but now he's a doe-eyed sweetheart who represents "real conservative" RINOs.

They think people are fucking stupid. That will be their downfall.


Not an argument.

Undecided voters are the biggest morons in the world, that's all really need to know.

i know these are shill threads but i still dont know what site these are from

Listen to the frog.
>Polls don't matter like they used to.

Yeah, the DNC got really desperate after the leak.

They started to bait Trump with the Muslim father, Trump fell for it, EVERY fucking mass media in the United States keep talking about it so people can forget about the DNC leak.
CNN releases new """"unbiased polls"""" to make sure everyone believes that Trump fucked up and is now sinking.

It's so fucking obvious.

They changed the methodology as soon as Trump gained the lead.
Reuters even went ahead and applied the new methodology to earlier polls. They got assblasted for that one, even by the establishment.

>propaganda meme
That's literally loser talk. The moment we start looking to excuses and complaining and whining that things are rigged against us, the moment we confirm our status as having already lost. If we can't play their game and beat them at it then WTF is Trump suppose to do with a congress that is entirely not him?


Pretty spot on my brown friend.

>implying it doesn't work
Pointless in active threads of course.

I know Low information voters are scum, but this race is a different beast. Its Hillary fucking clinton vs. Donald fucking Trump. How have you not already made up your mind (within reason) at this point?


Gave the Democrats a chance to pretend they care about vets, the likes of which they haven't had since John "Three Purple Hearts In Vietnam" Kerry ran for President.

Polls are skewed towards liberals. How can you not know this? I thought this was already well established in the 2012 election.

>something doesn't think our lord and savior is going to win the hearts of the American people who are OVERWHELMINGLY social democrat so he must be from reddit

I voted for Donald Trump.


Millennials are a significant voting block this election and they are Democratic.

Factor in the non-white vote and you have a recipe for disaster.

No amount of red on the map will make up for it.

Half the US population lives in the cities.

Urban areas are virtually all Democratic.

You do the math.

Diddnt recent emails show that Hillary Clinton and the DNC literally rigged the contest against Sanders?

Actually, no. Silver's polls-plus model is designed to negate the post-convention bumps.

The fix is in

There's good news though.
With Hillary at 72%, how many of the younger voters who are stuck in their kikebook hugbox are going to vote, knowing that according to the polls she'll win anyway?

Brexit was won thanks to that particular trait millennials seem to have.

Whenever I see polls and crooked media I think of pic related


>Khan's kid was killed because of Hillary's war. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Your narrative is all fucked up.
The point Khan made was his son fought for the country, and if Trump had his way he would have been excluded, which is unconstitutional. You can argue about that all you like, but the WAR was not an issue. Why the fuck is the right spouting this meme?

>"points left finger up eyes squinting"
whats a left finger?

Yes. In their own Democratic election.

I like that conseratives are so stupid. They think Donald Meme wasn't a plant by Hillary to steal the election.

We literally wanted Trump to be the nominee because it was a guaranteed win for democrats.

>Hillary: Trump, I need a favor.
>Trump: Sure Hillary, anything I can do to help.
>Hillary: Act like a baffoon and steal the republican nomination.
>Trump: You got it... Madam President!

>Trump rallies full to shit as always
>Shillary rallies empty with nothing but media workers.
>((((((((Polls))))))) come out
top kek

It's all a mind game, to convince normies to buy their bullshit. If they did an honest poll it would show they are full of shit.

>I am 100% sure Trump is going to win
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and put your house on the betting market

Drumfags tears are particularly delicious today

This is what really pisses me off. Steal an election from someone? Lets talk about it for a few days.

Trump says mean things to someone again? Lets devote 2 entire fucking news weeks to it.

It's such a called fake

The lines are just inverted

shoop for panic

Changed the way polls are taken and the demographics, never belive polls no matter what, they're bullshit

Everyone seems to forget the most important factor of this election:

Putin hacked the Clinton Foundation and will release the documents right before election day. No matter how this turns out Putin will end Hillary Clinton.

>Spot the bernvictim

DNC and Khan, only question at this point is just how hard Hillary is going to destroy him in November

This is actually a very good wake up call post; however,

>*points left finger up, eyes squinting*

Cringeworthy as hell

Watched every election since 2008 on Sup Forums. Every goddamn time the tards cry about skewed polls. Every gooddamn time they get BTFO in the election and the polls were shown correct. Kek.

It's ok. When you are so sure about your kind of reality, why don't you just sit back and smile? There's no need to shill around or does something bother you?

American Millennials are 44% non-white, 56% white.



Yes, but they report it for like five seconds and then say "LOOK HOW TRUMP IS RACIST!!"

When the DNC emails leaked, it took CNN a long time to get on the story, and when they did, they blew it off.


slanted polls on overdrive

>would you vote for harambe or hillary

polls are rigged, sadly trump will never win, will celebrate if he does. it would be natonal racist day

You have to go back, 2 reddit.

More republicans voted in the primary than democrats. You've either been fooled are attempting to mislead people into believing this isn't a race but a blowout.

>delicious tears
Is that Reddit's Meme-Of-The-Week this week?

Trump says a lot of things that wrong.

Case in point: everything he ever said.

>what are timezones
>who forgot his medicine

>Polling companies took away the option of "neither "
Really a percentage of the nation doesn't matter, the swing states are the only votes that really count.

Why are you spouting the "unconstitutional" meme? Foreign citizens have no right to immigrate to America. Trump has not called for excluding Muslims from the Armed Forces, or for deportation of Muslims. Only a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States

How does this hurt polls going forward, if they eliminated Neither?

We're completely fucked if we don't get that wall up, aren't we?

so, 2012 then?

>he fell for the rally meme
Corbyn also loves this one


oh boi guiz i m8d sucks an amaz argument der huehuehuehue

It's very simple they are rigging the polls because they know for Hillary to win they will have to rig the election. So polling must show she is up so the steeple will believe it come November. Worry not friend I think civil war will happen then. It will be glorious as we finally purge our country with blood and fire.

Actually I think he was referring to the brexit vote

Now you're forced to chose one of them even though you can vote for anyone whether they are on the ballet or not.

I was referencing when Donald Trump does this when he makes a point he wants to emphasize.

Man you can tell people like you are paid shills when
>Sup Forums

/new/ didn't even exist then

OP is pretty young to not remember that this is the stage at which the head to head polls start to actually matter.

Americans truly have the attention span of 5-year olds.