4,200 religons

There's 4,200 religions in the world. Explain to me why your religion is the one.

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Resurrection of Christ



because it fits me


Only 3 of those religions actually matter and all stem from the same place.

Jews hit a dead end, Muhammad made shit up with nothing backing it and Christ performed miracles and resurrected from the dead.

>judaism in on top

Every fucking time.

>muh ancestors

because christianity, and christian values made europe the most powerful continent.
meanwhile the other 4198, are total failures.
Except judaism, jews are intelligent creatures

It's from Wikipedia.
I'm literally shocked.

The one I follow is the one for me.

Has anyone here even tried to summon a demon/spirt/something without drugs? It's fucking scary. I don't know which religion is correct, but the spirt world (or something similar) does exist.

> go back to /x/ you idiot

go back to /fringe/ you idiot

Man, this gonna be long

I had few months ago one ghost angry at me after I went ghost hunting with my gf and her friends
I saw him 3 days after, he written swastikas on mirror. I heard strange screaming
Some of it was false because my mind created this, because I was so scared
He pushed my gf to the side, when she was running - she went flying for a while and nearly broke a leg

We paid respects to him and this stopped

A weak ago I should have died - together with gf we heard ambulance for 10 min straight, when I was driving tired as hell
We went to another dimension or something - I have Mandela effect,
my car have changed and only 2 people remember this, with whom I was driving

Also my gf used druid magic to heal bees


not an argument

What year we have?

>religion confirmed to be product of people getting way too blazed

Post proof


>4200 religions
>10000+ protestant sects alone

Atheist here in AA/12 step program but currently drinking lol. Its all bullshit. You're literally insane/OCD/ or have an IQ below 80 if you still believe in religion post-2012

>Worshpping a kike



Athiests have no Culture, only a gaping black hole of emptiness

>only one catholic church

Empty grave, Jesus appearance after death, the testimony of the martyrs

I really do lol

I'm supposed to maintain noble silence here.

All religionsstarted the same with a Prophet telling people to worship God and no one else, and that this life is a test for a life after death - which is everlasting- but many were led astray by Satan.
All in all over 125k Prophets were sent over the course of human existence.
The first person ever Adam was a Prophet.
No Prophet ever claimed to be God or son of God.
> Not one verse in Bible where Jesus claims that he's God.

TProphet being God meme was created by Kings who wanted power and a larger than life figure to rally troops behind. but we're also somewhat corrupt so they corrupted the true word of God to fit their own needs.
> That's why even the oldest manuscripts of Bible do not match with recent ones..
But for Quran it's not the case and same verse have been preserved over 1400+ year.
Why? Because it is the last religion ever.

All I can do us implore you to open your mind. Don't by a stubborn cynic, who defies all logic.
All the anti Islam memes have dispersed, but are being posted again.
Don't believe me, do a simple Google of your thoughts and context and verse meaning will give you true picture.

They're all made up. Truth is we don't know how this all came to be. Saying it was magic is a cop-out.

>only one catholic church
>what are traditionalist catholics
>there are multiple orthodox churches too
>literally every denomination runs the risk of you being a filthy schismatic who goes to hell

idk tbqh lad, I'd rather take my chances with Odin.

>Empty grave, Jesus appearance after death, the testimony of the martyrs
>The Bible is my evidence

There's literally more evidence for Roman Paganism in this context, Vespasian cured a blind man by spitting in his eyes, it's attested to by both Suetonius&Tacitus+Eyewitnesses.

>They're all made up.

>For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life

Not an argument

John 20
And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas,[d] because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Mohammad is a liar, a thief, and a murderer, just like his spiritual father and mentor, satan.

> All religionsstarted the same with a Prophet telling people to worship God and no one else

Stopped reading right there, Omar.

>what are traditionalist catholics
>there are multiple orthodox churches too
Not united with the chair of Peter.

>literally every denomination runs the risk of you being a filthy schismatic who goes to hell
Not really see John 3:16


Most legit ideologies are greek, indian, and ancient egyptian monism.

Jesus didn't want power. He didn't conquer lands like Muhammad. Jesus lived a life of poverty and died for the people he loved.

Because of muh ancestors.

What is the RIR one?

>chair of peter

Not an argument, there are schisms in Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

>John 3:16

If it's this simple, why does every denomination brand every other one as heresy, and why isn't Protestantism the correct one?


The same storyline regurgitated over and over again. Since the dawn of time man started coming up with stories about shit he couldn't explain rationally. The earliest humans worshipped the sun because they did not understand it. They were just as convinced that the Sun is their god as you are the Christian version is your god. Christianity and all other 4,200 religions will eventually die out like the millions of religions before them and new ones will take their place. Religion will always be used as a pseudo-explanation for the unknown.
Neither you nor followers of other religions can prove that they are right. At the end of the day religion is about geography, you will believe in what you were raised to believe in and convince yourself everyone else is wrong.

>Not an argument, there are schisms in Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
Yes an argument. Why would I care for shismatics as a roman catholic?

>If it's this simple, why does every denomination brand every other one as heresy, and why isn't Protestantism the correct one?
Because Matthew 16:18. Don't know why they call each other heretics for catholics all trinitarian denominations are christian. Just not fully right

>Neither you nor followers of other religions can prove that they are right. At the end of the day religion is about geography, you will believe in what you were raised to believe in and convince yourself everyone else is wrong.
I grew up an atheist lol. Why would some other lads worshipping the sun (if they didn't worship the unknown god) have any impact on whether or not Christ is God?

Because all the schismatics and non schismatics claim to be right. The ones you call schismatics, call YOU the true schismatics.

If we're taking the gospel as infallible here, do you believe slavery is acceptable?

My point was we use religion as an explanation for the unknown. The unknown for them was the Sun. The unknown for us is the origin of the Universe and life after death.

>call YOU the true schismatics.
Yeah make that out with them. You asked why my denomination is the correct one and I cited Matthew 16:18. What else you expect?

>If we're taking the gospel as infallible here, do you believe slavery is acceptable?

So Matthew 16:18 isn't necessarily correct either?

>My point was we use religion as an explanation for the unknown
Talk about yourself.

>We don't know the origin of the universe or life after death
>But *I* know every religion is made up

Yes it is

Would bang

>Luke 12:45 is wrong
>Matthew 16:18 is right
>because I say so

That's why this religion is dying in Europe, you all pick and choose what you believe. Atleast Bible thumpers are consistent.

Delete this please

>Luke 12:45 is wrong
No it's not.

>That's why this religion is dying in Europe, you all pick and choose what you believe.
Nice strawman. But not an argument

Since when was the Virgin Mary blonde?

It's just artwork

You said you don't believe in slavery, which is A-OK in the NT. You don't agree with the NT but assert that it is absolutely 100% correct at the same time. That's picking and choosing what to believe. You don't believe slavery is acceptable, but Jesus did.

If I were to post some "WE WUZ KANGZ" version of Mary, would it still just be artwork?

It's an allegory. Jesus doesn't permit slavery he talks about a slaves behaviour. Because he wasn't a lawyer. He let it to his church to abolish slavery.
You know neither the bible, nor the catholic dogma
and you try to create contradictions were none are. Because you have no arguments

Sure if it helps you I don't mind

>bible is infallible
>oh shit jesus endorsed slavery
>it's just allegory bro, he didn't mean it

That's another reason y'all are going extinct, everytime you don't like what the Bible tells you, it becomes allegory.

Are you a saint or something? That would piss me off, and I'm black.



Such a non-argument

Nevermind that.

>12I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. 13However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come.


Are you christian?

People wake up in the morgue all the time. Some have even woken up in their own funeral. People aren't always so good at telling if someone is dead or not.

There is zero reason to believe Jesus was actually dead. His only severe wound was a spear stab to his side, which is far from always fatal.

People would believe anything back then. With some smarts and some luck, anyone could found a religion. And that's what happened, again and again. In fact, it still happens, because there will always be idiots ready to believe bullshit.

Again, what's your point?

>my imaginary friend could beat up your imaginary friend
The thread

>People aren't always so good at telling if someone is dead or not.
After being tortured and beaten and getting crucified and stabbed I would disagree. Romans weren't dumb. When they convicted a famous revolutionary to death I will assume they checked whether he was actually dead.

I think everyone can agree that Christianity makes more sense than some random African/East-Asian ooga booga religion.

Roman faggotry and Cuckstianity are what has caused Europe to be such a mess.

>Roman empire

>Two of the things that have contributed huge amounts of technological advancement for western civilisation

>Causing Europe to be such a mess

Could you explain your argument?


Because nothing matters


You cannot claim that these events support the resurrection of Jesus unless you presuppose theism.

>My gf used druid magic to heal bees
Yes of course, no drugs involved.

Well wouldn't the resurrection of a dead man be a strong case for theism?
I don't have to presuppose theism to claim Christ's grave was empty, or that the first christians risked and gave their life to testify he got resurrected. Nevertheless yes. But the question was why of all religions mine is true not whether or not theism is right.


At least I picked one

A .00000000001% chance is still better than 0

What religion is that user?

Because it is the only religion that welcomes criticism and responds to the in an academic fashion. .

Good luck with that

Did you make this yourself in arts and crafts

Raised Roman Catholic, im not really happy with the current church though. Any religion you pick still has a chance of being the "right" one

Still better than being an atheist and just giving up. It not like choosing a religion takes that much effort nowadays anyway. Mordern reglion is basically just picking a moral code to live by.


Do you know what crucifixion is?

People don't die from a few whip lashes and having nails put through their palms, retards. And the Romans didn't even want to kill him.

Crucifixion kills by exposure/dehydration, but according to all sources, Jesus was taken down from the cross on the same day because of the Sabbath.

There was no magic at play here. He just wasn't dead.

Resurrection of Krishna
Resurrection of Joseph
Resurrection of Osyris
Resurrection of Odin
Resurrection of Attis

Its all fucking bullshit user
But no doubt Christianity Religion is best religion

>Resurrection of Krishna
>Resurrection of Joseph
>Resurrection of Osyris
>Resurrection of Odin
>Resurrection of Attis
Source on those? Jesus was a historic person.

>Jesus was a historic person.
Give me one single proof.

You idiotic, moronic and dumb retards are reason this world is going to shit.


Get fucked for falling on heaven meme

Fpbp icxcnika

>Give me one single proof.
There is tons of historic evidence and you know that.
Look at this:
The christians claimed Jesus of Nazareth is the messiah. But the messiah was announced to be called Immanuel and be from Bethlehem. If the christians would make up the Christfgure they would have called him Immanuel not Jesus. In fact the fact that he was Nazaren not Bethlehem made for some explanational problems for the christians (with the census etc.).
The only rational explanation is that they referred to a historic Jesus of Nazareth that was known to the people they tried to convert.

You literally have an IQ below 50 if you can't quit by yourself

josephus the historian documented the jews for the romans. He writes of jesus.

>From Deism to Theism
Fine tuning

found the mexican. why are you all so anti-white? is it jealousy?

the one good thing about atheism is that it is a self-correcting societal ill. hurry up and off yourself user before you spread your disease to others.

That's a contradiction you just said EVERYONE can a agree, but those who believe in African/East-Asian religions would obviously not agree. And no, not even all western people would agree. Furthermore, does everyone agreeing on something make it true? Besides, what you call East Asian for example would not include the Vedic religion which was started by Aryans in North India. Indo-European religion was preserved in India whereas it was mostly destroyed except for a small remnant of Norse myth that survived in Iceland mostly. The Vedic religion was not some ooga booga religion but created by people genetically identical to Europeans.