>character is a raging alcoholic
>looks great
Character is a raging alcoholic
>character is a social outcast
>had sex
>character smokes weed everyday
>is shown as a creative & intelligent person instead of a slow depressed paranoid wreck
Literally me
>character is an idiot
>accidentally solves impossibly hard problem that stumped all the smart people
>character is a heroin addict
>no scabs on his face
>still has all his teeth in perfect condition
>still handsome
>4 day beard
>scruffy clothes
>great hair
>/fit/ as fuck
>has sex daily
your average alcoholic
> character gets his cock sucked
> while hacking into an NSA database with a gun to his head.
if you're not pulling girls why bother drinking at the bar?
you're thinking of meth
>character comes from a starving and poor society
>physically fit and has perfect hair
>wins fight to the death against roided out teens
To be drunk
>character is gay
>isn't an aids ridden std infested faggot
heroin addicts look fine as long as they dont neglect basic hygeine.. heroin itself is less damaging to your body than a cup of coffee
>never met a h addict.
>heroin itself is less damaging to your body than a cup of coffee
the state of your brain
>character is a social outcast
>doesn't want to single out women on a stabbing spree with an ice pick
s-so unrealistic
>character is a raging alcoholic
>doesn't suffer from severe cirrhosis
>heroin itself is less damaging to your body than a cup of coffee
>character is written like a ladies man
>he gets women like magic,in some cases he doesn't even have to say a word
Californication was on earlier today
>a disheveled middle aged guy (hank) is talking to himself in a beat up porsche
>an expensive sports car approaches and in it we see a hot blonde (literally 25 years younger than duchovny)
>she asks him who is he talking to
>he says it's a professional deformation,because he is a writer
>she gives him her number
>he is later banging her
>character is an upstanding member of society
>cannibal serial killer
jesus,it is really easy to get (you)s these days
doesn't she throw her panties at him?
Retard alert!
It was always easy to get responses when you act like a fool. Does mean your post was good.
>character is a woman
>has a personality, aspirations, and goals
how's summer vacation going?
>character is a woman
>implying I'm watching that shit show
>character is a lovable likeable /fit/ chad
the good wife was alright, but yeah
I think it was a paper with her number,I wasn't really paying attention. I have no doubt that panties were thrown at him in the show cause he is sex god,even though he is a middle aged writer who only published one book.
>character comes from a starving and poor society
>physically fit and has perfect hair
>claims to be a child, moves to Germany and rapes white women
>character is a normal everyday soldier
>operator as fuck
>Realize im a complete retard and try to save face.
...Ok user, ok...
>heroin itself is less damaging to your body than a cup of coffee
Only if you find a way to take it that doesn't involve intravenous injection
I hate this. Sometimes guys are in the military as a day job,if someone was a soldier,it doesn't make them Jason Bourne.
your average refugee
you can snort it. the only time i did h, i thought i was doing bump of coke.
Dw jus tendin
>character is strong female lead
>role was written as a man
you ok user?
>character is a strong woman
>hates or dislikes men and is very competitive with them
>character is an expert in her field who is supposed to be the best in the world
>it's a girl in her mid 20s who looks fresh out of college
stop being so racist
it was a sexual emergency
So Brian Griffin?
pic related faggits.
>character is a day dreaming procrastinator
>isn't constantly thinking about what he'd do if he had the ability to stop time
>character is an incompetent moron
>becomes president of the united states of america and takes 2 scoops
>character is a raging alcoholic
>character has degenerative disease
>runs around with oxygen bottle and nasal cannula
not even joking, im getting a bit tired of this
I feel like every time there's a confident, /fit/ funny asshole, he's ends up being a rapist just to stop the audience from liking him
>character has a big night of drinking
>doesnt have a hangover the next day
>character comes from a starving and poor war-torn country
>physically fit young adult male
>crosses through several countries at peace
>has an iphone
Requiem for a dream
>reactionary character becomes pope
>is straight and honest with no hidden motives
>character is an operator but pretends he's just a military clerk
>btfos everyone
>series is over before it begins
>everyone pretends it was gonna be good
name one movie where this happens
>character is a giant talking bird
>everybody just acts normal
LOL, /r/IASIP ftw!
eat beforehand and after
drink water
This is how you know he's not a catholic priest
Mr robot. "Wow he's autistic like me. I can really iden—"
>Character is written as a shy loner who avoids all contact and doesn't know anyone
>Over the course of the show he manages to make friends because strangers keep approaching him and finding him endearing
>These strangers then follow up with the loner and go to his house and share phone numbers
Name 10 movies where this happened!
This. Alcohol fucks you up big time. It bloats the fuck out of you.
1. punch drunk love
2. everything must go
3. slingblade
4. Hunchback of Notre Dame
5. Perks of being a wallflower
6. I
7. Can't
8. Remember
9. Any
10. More
>robots cant do basic human survival
i really dont get where this meme came from
you can be a robot and still have sex
The Young Pope
so snorting is a-okay?
lol no you gotta smoke that shit son or else you end up like uma in pulp fiction
Duchovny was pretty buff and handsome looking on that show though. Plus Hank had money so it's not unbelievable that he could pull a lot of pussy in L.A.
ok so i dont immidiately scare away girls from the other side of the street but its not like i have it easy
for every 1000 girls I try i maybe get 1 single chance, a chance, not guaranteed fuck
i honestly doubt most robots that complain about tf no gf actually try as much as I do
/r9k/ can be enjoyable when you take it with huge grain of salt. Most posters there are 19 year old college students.
I am not denying that Duchovny is handsome but he is middle aged and drives a beat up porsche so he looks like one of those lame guys who are in a middle of mid life crisis. The girl who stopped to give him the number drove a more expensive car and was 20 years old.
bryce did nothing wrong
>character is a strong woman
>has sex with many men and is a whore
>girl is young and has only had sex with one or two people
>other women bully her and call her innocent and naive
just like real life!
I've known some junkies and by the time they're 25 they look like a 45 year old who had a tough life on top of it.
>muh let's fill all the office with women and support killing babies
Swordfish wasnt too bad though
You don't know shit. My old ex-gf was a heroin/painkiller addict and she was drop-dead beautiful. Her reproductive cycle didn't work as well so I could cum inside of her all day.
Did you fuck her corpse
She's sober now but I did fuck her a few times when she was so high she was practically comatose. She'd wake up on the bed with white goo pouring out of her.
Nic Cage looked like shit in Leaving Las Vegas.
well girls do not mind to fight boredom by trying to go full diversity
Thats hot
What sort of white goo did you try feeding her while she was almost comatose? Sounds dangerous user, why would you try feeding her while she couldn't even swallow properly? Just let her sleep man. I know you wanted to take care of her but you could end up having her choke.
I'd sit at a busy intersection waiting for a car crash involving a hot chick. Just before it happened, I would stop time, ravage her, and then start time again to let it play out.
Literally the perfect crime.
Charlie on LOST ate it. He looked fine.
Yeah but only if you do small, incremental ski bumps. Unless you want to OD then do lines.
>character is an alcohol
>it's destroying his family
i dont understand the last panel