A24 hasn't distributed a single great film. They are the capeshit of arthouse

A24 hasn't distributed a single great film. They are the capeshit of arthouse.

The Lobster

r u stupid op?

Facebook tier bait
Neck yourself

I think reddit is the site you are looking for my friends.

Spring Breakers
they have put out plenty of bullshit though
>The Lobster
hey there we go, op btfo

>Under the skin
>the rover
>son of a gun
>the VVitch
>Green Room
>swiss army man
Whatever you say pleb.

>the lobster


>>swiss army man
Whatever you say pleb.

Swiss army man was the worst film of last year

>the lobster
>not good
>reddit spacing


Fuck you nu-male

>the lobster
>not good

stick to star wers

They are the poor man's version of late 00s Focus Features

Also I kept mistaking them for that rich lesbian producer's studio

But it's people that watch star wars that likes the lobster.

Cinema illiterate people that barely explore.

not really

what are your favorite movies user?

American Honey was good.


I wish period horror movies were their own genre, but it'd never make much money.

Spring Breakers and Enemy are kino though

Blue Velvet
Synechdoche, New York

fight club, goodfellas, pulp fiction. the list goes on.

>Also I kept mistaking them for that rich lesbian producer's studio
That's Annapurna Pictures, they have coproduced movies with A24 so maybe that's why you mistake them.

They also made The Master and Foxcatcher, Megan Ellison is /ourlez/

I actually love those

It Comes at Night is amazing

you're actually a pleb, but it's ok user i still love you

is it? im going to see it today, i've heard very good things about it

Dawww :3

A24 produces a lot of garbage, they try to produce art films for people that aren't into art films

I could say it's shit or the best movie ever who cares, just go watch the goddamn movie and form your own opinion

The face of another
The seventh continent
Point blank
The american friend
Nightmare alley

wow you must be really smart

A Most Violent Year