Why does Trump like to suck Russian cock so much?
Why does Trump like to suck Russian cock so much?
Fucking shills holy shit
Trump is an idiot. He probably thinks Russia is still a Soviet Union tier threat like he remembered before. It's a rotting irrelevant shithole with an economy smaller than Spain. I bet Trump didn't even research that.
Because Putin is one of the few rational leaders alive today
You're describing the media...Trump recognizes the cold war is over and wants to stop fucking with them.
remember to sage this shit newfags
big american netyx
> muh cold war
So fucking what? It's still a dangerous shithole that invades it's neighbours that needs to fuck off.
>it would be better for us to get along with russia
>lol if russia has clinton's emails they should release them
Are you bitter because your country is literally pointless and run by an SJW that attends gay pride rallies and openly supports all forms of degeneracy?
Fuck off leaf nigger there isn't a single person on this board that cares what anyone from your """"country"""" has to say.
>I approve that russia steal something from US citizen.
wow. nice attitude. Mr. President.
Post a fucking timestamped pic so I know I'm not speaking to another Nigger my 60% white friend
White people never have so much fucking hair on their arms you disgusting mongrel.
Besides I didn't realise I was speaking to fucking Barack Obama himself. You're just another mongrel piece of shit nobody among a swarm of 400 million just like you.
>It's a rotting irrelevant shithole with an economy smaller than Spain
>It's still a dangerous shithole that invades it's neighbours that needs to fuck off.
lol stay mad leaf nigger
Why does russia suck so much horsecock???
really makes me think
so.. we are basically getting botted
at a first glance it might seem like a nice idea to attack the alt right movement on Sup Forums with memes, but at the same time, not having someone making valid points in the thread doesnt really help, as the flawed points get dissected after a couple of posts. shills just spout off the same rhetoric over and over
dont worry its not that bad i have 2 more if u want
Russia is now the only Christian country left, only a generation removed from being Godless commie.
There is different ears. And noses
Because its tuesday, by thursday Trump will be reported at the cusp of World war 3 with Russia
Different question why does Russia suck Chinese cock?
T-short didn't match aswell
I thought Sup Forums blocks proxy accounts?
you do realize Russia evade Ukraine cause the new government established their turned Nazi's into their military and told them to go to the East and put their Russian born citizens in line and Putin said fuck this shit they are native Russians and protected them
Shills are on overdrive. sage
Do you have any proofs, mate?
> cause the new government established their turned Nazi's into their military
> Nazis
Is this your first day shilling here RIDF?
>Be typical vatnik
>Live in hut made from dog skins and rebar
>True Soviet steel rebar, not Chinese knock-off-nice-ushanka shit
>Angry as fuck because freeze-dried rations were stolen by drunken stepmother
>At least UT-88 computer keeps hut warm
>Begin shitposting on Sup Forums
>Boom of thunder nearby
>Look out window
>Something is floating toward hut
>It's Natalia Poklonskaya
>Natalia's floating thirty feet in the air
>She's pregnant with thunderstorm of righteousness
>Her belly's diameter is equal to her height
>Its smooth curvature pulses with lightning-shrouded veins
>Her gray t-shirt is stretched over breasts too large for propaganda-filled brain to comprehend
>Either boob is as big as her belly
>Nipples as big as fists pump in and out with her heartbeat
>Their weight leaves her ass-up in the air
>Said ass is capitalist pig-dog peach as wide as her arm span
>Jeans are torn over Crimean booty
>Dildo wedged firmly in her borscht-pot powers tiny contra-rotating propeller that pushes her through sky
>She glowers in direction of hut
>Her shadow blots out sun
>Sun belongs to Russia, btw
>Shake broken Mosin-Nagant at her
>Insult her sexual integrity
>She puts fists on hips and gives look of disbelief
>Shake CRT UT-88 monitor at her
>Roar "PROOFS" at top of lungs
>Natalia rolls eyes and makes thrusting of her hips back and forth
>Her areolae begin to jiggle like imperialist fat cats
>They moisten her t-shirt
>Milk begins to spray from her nipples
>Get slammed by germinal geysers of breast milk
>Can't get up
>Milk pressure is too strong
>Struggle to roll over
>Ribcage is immediately shattered by Mummy's milk
>Vision darkens
>Last thing seen by vatnik is Natalia's body drifting away, followed by dozens upon dozens of Natalia clones
>All of them are flying to Moscow
>To erase it with holy rockets and nipple lightning
He doesn't drink anymore, so he likes the second-hand vodka buzz from Bear-jizz
CAPTCHA: select all the drinks, top kek
Germany the least mlp country in entire europe.
and what about Georgia....
heres a better one
>tfw muhhamed would rather fuck his neighbour's 6 year old daughter than look up cartoon horse porn
furries have shit taste and would rather fuck dogs I guess
Trump has massive financial holdings in Russia.
He knows that Putin could confiscate every last cent that he has invested in Russia with a simple wave of his hand and there is literally nothing Trump could do about it.....no lawsuits, no courts, nothing.
Putin has Trump by the balls. That is why Trump treats Russian criminality like J Edgar Hoover treated the mob.
Because he knows the true threat is the jewish and muslim menace
why does japan suck so much globalist dick?
The Island Chink is whiter than her.
Because Ukraine isn't a country. They are simply Russians with a different dialect.
holy shit is that jew pussy photo real?
It's kinda strange due to the fact that Germany seems to have many more furries than other countries in Europe.
We invaded Ukraine first by performing a coup.
Do some research please. Russia's incursion was an response to western instigation.
goddamn slavs. wow
Don't forget, the site that did that map was originally for Germans, so naturally more Germans would show up.
However, they probably do have more furries than any other European country.