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Preaching to the choir, I know, but diversity means "not white." We live in crazy times. Media and politics is as brainwashed or more brainwashed as it was during McCarthyism.
>martin freeman
>andy serkis
Where's the guy with the crazy lower lip
Man I wish we could go back to a time when people gave a shit about an actor's acting skills and not their skin colour.
How could demolition man predict this fucking nancy state world.
I feel unclean
>Color Purple is a bad movie because it has a mostly black cast, also I am triggered by a tweet
Back to your safe space, faggots.
Remember not to show up, this is OUR movie.
This is actually the cast of the new planet of the apes movie. I hear it's going to be a new-age 1984 style tale.
Whites' reward for their tolerance and compassion for others! Naive fools!
Probably pirate it for Forest Whitaker.
Im a spic, why aren't we represented?
Im kinda bummed
>getting triggered by tweets
>muh white genocide
You guys are fucking pathetic if you're seriously getting bootyblasted by op's shitty troll effort.
>no white women
Thank god
>Dis is our movie. White people not allowed.
I wonder if Disney also doesn't want 90% of the money white people would contribute. Seems like bad business and kills any hopes of a sequel
I have no idea why all the multiculti stuff is given a black face, when there are like 3x as many latinos in the US. Maybe because globalism is trying to piggyback off of slavery guilt tripping? Latino's were pushed onto white america with a bunch of lies, so maybe it's a little risky to use them as the example of whites needing to "sacrifice" for others
you dont have the inferiority complex niggers have
Its going to do even worse in China which is where the real money is now. Asians hate niggers way more than your average white does.
>triggered by a tweet
>crying that a movie set in the deepest part of sub-saharan Africa prominently features blacks
>martin Freeman
umm whats wrong with white women?
Neither spics or asians have the immense inferiority complex that blacks have.
Is this going to be the first big budget hollywood movie without one attractive female?
>All black movie that embodies and is popularly hailed as white replacement in society is seen negatively by whites as they face a century where they are set to become politically disenfranchised, stateless peoples the world over
Better call the EU
Spics tend to be hardworking and try to deserve something before asking for it, unlike nigs
>5/14 are femme
>like 25%
desu they hired Martin Freeman by mistake, they tried to call Morgan Freeman's agent, but when they realized they fucked up it was already too late.
Nice to see that they went Meta and made the cast as isolationist as Wakanda itself.
He plays the same role as he did in Civil War.
The character is white in the comics.
how many days before you idiots stop getting triggered by this stupid fucking capeshit movie?
>Martin Freeman
omg so diverse!
isn't it a little strange that they are all different shades of black?
I mean, if it's an isolationist country, wouldn't the people all have more or less the same pigmentation?
Judging from that poster, it seems Wakandans imported some whitey genes through the centuries.
I don't think that word means what you think it means
idk why the sarcasm
it does feel bad
non-whites should be enslaved or killed
Explains why they are smarter than the average nigger
That would be Wonder Woman
Is someone gonna shout WORLDSTAR every time there's a fight scene?
>isn't it a little strange that they are all different shades of black?
That's what I said from the start.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums DON'T get bootyblasted every time any skin color darker than snow white appears on screen
loving every laugh
t. reddit
Where's Sebastian Stan? After all, Bucky is definitely going to be in the movie.
"Minorities" are the majority worldwide faggot, if they want to be the majority they have their own continents.
Also the vast majority of billionaires are indian and chinese.
Also, our high quality of life is the direct result of being white countries.
It will be interesting to see how well this fares outside of America. I can't see the Chinese market enjoying this but then again I could be wrong.
You know Wakanda isn't a real place, right?
>Bucky is definitely going to be in the movie
There's nothing that guarantees Bucky's presence.
He's still frozen, you might as well ask where's Steve Rogers, because the last time we saw him he was in Wakanda too.
Bucky is most likely going to get mentioned, but I doubt we'll see hil outside an after credits cameo where he gets unfrozen.
And if more whites were in the cast, you'd be crying about white villains again
Nigeria isn't isolationist, though, and is made up of like 50,000 different tribes.
So all the more reason not to get angry about the casting choices?
You should be fucking ecstatic about Black Panther because Wakanda is an isolationist country that thrives and is technologically superior to any other nation protected by a giant wall that blocks all immigration.
It would be Sup Forumss dream nation if they weren't so analpained about different pigments.
He'll probably be thawed out and help save the day, and normies will lose their minds that a black man needed help.
Why are you so obsessed with associating this word with your political oponents? Just own it like Sup Forums does with racist and nazi, silly redditor.
I don't care about the casting at all. Only pointing out that you're just making shit up about a fictional place.
t. reddit
Black Panther is the last movie to be released before Infinity War, so I bet Bucky will be thawed out in an after credits scene that's actually a scene from Infinity War, like the scene from Ant-Man, where Tony or Steve goes to Wakanda to thaw out Bucky because of something something Thanos.
>Wakanda being a sub-saharan country is making shit up
>black superhero
>wears catwomans outfit
>no bling
>no air jordans
>no gun
>even if he has a gun he wouldn't shoot it sideways
Shit design imo
>whites won't see it
>blacks won't pay for cinema
gonna do well then
Can someone tell me where all this drama comes from?
This whole white nationalist vs pan africanist thing I see on the internet all of the time is really annoying. I thought people would tire of it a long time ago
I can't even say anything positive about Black Panther without someone thinking I have some intolerance towards white people,or get some cathartic feeling from seeing a technologically advanced african civilization in fiction. Why would I?
Since when did people start diving back into thinking that an individual person's genetic history is a successful telegraph to their behavior or interests?
Sup Forums getting butthurt over Jewish conspiracies to prevent them from getting chicken tendies.
I hope I can point out just in time that any response you will get will most likely be one side claiming that it's definitely only the others that do this.
>Since when did people start diving back into thinking that an individual person's genetic history is a successful telegraph to their behavior or interests?
Since our societies became more "multicultural" and we rediscovered this lost/denied knowledge through personal experience
guess I was late
I want to discuss this. I've always been able to buy that assumptions can be made about a general population.
Yet within a population you still have outliers and moderates. Is it not wrong that an african immigrant family that does academically well and assimilates into the nation is seen with the same prejudice as a convicted felon?
Is it also not wrong that it's culturally acceptable to have disdain for whites fpr century old transgressions?
Surely there are pan-africanists that understand that not every white person is out to get them?
Surely there's white nationalists who can set aside their prejudices when confronting an individual from a mass?
Its almost never this nuanced in the "field"
All over the internet its broken anti-white sentiments or some sheltered lunatic believing that he himself is genetically superior to ever single individual in a population of millions.
>group is underrepresented for decades
>group gets mainstream attention and starts getting catered to in some movies
I will literally never not be mad about this
Get fucked subhuman Mongrel Americucks
your "country" is undoubtedly more mongrel