We boycotting suicide squad now? I'm not giving this nigger, or anyone who employs him any money...

We boycotting suicide squad now? I'm not giving this nigger, or anyone who employs him any money. Plus with all the rewrites it was bound to be shit anyway

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Plus deadshot is supposed to be white

this guy is more white then most of redneckscum you have in burgerland

Maybe but he insulted the God emporer

Why boycott him? Did he say he didn't like Trump?

He's a liberal BLM supporting commie scientologist. Fuck outta here, nigger.

No I wanna see that

If you wanna see it for any reason other than Margot Robbie dressed as that Quinn chick you are a cuck

I'm with you OP

There's one good reason to not watch (modern) Will Smith movies, if you read up about the behind-the-scenes info.

Ever since his fame peaked, he started making extreme demands of any movie he has a part in. His character always has to be better than the original script, has to be the best in the movie.

Like they completely butchered their original script for I Am Legend from start to end, just for him. The movie's title doesn't even make sense anymore since they changed the original ending the book was known for.

Just because Will Smith fills theater seats.

At least he used to, not so much anymore but he still won't do anything unless they completely make it the movie Will Smith wants.

I already saw her naked in that DiCaprio flick.

I'm burned out on superhero flicks. Can't wait for them to find the next big fad to run into the ground.

dont be stupid, the only thing that should affect a person decision to watch a movie or not is if the person thinks the movie will be good. Nobody care about behind the scenes drama. thats not the consumers responsibility

Heard they kicked him out of the sequel to independence day because he wouldnt star in it without his son jaden

I wanna see Jared Leto and Margot Robbie.

As retarded as Will Smith may be I still like his movies, those that came before 2009.

I'll be waging a one-man boycott of it, on the basis it looks terrible.

I will err.. see.. err it later, about some months after..

tell me more about this imbecile, Good riddance, though he's not worse than that django guy

It's called voting with your wallet. Why would I financially support some lib lob nig nog?

I never payed attention to the trailers.
I honestly assumed he would be in it with his kid.
I might actually watch it now.
Seriously figured his son would be the new pilot and he'd be some general or a some shunt.

What the fuck went wrong, Sup Forums?

You haven't boycotted Hollywood yet?

Scientology's a hell of a drug. Just as Tom Cruise how much it did for his career.

Can't wait until the day that the Smiths are both pariahs in the industry. Jada fucked herself out of all mention in the trailers for her latest film due to being a royal negress cunt who refused to be around her white co-stars unless shooting, so therefore, she's already sealing the deal of being on the way out.

I watch every movie on Kodi, I'm sick of getting I'm confrontations in the movie theater with people that pull their phones out, movie at home is better

Don't you fucking talk bad about Will Smith you fucking faggot nigger

Late night sneaky uncle? Jada with a strap on?

Aka that shitty scientology movie he did with his kid

I'm watching it because I got free tickets.

Because conservative movies are awful.

I heard he refused to do it for any less than $50m

Deadshot is a Mestizo. He's HALF white and Half Latino.


I'm not watching it because DC cannot into movies. at all

their animated stuff is good, but Holy shit their movies.

I just finally watched Bozeman vs not jesus and holy christ it was cold fucking dog shit bad.

well, if you feel like watching the movie and boycotting it at the same time, you always can pirate it

kill yourself jayden, no one will accept you ad a tranny especially your father

Their animated stuffis 10/10 imo

Fucking kek, I love that they get so overdramatic that they have the athiest professor get hit by a bus and die at the end.
>fuck you, you guys better take god seriously

Will Smith is based as fuck op.
Remember Men in black? How they killed aliens and people taking over by aliens.

Nothing wrong with atheist fucks getting rekt


Why, because he's gay?

I'm glad his son is a tranny. He must be so mad about it.

you have to go back 2 decades to defend gay nigger scientology John Travolta smith?

Only reason MIB was good is because of the interaction between smiths characters and Jones'.
Easily proved by watching the third one. Total garbage because it was mostly just smith.

Yeah I think so. Good luck finding a good movie with no Anti-Trump cast.

Acadamy Bear Fucked Leonardo DiCaprio is apparently raising money for Killary

Fuck off degerate contrarian Faggot, Will Smith is based

>united cuckdome

Bad parenting.

I don't think you know what the word Mestizo means...

Just boycott Hollywood, it's all too far gone at this point

Take me back to a better time family

Yay! More bad publicity. How much are you getting?

Fuck yeah.

Flashpoint Paradox was amazing.

Define it, Mr. Dictionary.


I wasn't planning on seeing it before either.

The ads in Times Square with his face are fucking YUUUUUGE.


>muh gun worship
wtf i love suicide squad now

Nothing wrong with anything.


Mestizo means half indian half white


latino doesn't automatically mean mestizo

Stop going to bullshit theaters.

I'm assuming that's the only reason most people would want to go see it.

This. Native South Americans were Indians.

Is he going to bitch and moan that he didn't get an Oscars for Suicide Squad because he's black?


>Being this racist and insecure

But you have no problem paying for kike producers and feminist garbage?

>We boycotting suicide squad now?
It doesn't matter. It looks like edgy shit. Just another shitty super hero movie. Don't waste your money.

Reminder that nigger will be fucking pic related in a movie for the second time

>being this sexist and insecure

But you have no problem seeing cishet trash?

yeah, here's what he looks like before they put him in the makeup chair and make him appeal to the "urban" demographic.

I was boycotting this movie ever since Leto's 'lol look how quirky I am by sending used condoms to crew members'-esque antics. Cancerous.
