Why don't asian women date niggers as much as other women do? The gap between white women...

Why don't asian women date niggers as much as other women do? The gap between white women, spics and negresses aren't that big (in terms of interbreeding with dark skinners) but than there's like a mile gap from them on to asian women?

Is it politically incorrect to say Asian women are the most racist women of all?

They're smart enough to notake pay the coal burning toll.

talk to any Asian woman for long enough, it becomes clear that they are absolutely obsessed with having *whiter* skin.

>ABCs excluded of course - they're just dumbass SJWs like everyone else in this fucking country.

Don't know why phone corrected not to notake

It's still a mystery to us that your women find niggers attractive.

>Be Hispanic
>Date pinoy
>She drops me for a white guy after a year
At least I got to stick my dick in it before she ran off. I'm jealous of you white guys, all the little brown fuck machines flock to you.

God bless Singapore - most based nation on Earth.

Can't wait to visit you guys!

its not so much that they find niggers attractive, its a combination of

>getting a chance to make daddy mad
>hanging out in nigger circles means never getting shamed for not having a job
>doing my diploma in hairdressing makes me the smartest and the most motivated in my new circle of peeps
>endless attention and validation from black guys who want to fuck me

Lower class women grow up being brainwashed by (((Hollywood))), the (((media))), and the public education system which teach that blacks are masculine sex gods who would all be neuroscientists if it weren't for whitey's racism.

They have strong families and are respectful of their parents' traditional values. Traditionally, asians are racist as fuck.

Nobody wants their daughter to date a black person. But other races, especially whites, are so butthurt about anyone even sniffing a hint of racism from them that they would never say anything about it, and white and latino girls don't give a shit what their parents think anyway. Asians DGAF and will disown their daughters for being with a black person and their daughters know it.

They are intelligent.

Asian girl here. Not only would your parents disown you if you even kissed a black man, but you'd be essentially disowned from the Asian community globally. Oddly enough, this makes dating white guys difficult because they are shocked and stunned that you are racist.

>tfw you realize that whites are to Asians what blacks are to whites
How's it feel white boi?

sorry about that, Sup Forumsro. Plenty of sexy mamacitas out there too, though - At least you've got that!

> in b4 I'm gassed by Sup Forums ;)

can i see pic of tight asian pol pussy or at least nipple even if its flat chested?

Don't really care.

You actually believe this?

White are the holy grail to every latino, black, and asians girl's parents. Hell, I know a latino girl at work that straight up told me she'd fuck me because her parents would be happier if she was with a white guy than with the latino dude she had been dating for a couple years.

>Asians are traditional and racist as fuck
>Asian parents love it when their daughters date outside their race
Cognitive dissonance much?

They don't Ching Chong Lee

Also gook women are the most likely to marry outside their race really makes you think how ugly and unattractive asian "men" are

Sounds like you're racist.

Your unsubstantiated ad hominem totally blew me the fuck out.

>Not an argument.

Higher order intelligence

those are the kind of cuck white people you'd be embarrassed to marry anyway, so you're probably better off continuing your search.


They dont know about that black dick familiaria, asians girls be gagging on my cock on the resort oh mannn.

>date pinoy

well, there's your first problem, faggot.

Hispanic women, middle eastern women, Indian women and white women don't date blacks as much as they date whites though. Whites atleast the men are seen as the best balance between the races, intelligent, masculine, and good looking.

I almost never see Mexican chicks date niggers, too

Why is it almost elusively a white girl thing?

How much of a cuck are you to date Stacey in 2016?

very true.


>Why don't asian women date niggers as much as other women do


Mexican shitskin

Literally proving genetic upgrading through breeding.

Blacks know that anything is an upgrade from where they start. Just about every black man i see with a black woman looks miserable, any black man i see with a white woman looks happier. Its genetics and aesthetics. 2 of the most basic human things.

hahaa coconuts want to fuck you. really? what a compliment!


nvm I thought you were a mexican shitskin cuckposting

>tfw no cute racist asian gf to bring home to meet my racist family and have a wonderful dinner as we make fun of dumb niggers and spics

Because most spics see it was going down the social ladder than climbing.

>yfw you fail at trolling Sup Forums

>tfw every asian girl I date hates her skin
>tfw I can't date women who hate themselves that deeply
>tfw I can never fuck another gook
feels bad senpai

more for me. ;)

muslim poland gets it

racist bonding is best bonding. worth it.

they don't like beastiality

get in line

Jamal please, we're trying to have a civil discussion

Ahahaha don't be too disappointed when you end up experiencing crybaby central