"30 years ago, they began creating animal-human hybrids. Isn't that the big story Megyn Kelly should be doing?"

"30 years ago, they began creating animal-human hybrids. Isn't that the big story Megyn Kelly should be doing?"

Alex Jones is a fucking genius


Other urls found in this thread:


She's gonna get in trouble for this if she hasn't already.

>performance artist

I posted a thread a few hours ago, legitimately asking who would direct and star in a film about Trump. I'm pruned in minutes.

This bullshit Alex Jones bait stays up, is currently on page 2.

/our guy/

blacks have been in the US for way more than 30 years.

>/our performance artist/

>paranoid conspiracy theorists don't go outside
WEW, does he think that?

>there are people who unironically think like this clown
It's embarrassing, really.


Trouble with you? DA JOOOSS??? DA ILLUMINATEEE?

They're pig men, Jerry!

They've put human hearts in pigs, that's what he's referring to.

I hope she rips him apart. I don't always like Kelly but she is pretty objective when it comes to interviews, for the most part. Despite how shitty her views on women and minorities are.

Why can't she be a good journalist all the time?

No he's not. He's oddly specific about "animal/human hybrids". How, in your autistic head, does that mean transplants?

No, trouble from sponsors who feel like this is too polarising for viewers and will pull advertising. What's wrong with you?

It's really not a surprise why his kids got taken away.

well maybe you should stop "legitimately" starting that same thread about trump 10 times a day.

sucks they didn't ban you though, at least then we'd have one fewer Sup Forumstard for 3 days.

I was just expecting the worst. I mean, pic related.

did he get his accreditation for the white house press confs or was that bullshit?

why does she look so much hotter on fox

does FOX news have magic cameras?

Compare how differently they're lit in the interview. Confirmed hit piece deep state operation mockingbird psyop

Chimeras are out there

1. I don't spam that thread, it was the first time I have made it. Part of it was to bait Trumpfags though, I attached Trump's Comey tweet.
2. I'm not even a Sup Forumsfag.
3.I didn't break any board rules.

Some sponsors have already dropped her show. Expect the interview to never see the light of day and Alex to bitch about the conspiracy to keep him down.

He probably is. He always twists his words to make it seem like a side effect was an intention or something, like when he claimed the US govt was making frogs gay

They're getting weekly passes because someone keeps blocking their permanent pass applications.
Who cares though, why is there even a press briefing?

>the pretending to be retarded excuse
No, he's been on record saying extremely autistic shit, you can spin it however you want, it doesn't change the fact that every quote can be pulled from his own channel.
>like when he claimed the US govt was making frogs gay
Literally what he was claiming, stop acting as his apologist. The man is nuts. He said that the US government was experimenting on frog sexuality and the same chemicals used in that procedure, were (for some reason) used deliberately in filtration of water systems. Which is wrong...on multiple levels...

Flint, Michigan was a deployment.

Right, I'm sure you have all sorts of proof.

kek what a nutjob no wonder he's a trump supporter

my god america, what happened to you

Honestly? The internet was the single greatest and single worst thing to happen to free information in our country's history.

It's been public record since 2007 (so 10 years), I seriously wouldn't doubt that it was done behind the scene for some time before that considering how fast the first research appeared. Don't know where Alex gets the 30 years from though.
>b-but le nutjob

Alex Jones was always ignored by the MSM when he was on conspiracies like 9/11 and other false flags. But since he supported Trump and the ionist narrative, all of a sudden he's invited inprime time with Megyn Kelly? What's the deal here?
Notice how the cuck mentions Saudi Arabia instead of Israel. If the saudi did this to frame Iras, why weren't there any iraqi terrorist on that plane, they were almost all saudis . But then again, we only know these guys because their passports miraculously survived the impact and fire. Besides Iraq was framed with the fake WMD and anthrax thing, nothing to do with 9/11

Is Alex Jones autistic?

Remember when Alex Jones called the syrian gas attacks false flags and Trump is too smart to fall for them and then the next day after Trump fell for it, he praised it as a stroke of genius.

The gas attacks weren't false flags you fucking retard. People died.

This fucking shill is so fucking detectable.


You are amazingly retarded and dimwitted


What a fucking moron.

That man and Donald Trump are the ideological core of the Right, who currently hold power, in this country. God help us, they want to play make believe about aliens and conspiracies while many of us struggle to pay bills and keep our health care. It's a fucking joke.

>Clinic scientists in Minnesota have already created pigs that have human blood
Not even a "hybrid" in the fucking slightest.
>b-but le nutjob
He is.

>I attached ... tweet

>I don't know what a shill is
>if you go against my groupthink, you are a "shill" so I can dismiss you and stay in my safe space
Tell me, who am I shilling for faggot?

Aliens are a statistical certainty though user. The universe is infinite, therefore there are infinite stars and infinite planets around them and thus infinite habitable planets with life.

Alien existence isn't disputed, it's how far away they likely are and if it's worth investing in.


>they want to play make believe about aliens and conspiracies while many of us struggle to pay bills and keep our health care. It's a fucking joke.

What're you going to do about it? Blow up a govt. building?



>All it takes is a stout little meme man to scream at me that none of the victims were real, for me to accept that it's all some sort of secret false flag attempt.
This is how gullible some of you are.

Sponsors are already pulling ads from her show
Chemicals in the water affecting marine life has been known for at least 20 years now.

>Aliens are a statistical certainty though user.
You know what's another statistical certainty? Us not meeting any.

He's not wrong, stalin legitimately did try to genetically engineer a half-man half-ape

>implying I like or support Alex Jones
I was just making fun of Trumps reasoning (think of the children) for bombing Syria, t'is all. I don't like Jones, nor have I ever watched him

>Not even a "hybrid" in the fucking slightest
Except it is you retard

>there are leftists crying that Megen Kylly is giving a """platform""" to him

he absolutely is. easily the most important person in the media today, bar none. What a fucking legend.
pro tip: your thread sounds fucking horrible whereas this one is actually about the nature of news media in 2017, whether its truth, entertainment, and where those lines cross. go fuck yourself you stupid rabbit shitposter

I don't think they are gonna run it. Shame because AJ is pure teleprompter free real enchilada kino.

So, a few things:
1. This is an incredibly unscientific and uncredible source.
2. Not once are they even talking about actual animal/human hybrids. First have talks about transplants of animal organs, which is not what "hybrid means". Second one talks about generating human organs in animals themselves, like blood in pigs.
3. You have no idea what "hybrid" means.
This entire article is about growing organs in animals to use for human transplants.

Christ, you kids are the most retarded around. None of this says what Alex is saying.

Because you have been so effectively brainwashed you think even the slightest mention of anything that doesn't fit the narrative is not only wrong, but laughable and should be immediately dismissed. Congratulations

Uh huh. So, in the words of Fermi, "Where are they?"

It's very likely that ET life exists somewhere in the reaches of the Universe. Alex Jones rants about how they've infiltrated our govt. Big difference in understanding about the possibility of ET life versus, zomgz! they've infiltrated everything!

Let things play out. Trump will sink himself soon enough and hopefully a majority of the country will wake up to the fact that these idiots have no interest in improving the lives of working class chumps like me

>unironically defending Alex Jones

Yes, why can't I be #woke like you and just believe in conspiracies without evidence? I'm truly brainwashed. Why can't I just accept that the lizard people exist, or that Sandy Hook was a staged event?

You're probably right, user.

>your thread about movies was horrible
>this one about Sup Forums bait is great

>there are more right wingers who actually support and believe him
What's more pathetic?

>After a couple of weeks of pre-interview, long-distance flirting, Megyn Kelly spent Tuesday in Austin interviewing Alex Jones for her new NBC Sunday night show, and, Jones said on yesterday’s Infowars, “I got to tell you, having Megyn Kelly yesterday here until like 10:45 at night was a soul-sucking experience.”

>Tuesday offered such promise. There, in person Tuesday in his South Austin studio, Jones was telling Kelly how she was even prettier in person than on television.

>But yesterday, Kelly gone, he reported that, alas, Kelly was “not feminine.”

>She was “cold, robotic, dead. I felt zero attraction to Megyn Kelly. That’s not an insult to Megyn Kelly. I talked to a lot of other folks that know her, they said, `No, it’s the same.’ Because you’re dealing with a sociopath? A psychopath? I don’t know.”


>Because you have been so effectively brainwashed
But why though? What exactly do you think I believe?

He is wrong. Stalin wasn't in power 30 years ago.

>i take everything so serious including my news because I'm just this autistic

I never said anything about that. You dismiss everything right from the start and use these stupid examples to discredit any arguments that question the narrative

Alex Jones is a retard, obviously we haven't interacted with aliens on any level. The reason why we haven't seen any is due to the large mass of the universe and that physics dictates we can't move faster then the speed of light, which cripples interstellar travel.
I just found it hard to believe that that user might've not acknowledged aliens as a statistical reality, knowing what we know about the universe.

Bad strawman

We are in an Alex Jones thread...what sort of shit do you think I'm dismissing here? Stop painting me with this autistic broad stroke brush and actually communicate what you think I am dismissing.

People aren't your memes, stop acting like a fucking cultist.

you don't know what false flags are dumbass

Everything they tell you. Why would they lie to you?

I remember when his Bohemian Grove tape came out. He's a conspiracy nut that has found himself in the role of a political commentator of geopolitical importance and there's something about it that I love.

We do live under a manipulated fake pop-culture matrix, designed to enslave humanity through a consumerist scheme: a global corporate dystopia. That's the fucking truth and he's doing his best to redpill the masses about it.

I find him as flawed as endearing. You can't help but feel that, deep down that layer of fat, that big enchilada, there's a good man fighting for the human race. Yes, sometimes he fights like a moron, and yet sometimes he's fucking brilliant, and still they fear him for his power to make people wake up.

Go, Alex, go.

>easily the most important person in the media today

It's not though.

>being mad about Alex Jones
how does it feel to have main stream media dictate your emotional response to entertainment?

It is

>you don't know what false flags are
I have no clue where you got that I didn't know what a false flag was. Do you?

No because it didn't happen.

Most people here just accept what they read and swallow it. If they read X=BAD then that's it and let's go along with it. Do you realize you're a fucking tool?

>how does it feel to have main stream media dictate your emotional response to entertainment?
You need to relax, buddy. All that user said was that "unironically defending Alex Jones" probably because it's cringe. He's entertainment now? I thought he was news?

Stop being so buttblasted that people make fun of your meme performance artists. Nobody is preventing him from spouting his bullshit but that doesn't mean he is entitled to have us listen or care.

I don't sit down with a flat-earther to get their opinions on science...


>people taking this stuff seriously are allowed to vote

>making up statements and conclusions
My comment was expressing puzzlement.

Pretty sure China was confirmed to have spliced human/animal DNA at the embryonic level.

If you seriously watch Alex Jones for news, you are a tool.

care to narrow that down, son?

the more likely scenario is that he's just a nut job who believes in gay frogs and lizard people and demons, and interdimensional pedo vampires running the globalist government

I love how much of a madman he is. It's too bad libcucks and autistic conservatives can't appreciate his craft and entertainment

That faggot literally implied that I wasn't being "woke" enough.

>muh source credibility
But they are hybrids from the early embryo up (this is the part where you try to meme about definitions against nature). And research on them has gone for some time now.

He's entertainment now because he described himself as a performance artist or something. Truth is, Sup Forumstards unironically saw him as a legitimate source of news, but now they're backpeddling.

Everything the mainstream media tells you it's the truth. Anybody that even dares to question it is a lunatic

verified by who?
it took the UN over a year to investigate the original gas attack and their findings werent in favour of the Assad is evil narritive so they were buried

Starship Troopers was right about military service being a requirement for voting and running for office. Then these Jones-cucks couldn't affect policy.