Students Sing For Soldier Escorting WW2 Veteran's Remains
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Nice link.
Source on point
That's beautiful.
>tfw all WWII veterans will be dead soon
1. Libs don't care. Nobody does.
2. Just another in the long lists of wars fought for Israel. Nothing special. Glad he's dead. Race traiting cuck.
Hitler did not thing wrong.
i get what you mean but the veteran didn't know what you do.
am i a subversive faggot for not buying the whole "suck all veterans cocks" meme? most of the people doing seem to be virtue signaling anyway
Do tell Hans, how many magnificent things have you done to fight Israel?
Fucking ZERO.
Get Fucked, Sauerkraut Nigger
WW2 and Nam were different beasts. Many didn't sign up for it, but were drafted.
Modern Military? Welfare queens.
I mean, 6 million jews is a good start.
>believing the 6 gorillion
I got drunk once and beat a jew up.
Nice this actually made my evening.
A soldier gets back home to his land for his final rest!
Here we have Finnish ww2-veterans honoring their fallen.
Typical kraut.
Finding his balls in alcohol.
Just like your wermacht using crystal meth
People who disrespect WW2 veterans are scum
They forget the military was nothing like it is now, most men were drafted into service
Modern soldiers in by choice are welfare queens
I want to believe Ameribro.
They used amphetamines
Not methamphetamines
typical soldiers finding balls in guns, typical cowards finding balls in fighter planes. typicall wussies using drones. THUS IS WAR YOU FAG
Nazi cold cook.
My mistake, britbro
>singing the worst part of the song
This makes me want to trample out the vintage
Damn there are probably only a few left. My Grandfather passed 2 years ago, served in the Pacific and Iwo Jima.
says the sorry little boy who sits behind his computer screen while achmed and mohammed pigs fuckers are out molesting and raping his mothers and sisters. the male german who was once proud and strong is now the bitch boy of islam. you're a disgrace to the human population. go jump in an oven little muschi.
LITERAL same faggot
holy shit what a fucking loser
They were singing the battle hymn of the republic..
You mean the generation directly responsible for boomers being untraditional pieces of shit?
Thread is about the heroism during the war, not about the aftermath.
But I catch your drift