You're walking down the street when you see these guys coming straight towards you

You're walking down the street when you see these guys coming straight towards you

What do you do, Sup Forums?

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I see them everytime, we call them "the balls", because they're always two and go everywhere together.

Cool people tho.

Once they went to my church. They just sat in the back and left without talking to anyone.

Ask them to do the dishes. They'll clean them for you, not even joking.

story time

Excuse me, do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior, Donald Trump?

Nod my head say hi and keep going about my day. Mormons are ok, though I don't know jack about their religion.

Say hi. If they want to talk I let them know I'm Lutheran and wish them a good day.

I don't see them on the streets ever but they come to my house sometimes. I'll give them 5 minutes of my time and take their literature. They seem like good people I'm a little jealous tbqh

When I was 16 I saw some Mormons in my town and me and my buddy rolled down our windows and yelled "God hates you!"

They smiled and waved.

I felt like shit.

this, tell them you are doing some chore and they will always help

then kick them out once the chore is finished

That isn't the christian thing to do.

Theyre not christian

Some came to my house before. I got them water and we talked for a bit. Not even about god just their school stuff and local sports team. I told them I've found god and I'm not looking to convert, but if they ever need to take a break and have some water or gatorade or something at my house they're more than welcome to stop by. They were real cool guys

but I am

>Take them in.
>Feed them.
>Offer them comfort.
>Listen to their message.
>Ask questions.
>Invite them back again.
>Next week.
>Invite them back into your home.
>Commit to receive all discussions.
>Decide that you and your family are in it for eternity and decide to get baptised.
>Become regular attending members of your local ward.
>Completely believe that Joseph Smith kicked it with God, Jesus Christ, and Captain Moroni.
>Be active in the church for 35+ years.
>Be sitting in sacrament meeting as an old man with your wife and now adult children.
>As the sacrament comes by, you look down at the torn up bread and small cups of water, representative of the body of Christ.
>A feeling creeps up.
>All time seems to slow down.
>Sounds become muffled and vision begins to go blurry.
>Be dizzy as fuck.
>Be having a stroke, you realize before the entire world around you becomes a complete mind funk. You taste colors, see the Golden Girls in a dungeon orgy, and you cannot seem to get your fingers to penguin the snuff laundryyyuuyuyuuuuhfhdiej.....
>Be dead.
>Meet God.
>"user, how did you choose to worship me while on earth?"
>Proudly proclaim: "I am a Latter Day Saint, you are my lord and savior. I humbly kneel at your feet."
>Drop to knees before God.
>God swiftly kicks me in the chin and I am sent straight to hell, only to writhe in pain, guilt, aggony, saddness, and severe depression for the rest of eternity.

mfw people invite Mormon missionaries into their home.

Ignore them. I'm not interested in joining their sect, though if they stop me, I'll explain that and bid them a good day. No need to be a cunt unnecessarily.

Somehow managed to get Mormon'd in Manchester. I asked them if God could cure my dry elbows

Discuss their terrible theology

That's not supposed to matter to a Christian. You are supposed to treat them decently. Missionaries will mow your lawn and take out the trash if you ask them, but if you ask them to do that you shouldn't be shitty to them.

Say hello, make some polite conversation if they engage me. If they behave respectably I'll make time for them, even if I do think Mormons are pretty weird.

Wave and applaud them for doing their missionary work in AZ

What mad lad

They will give you the nastyest stare and walk away

Talk about end times. They tend to have a good understanding of what will happen.

I usually just tell them I don't believe in god

Your not supposed to let people preaching a false gospel in your home

Call them secularists.
>muh America is zion
Fucking whackos.

Even though Smith was a charlatan out to get teen pussy I would still be nice to them and tell them I am not interested.

Wannabe Jehovahs?

But we are

I explain that I'm a Puritan and that they are going to hell for using them demonic computers!

Got them to fix my oven before, then kicked them out without letting them wash their greasy carbon covered hands.

Boring story, really. I used to volunteer across the country, with Katimavik, and these guys would come see us everyday, in Edmunston N-B. When I was the ''house manager'' for the week, I'd let them in and have them do all the chores for me...then go play frisbee or some shit. They were Americans, too...shit was weird.

Do a 360 and walk away

Smile and wave, then go on about my business. If they stop to talk to me, politely tell them I'm not interested but wish them luck and God bless.

t. atheist

In my small Michigan town we get them every weekend.
I asked them one day and they said they were morman asked if I wanted to hear their word which I turned down politely and they accepted that.
Now I shout 'howdy mormans' every time I see them and they smile a wave, good people, different religion.

Smile and, in a polite but friendly manner, tell them I'm not interested and go about my business.

It's really easy so long as you're not a fucking autist, user.

I explain to them in detail how God has abandoned us and that we are on our own until we all go to hell.

Kindly say hello as I pass by, knowing that they won't mug me.

I don't want anything to do with their religion, but they cause zero problems for anyone.

They're literally the nicest people ever. Smile, and take a pamphlet if they offer.

When's the last time a fucking mormon blew himself up?

Give them a wave and tell them to have a good day.

Pull out my pistol and tell them to drop their wallets, watches, and book of mormons.

Hide my wives

You're not supposed to tell people what they should be doing with their lives.

Did you literally forgetting everything Jesus taught us?

I'm sure you could get by just asking them politely.

as you fucking should

mormons may be a little preachy, but hardly, and even then they are like the nicest fucking people in the world. I don't know why people shit on them so much.

Tell them:
We are just a cluster of atoms that will eventually fade away into the nothingness; that in quadrillions of years all of what we are comprised of will be scattered into its lowest energy state across the cosmos where what remains of all of us and everything will malinger on for eternity as basically nothinginess. So tell me where is there's room for a god

I shouted 'IM JEWISH' like a fucking sperg last time they approached me.

That's embarrassing.

I say no thank you.
Our local pair are pretty nice kids. They always pet my outside cat for a while before taking off.

why would u do that

have you ever actually met one IRL? They're too nice, man. you won't be able to try to troll them.

>Nicest people on earth besides sikhs
>Book of mormon essentially a meme book that was so epic it gained a following (The original Kek?)
>Typically financially well off, as if they've discovered some method of acceding above jew tricks
>Religion allows for harems of subservient bitches that can even include lolis if you so choose

I think the real question is, why isn't everyone on Sup Forums a mormon...

We have a couple that were on mission here last year. I invited them in my home and gave them both a bottle of water, and I told them that I had read the book of mormon, but I was not a mormon, but a Lutheran. We talked about their church and where they were from. I was nice, they were nice, and I told them to have a nice day.

Several months later, I saw them again at the airport, they were flying home and I was flying somewhere for work. They fucking remembered me. Out of the hundreds of people they met, they remembered some guy who invited them in his home, and was cool with them, even though they didnt convert me.

Truely good people, both of those young men. They will go on to have good, prosperous lives.

>Jehovas witness ring at my door
>can we talk about our message with you?
>I know the woman doing that, she is a nice person and a good mother, sure why not listen to her
>tells me a bit about Jehovas message
>offers me a brochure
>Did you know that Jehovas message was translated into 355 languages?
>My face turns into one stupid fucking grin
>have to supress my giggles
>was so close to saying "Mein Kampf was translated into 290 languages."

Man, if they ever ring again and tell me that I'm gonna drop that bomb.

Not interested leave me alone AHHHH SATAN IS OUR SAVIOR HISS HISSSSS



>live in blackpool
>speak to the Mormons on the bus who seem like very nice chaps from Salt Lake City I believe
>I ask them where they are heading next and say the rough as fuck Central drive where all of the druggies and scum of the earth live. I noticed they were wearing nice watches and had iphones. I told them that the area is rough and they shouldn't head down there
>They say they have to go?
>I wish them good luck

I wonder if they got mugged

If you want to know how shitty that area is I'll give you a news story about a baby dying because her parents gave her methadone in a sippy cup a few streets over from Central Drive

Just say 'Ave Maria' and show them my cross and rosary I always have with me.
Then call them heretics.

I hate when people spread all over the fucking walkway like they own the place.
Two people don't need the entire 5 meters of it can you please move the fuck aside without me having to push you ?

Mormons are weirdos but they are totally unflappable and very chill. Not bad people at all.

I've had mormons at my door once. they wanted to convert me, but I made it quite clear that I wasn't into any of the religions. afterwards I asked them a few questions about where they came from, where they'd go and then they left